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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Adding 2nd Processor to a Dual Processor Motherboard

    Here's a couple: Using UPTOMP from the NT Server Resource kit, but it misses a file: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q142660 How to add support manually: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q156358
  2. clutch

    WELL, I will be leaving your forums...

    Honestly, I am not concerned with why you went there and why you left. I have been presented with another side of the story, but that stays over there. So, please don't mention anything about their site, and I imagine they won't say anything more about you, OK?
  3. clutch

    Windows.NET Server beta 3

    It should pick up most major vendors equipment, so that shouldn't be an issue. I think it also carries the drivers from Win2K Server and most of XP's drivers, but I haven't gotten around to installing any of my copies yet. As for information on it, check out the beta/MSDN newsgroups (as usual for beta support) and http://www.gotdotnet.com/.
  4. Not a lot of people sitting around dreaming of being infamous for writing a worm/virus to infect a lesser populating OS eh? Who would have thought?
  5. clutch

    Shareware Trial Period

    While I can appreciate a desire to learn about such a time keeping and enforcing function, the primary use for this knowledge is to circumvent any time-limiting protection scheme. Sorry, but I will have to lock this thread and ask that you don't continue on this particular subject. Thank you.
  6. Well, only a couple of reasons that I can think of. 1. DIVX (not DivX;)) made a bad name for itself trying to be a cash cow for the big production studios with the "buy the disc and rent it over-and-over again" concept that was founded by the CEO of Circuit City. So, they might find that to be bad marketing for the time being. 2. I was under the impression that the "standard" for DivX is still a bit flexible, so building a unit cheaply that would either read more than one standard/sub-standard or have upgradeable firmware options would not be feasible at this time. With WMA, MS can dictate the lifecycle and guarantee "X" amount of lifespan for the codec. Any other opinions?
  7. clutch

    QoS Still Lags Me!

    LA is correct, not to mention I doubt that you have an internet connection that runs as fast as your LAN connect anyway. How about posting your system specs and what type of connection you have. Also, post a recent traceroute between you and the CS server you are dying to play on.
  8. clutch

    How do you setup a pop3 using your domain?

    Try www.isaserver.org for config info.
  9. You need to have port 3389 forwarded to your TS Server, and when connecting from the outside simply use the external IP of the router (or DNS name if you have a domain name setup) in the "server name" portion of the client and you will be set.
  10. clutch

    Hosting web server on Windows 2000 Server

    Where are you seeing this version indication at, and, was that web a Front Page (ick) web or just a simple virtual directory? If it's a Front Page web you should be able to right click on it and use "check extensions" or "recalculate webs" (it's been a while since I have used those, gimme a break ).
  11. clutch

    WinXP Start UP

    A. I did read the original post, and this is what it read: Quote: When i try to start up my pc it loads up the winXP screen but then blue screens and says something along the lines of there being a memory dump in @c:\windows\system32\config\software@ any1 got an ideas? Ive tryed reformating but it does the same thing after a couple of days! Then, if you read your other post: Quote: no i ment livewire NOT the drivers! Livewire on the cd u cant install because u have to install the orignal drivers for 2k along with it which i think is causeing my pc to blue screen You indicate that you feel it's the "original drivers for 2k" from the CD that are causing the issue, hence my response as to my being able to successfully get the Audigy to work using the original CD on a few XP installs using the Audigy (as well as many others on this board). B. I do not know if using the drivers from the Windows Update site will enable all 4 speakers, maybe someone else would know for sure (DosFreak?). C. What are the specs of your hardware? What kind of motherboard do you have? CPU (and is it overclocked)? There could be other problems that are causing this, and that is what I am trying to indicate.
  12. clutch

    WinXP Start UP

    Are we talking about "Liveware"? That was the assumption I was making. Also, you can download the updated "Liveware" from the link I listed, and it includes the updated drivers. As for the blue screens when using the included Liveware CD, when I installed my Audigy in my WinXP box, I was able to use the CD without any issues. I would suspect that you might have another problem that is causing the blue screens.
  13. clutch

    Taskbar Icons Disappearing!!!

