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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Anyone read this article?

    Well, if you look here it would seem that the i845D isn't that bad after all when compared to current chipsets, and I don't think the new Via chipset for the P4 is even out so you can't compare that, right? Also, it supports ATA-133 natively (and if you look here you might want to reconsider using an ATA-133 card in the current Via mobos) in addition to the other listed options. While I am not saying that it is or isn't deserving of "Product of the Year" from some vague website, I don't think that it's a joke either. As for ATI, for people that have been building and using systems for a bit longer than 2 years ATI's "recent" performance over the last few years has been disappointing. They were the first to get a card out using the AGP 2X spec properly, yet they could never get drivers out (back in the days of the "mini-gl" driver and various "wrappers"). I still use them in servers and simple workstations, but I can't recommend them for gaming or anything requiring 3D power at all. So to me, they are still lame.
  2. clutch

    XP-What do you think of it now?

    WinXP still works well for me. Rock.
  3. clutch

    Game Of The Year!!!

    I like Aquanox, but that's just me. Rock.
  4. clutch

    Linksys BEFSR41 Router and ICQ file transfers

    Ditto what CUViper stated.
  5. clutch

    Hosting web server on Windows 2000 Server

    OK bud, you are getting a *little* bit over your head here, so let's focus on simple things. First, you should read up on some of the functionality of IIS so we can be on the same page. Go here for a response I gave another user on this board who asked about IIS. It has several links on it, and gives a good overview of the system. For a "simple" overview, basically host header names are assigned to each site (like a port or IP) and when a name like www.yourdomain.com comes in, the site with that domain listed as its host header will be forwarded to the requesting client. This allows a server to host many sites on the same IP and port. The DNS part that I am mentioning has more to do with the outside world knowing what your domain name is than your internal name resolution ability on your network. If you aren't sure about what I am talking about, then check out www.tzo.com and www.everydns.net to see what they offer. That should give you a good idea of what they do and you can see if you need their services. Since you are using a dynamic IP with a fairly slow refresh period, I would suggest www.everydns.net since they are free. If you are using AD and not sure what is going on, we'll save that for later, ok? Ideally, you are going to want your internal clients to ONLY go to your internal DNS server so you have and retain proper name resolution throughout your network. I let my servers do the work via DNS and DHCP, but that's another story best left for later. As for the firewall software, I wouldn't worry about that right now as you are using a simple NAT system that "kinda sorta" acts like a firewall (it's security-through-obscurity", but it will do). So I would not install that software as it just adds another possible problem if you have configuration issues. Let's get the basics down first. As a matter of fact, I would kill all port forwarding for the time being anyway just so you can get used to setting up IIS, then open it up later. Let me know when you are ready to proceed.
  6. clutch

    Hosting web server on Windows 2000 Server

    All of that can be done, but I have several questions for you first: 1. IS THE SERVER COMPLETELY PATCHED? If not, kill port forwarding IMMEDIATELY, reboot the server, and then patch it. Then, you might have to reboot it. There have been several exploits found for IIS and 2K server in general, and it sounds like you haven't been an admin of any NT boxes for long. 2. Have you locked the server down against potential threats in the future (IISLockdown tool, HiSec template)? 3. Are you familiar with host header names? It sounds like you have some idea of how to use IIS, but I don't know if it's been through PWS or IIS. 4. Is your internet IP dynamic? If it is, do you have any type of dynamic service that you are working through (TZO, Dyndns, Everydns, etc)? If you are using a dynamic service, will they point all of your domian names to your IP? There's a bit of planning that goes into something like this, but overall it's quite simple.
  7. clutch

    security updates, etc...?

    Basically, if you want some of the updates to work you will have to reboot. While some don't require the reboot, others do.
  8. clutch

    Possible silly question.

    No, because if the system is networked the same security issues can apply.
  9. clutch

    Can't complete a defrag without system freezing

    OK, here's another suggestion. Maybe the IDE driver is having issues with any activity going to your C: drive while you are defragging the D: drive. Or, the cable itself could have a bad connector that you were using. Just some more wacky thoughts to throw at ya...
  10. That is referring to the connection limit of IE when contacting a website. Normally, it's capped at "2" (http 1.2 standard I believe), but those keys look like the ones that adjust the limit. Also, if for some reason the method to do it does get posted here, we will have to edit it or take it down. Sorry.
  11. clutch

    Can't complete a defrag without system freezing

    Just an odd thought, but is your pagefile on that drive? Is it on a separate controller?
  12. clutch

    Power schemes are gone!

    Did you install any new video card drivers or anything that might have fiddled with your power management settings? I had that problem with a set of video card drivers a while ago that, for some reason, disabled adjustment of the power management schemes. Other questions: 1. I am assuming that you are logging in as an admin (under XP Pro), and 2. Have you enabled/disabled any power management features in the BIOS since you worked with these settings last?
  13. clutch

    Performance on system?

