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Everything posted by clutch

  1. Occasionally the update site gets pummeled with activity and it becomes hard to get a decent connection to one of their servers. As for ASP, I have no idea what that would have to do with the issue since I use ASP (moving to ASP.NET) and have seen many ASP applications work perfectly fine.
  2. clutch

    SCSI hot swapable?

    Well, you have to remember that SCSI cables do rely on termination, so that alone could cause major issues. Also, unplugging any device not explicitly designed for hot-swap use can fry the unit and its controller.
  3. clutch

    Let's talk about FAT64?

    It would probably be a new version of NTFS, and more than likely have lineage from "Yukon" (next-gen SQL release) in how it tracks data on the harddrive. MS is looking to run the next releases of SQL Server and Exchange Server on the Yukon core, and it wouldn't take much to extend it to disk handling.
  4. clutch

    SCSI hot swapable?

    Why not just use a USB unit? Those should support the functionality that you are looking for, but you would get a performance penalty.
  5. clutch

    NIC card suggestions

    Intel Pro/100 Management Adapters, and now the ones with IPSEC handled in hardware (designated with an "S").
  6. clutch

    MS IIS: FTP Server

    IIS responds to NT accounts only, so you need to create an account on that server (in your workgroup or domain) for people to use in order for them to get in.
  7. clutch

    password protect screensaver

    Where you select your screensaver, you should see a checkbox below it that reads "On resume, password protect". This is what you are looking for.
  8. clutch

    Office XP SP1

    If you were to copy the CD to a directory, then run the instructions under "Install the Public Administrator Update" on this link: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q301348 You would have an updated installation that you can burn. As for me, I use this method to update SMS installation points, and (more recently) AD GPO installation points.
  9. clutch

    Lost Admin Password?

    I moved this post from Win2K>Applications to here.
  10. clutch

    Do you think Broadband is where is should be?

    In the US, it's a bit different because of all the inter and intra state regulations that telcos have to cut through in order to provide service, hence the delay in rollout of DSL. Cable, on the other hand, doesn't have as many road blocks and usually gets rolled out faster. I have used Road Runner for almost a year and a half, and have had maybe 3 outages (there was a 10 month gap between the last 2) which were mostly due to "growing pains" of the network. I am rated at 1.5M/384K, but I tend to run closer to 1.9M/384K. And, since I have basic cable, I get this for $40/month.
  11. clutch

    What keyboard do you use?

    MS Natural KB Pro.
  12. clutch

    Help Networking Problems.

    The firewall will can internal NetBIOS traffic, so you might want to try adjusting or even temporarily dropping your firewall to see if the machines will talk to each other.
  13. clutch

    Is your kid a hacker?

    Lactic.Acid sent me this link, and I felt the need to share this with everyone who hasn't seen it yet. You might have hidden hackers in your presence (or be one yourself and not know it). http://www.adequacy.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2001/12/2/42056/2147
  14. clutch

    Command line backup in NT Server 4 . . .

    You could just create another job, and then check the schedular to see what the command line looks like. That way you can add the compress switch manually to your existing job.
  15. clutch


    I used this one for my TCP/IP exam to finish my MCSE, and it worked out quite well: http://www.certnotes.com/microsoft/tcpip/Eazysubnetting.htm Let me know how it goes. Also, you might want to research "Cider Notation" as that is what you will typically see when issued IPs from a provider.
  16. clutch

    DVD decoder

    For me, it just comes with the territory. I mean, they didn't state that you need CD-R/RW drive to use the built-in burning software, yet some people (and yes, I have seen them do this) complain that not mentioning a need for this device constitutes false advertising. So, yes, the media player *can* play the DVD, assuming you have the proper hardware and software.
  17. clutch


    LOL Gotta love DNF and the BitBoys!
  18. clutch

    DVD decoder

    Well, it *is* perfectly capable of playing DVD content; you just need a plugin for it. It's like all those HDTV "ready" TVs that you may see in ads. They are capable as well, but you still need the additional equipment. I imagine one reason why MS didn't include it was so they didn't have to pay additional licensing costs for the technology and pass it on to the consumer directly. Not to mention that *most* users who own DVD-ROMs already have software that will work anyway.
  19. clutch

    Athlon XP or Pentium4

    Yeah, pretty much a big let down. I would like to see another cheap duallie rig come out again that's stable (like the days of dual Celerons). The Athlons can carry it off, but they need a stable (not just working) platform first.
  20. clutch

    Athlon XP or Pentium4

    I was just reading up on the new dual CPU motherboards coming out for the AMD chips (MPX-based). I thought "well this is cool, full AMD-only chipset so it can't be that bad..", and then I found out that USB is broken. LOL! Nicely done. Now the vendors are shipping PCI USB controllers which now take up one of your "normal" PCI slots, leaving you to hope your stuff works in the 66MHz slots. I read about this on [H]ardOCP and 2CPU. Again, congrats...
  21. clutch

    mail server recommendations?

    Exchange server is quite stable. I haven't had any problems, and using NTBACKUP (Win2K's built-in backup software) is MUCH better than many of the backup agents on the market, plus it supports online restoration of the databases and directory services as opposed to shutting it all down and doing a flat file restore. If you are looking at Exchange 2K, you will need Active Directory installed first, as Exchange 2K doesn't have its own directory service (which Exchange 5.5 did). As for the coffee, you gotta get a mail server first, bud...
  22. clutch

    mail server recommendations?

    Also, here's a link with some free email server software applications: http://www.webattack.com/Freeware/server/fwmailserver.shtml
  23. clutch

    mail server recommendations?

    What are you looking to do with it? I have used Exchange 5.5 (without Active Directory) and Exchange 2000 (with Active Directory) and liked both of them. Are you looking for calendar sharing and collaboration, or simple POP access?
  24. clutch

    ASP + MSAccess + IIS 5.1 was working and suddenly stopped! W

    Ummm, getting (any version of) SQL is similar to getting any application: it *can* do stuff, but you still have to tell it what to do. Most SQL-centric RDBMS run on the concept of an "engine", whereby the server handles incoming requests directly and then gives back the information. Access, on the other hand, is client based and relies on the requesting computer to open the file, ask for the information, and then close out its connection. Each client is also responsible for error checking/transaction handling (and a frequent cause of errors, hence the built-in user count restrictions depending on what you are doing). This type of database is fine for small workgroups and such, and they are typically royalty free when distributed by developers. Now, if you want something that scales well and is *designed* for multiple concurrent connections, then step up to MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Progress, etc. I use MS SQL, and I am somewhat familiar with Progress since it is what we use for our ERP system. For simplicity, I would try to get one of the MS versions since it sounds like you have access to a MSDN subscription. I use the Enterprise version on the development boxes myself, but any of them should work fine. As for the Access error, I can't see why it would suddenly need a workgroup file, nor would I use one. But then again, I try to stay away from Access once I am beyond the initial layout phase of a project.
  25. clutch

    Windows XP Constructive Criticism

    Quote: Did any of you tried and tested the built-in firewalling? I use Norton Personal FW 2002, but you know how it is: if the feature is already built-in, I hate to use something extra. How does the built-in FW compare to other products (port stealthing & scanning, ping sweeps or SYN floods/attacks). I use outboard firewalls myself, since my systems tend to be networked and I can just run everything through a server (ISA Server in my case) or a simple router using NAT.