    Are you talking about the "Show Quick Launch" option in Task Bar properties?
  14. clutch

    WinXP Start UP

    www.soundblaster.com and on the left they usually scroll the "New Audigy drivers for XP are available for download" link.
  15. clutch

    Hosting web server on Windows 2000 Server

    Well, the current version of IISLockdown combines lockdown (which is ok) with URLScan (which is awesome). URLScan *used* to be loaded for each site independently, but now seems to load for all the sites at once (which is a drag if you want to tune each site's security). So in this respect, yes it will apply to all current and future sites. However, the lockdown portion is different in that it will not only alter the NTFS permissions of the system directories (good thing for all sites), it also *appears* (according to the setup log) to modify the permissions of the existing sites themselves. So, in this case, you wouldn't get the "full" lockdown on new sites since they haven't be modified through the installer. For your case though, since you did secure the system directories, you aren't hosting Outlook Web Access, and you have URLScan working for all your sites (be sure to check on your URLScan log occasionally for activity), you should be ok. HTH
  16. clutch

    Installation stops at 99%

    After doing a search here on the forums, I found this: http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=11287&highlight=installation+stop Did you try this (assuming you tried to search)?
  17. clutch

    Change Password on other computers..

    Unfortunately, I have been using NT/2K/XP boxes in a domain for so long that I can't remember the last time I used share permissions. I *thought* that if you were to simply change the password on the share, the next time a given client were to connect it would get prompted for a new set of credentials. Also, if you just try mapping the drive, I think the "Connect As" function will work again as well. As for system management, you can use the computer manager as initially described by kgeissler to manage systems of the same version or older (I am not sure about a Win2K box connecting to XP yet, I haven't tried that). I regularly create shares and manage services on NT/2K/XP systems from my XP box using that method.
  18. clutch

    For all you DSL/Cable guys

    Nice link. I have been using www.tzo.com for the last couple of years and found them to be quite reliable, but this one that you have listed is cheaper than them. Also, Lactic.Acid showed me www.everydns.net a little while ago, and they are actually free.
  19. clutch

    Windows 2000 and NT 4.0

    OK, you shouldn't need Win2K server/AD to use SQL 2000. Now, if you are setting up an AD anyway on one server, and you plan on keeping the existing NT 4 domain for the rest of the servers, you could *try* setting up a trust (I only fiddled with it once and it didn't work, but I didn't put a lot of effort into it) so the clients can authenticate from the NT Domain and pass into the AD. However, if a client is told to join the NT Domain, it won't just decide to force the user into logging on to the AD domain because it's there, so don't worry about that. One other option is to just use mixed-mode authentication in SQL, and then give the users SQL logons rather than assigning logons to NTLM accounts. This would be even easier to setup, and you could use either DSNs on the client boxes or compile the authentication (consult local security protocols) into the application; such as an include in ASP.
  20. clutch

    Installation stops at 99%

    Do you have a virus scanner running? I have seen some installers sit at 99% for extended periods of time with older versions of McAfee running in the background. Also, do a search regarding the installer service as I thought someone else had a similar issue a while ago.
  21. clutch

    Can't see NT server with XP Pro workstation

    Get away from NetBEUI and don't waste your time with IPX/SPX. Neither of them add value to the network and only add more management headache as well as a taller stack of bindings for the systems to go through. Also, having more protocols makes troubleshooting much more difficult since you can't tell if one protocol is picking up the slack from another that is misconfigured (as in your case).
  22. clutch

    1.4 GHz and very irresponsive

    Have you checked your taskmanager to see if there are any changes between the connection being on and off? Might be able to narrow it down from there if a particular process is going nuts when online.
  23. clutch

    Can't see NT server with XP Pro workstation

    Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP on both systems, and you shouldn't need support for NetBEUI on all the XP system (or any of them really) since you will have the NetBIOS name/resource handling riding on TCP/IP.
  24. clutch

    Can't see NT server with XP Pro workstation

    So it is being listed in Network Neighborhood? You can ping between the clients and server? How familiar are you with NT Server? You can see if the clients are pointing to a WINS box in the TCP/IP properties panel, but the service itself would be running on a NT Server.
  25. clutch

    List the problems you have had with XP :) :)

    I have installed it many times on systems with SBLive! variants (Value and MP3+) without any issues. I have also used just the drivers and the liveware in these systems at different times to see if that would affect them. Personally, I used to suspect it was his RAM and the level he was overclocking it, but he has moved on to Crucial (which is was I use) so I am not sure anymore. It *could* be graphics related; what driver version are you using? As for blaming Via, that's just easy. The only system that I have problems with at work is Via-based (that now makes 2-for-2), and it has excellent components and no overclocking at all. Good thing it's getting replaced soon. Also, he did mention that his system was running the i815 chipset and was not a Via-based mobo, so all the Via fans can rejoice...