    Not so much loyalty for one thing, as complete hatred for another in some cases. I am holding out for the nForce chipset, since nVidia has been really good (in my experience) at providing stable drivers out of the box and getting much faster ones out regularly.
  14. clutch

    Performance on system?

    Actually, the memory costs more because RAMBUS decided to charge all kinds of stupid royalties on the design. While it works in serial, the clock is so much higher that in straight number crunching it works quite fast (as typically seen in Q3 and rendering benchmarks). Just wanted to clear that up.
  15. clutch

    Why would my firewall block DNS requests?

    Well, I am not familiar with that port number (you can check out port listings here for more info) and DNS resolution is normally hosted on port 53. But, in general, you don't want any external traffic to look to your network for name resolution if you have DNS servers that are only meant for your network. Now, if you were hosting your own Name Servers for external resolution of subdomains for your TLD, that would be a different story. But, it sounds like you aren't, so I wouldn't let them in anyway.
  16. clutch

    Performance on system?

    I see you brought up SiS and ALI chipsets, and that's a great point. You see, long before being a sysadmin, I was a hardware spe[censored]t and then a production supervisor responsible to getting small LANs running Novell/NT/9x/DOS running and shipped to customers. We had countless problems with SiS chipsets (running simple Intel 486 and Pentium processors), and didn't even waste our time with ALI since they were worse off. Now, reading the front page of this site, I saw one of the "fixes" for some of the Via motherboards (of course it isn't there right now, I will have to ask Philipp where he got it) had to deal with making standby/hibernate work in Win2K/XP. Is this right, did they just now get that working? I knew I couldn't get it to work worth a damn with my Apollo Pro 133a mobo, but it's flawless in both of the BX-based units and my i815 chipset here (plus my i820 at work). Not to mention I had to always grab the newest 4-in-1s just to get acceptable performance, not some tweaking or minor adjustments, but to get decent performance for my processor. So, I have been working with systems for quite a while myself, and I can speak from experience when I state that Intel/Intel combinations have always worked extremely well for me. AMD needed Via when the Athlon first came out because they couldn't get a decent chipset out the door, and even what they had they couldn't keep in stock. AMD has fast processors, but I don't care for all of the issues that come attached to them.
  17. clutch

    How to set up a static drivemapping ?

    Cool, I have seen this request before but I only knew of the more advanced scripting policy controls in Win2K (as NT was quite limited). Thanks for the info.
  18. clutch

    Performance on system?

    My "LOL" is in reference to AMD being the choice of "most" manufacturers, and that isn't true. So, that's what I am working with. Three and I already went on with this, and I look for stability and compatibility since speed isn't an issue for me anymore (I have a p3 733 at work and a p3 933@1085 at home). When I start seeing a major reduction in patches and stupid compatibility issues with the majority of motherboards supporting AMD processors, I (and probably more major manufacturers) will look much more seriously at them. This mentality also extends to video cards, however I do need performance as well as stability. This is why I choose nVidia (or Matrox) for workstations. If I need a server with a simple video chipset, I just leave the ATi solution in it. ATi does offer some really nice features on paper, but I (and others) have been burned over and over again by their poor drivers.
  19. clutch

    Upgrading to Win2k from NT 4.0

    I have an NT 4.0 shop, and I only use TCP/IP with NetBIOS enabled. No NetBEUI here.
  20. Do you already have the license and just need the disc and key? If so, you can just get the media kit instead. I get mine from either www.cdw.com or www.dell.com, since we use volume licensing. This also applies to just about any software package MS makes (we got Exchange 5.5, 2000, ISA Server, etc in this manner) and is not only cheaper, but you have a lot less boxes sitting around waiting to be recycled.
  21. Quote: There is definitely a workaround for that, I'm sure there is a registry key allowing you to change it but I can't remember what it is. I speak from experience as i have a win2k pro machine that will allow 65533 here Which would then be in complete violation of the license agreement, since Win2K Pro is intentionally capped at 10 connections while Server is not. I am assuming that you are doing this on a test machine or some debug machine and/or you have a license agreement that allows for this.
  22. If you can, use just one bank as that provides less overhead on the memory controller (but you will probably not notice this anyway).
  23. clutch

    Vote for defrag tool

    I guess I am on the other hand, as I have found most of the Symantec line to be evil incarnate . I do like the Diskeeper line (from 4.x), but I have been looking to try out Raxco. Symantec does offer the ability to defrag partitions that are formatted beyond 4KB in cluster size, but that's because they have written their own APIs to accomplish this (which I have never been a fan of). I think that both are good products though, and that you would do well with either (or even Raxco and O&O).
  24. clutch

    How to set up a static drivemapping ?

    Have you done this before? It sounds like it would actually be launching the running the script under the system account, rather than a user account. Is that something that you can configure separately using srvany (I haven't fiddled with it, but I have adjusted running permissions in other services in the past)?
  25. clutch

    XP and Imaging?

    Sorry, but I had to respond to that. Nicely done 420, you should be in politics...