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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    3d fish screensaver

    You can get it from here: http://www.serenescreen.com/ Or find it bundled with Plus! for XP.
  2. clutch

    NT 4.0 and XP printer sharing with HP6L

    Are all of the machines in the same workgroup/domain?
  3. clutch

    CPU cooling

    Are you nuts? You are the reigning king of eternally long posts, and now YOU don't have the time to read one that's full of all kinds of information that YOU asked for? Whatever man, I answered your question in spades, and now you are just commenting for the hell of it. If you are too busy to read before you respond, then I must have overestimated you. Topic over.
  4. clutch

    CPU cooling

    Dude, did you read my post?
  5. clutch

    CPU cooling

    First, calm down. I, like three it would seem, am getting the impression that you are irritated. If you are irritated, fine, be so with me. Somehow though, I think it will only get worse after you read this... Second, here is the quote about automotive components that you made: Quote: Copper is a good conductor, good at drawing heat, but due to its density (much greater than aluminum)? It HOLDS HEAT WAY LONGER! This is why aluminum is used in engine block heads also, not only lighter weight, but GREAT HEAT DISSIPATION! Now, this is where I based my comment on there not being any efficient way to make any large solid components out of copper in vehicles due to machining complexity and weight. Also, it's deformation and expansion properties would probably not fall inline with that of iron or aluminum. Now, your heat dissipation statement is incorrect in that copper has been used for YEARS for cooling structures in automotive and industrial applications, but aluminum is cheaper, (and Tom's Hardware, in that very same article you linked to, even stated that Copper is obviously better at this) lighter, and easier to work with. Copper is a fairly soft material that can lose shape easily, hence a lot of the aluminum shrouds that you see on CPU coolers. Now, if you *must* see what peeps do on high end cooling systems, check out another review on that lovely site: http://www6.tomshardware.com/cpu/00q4/001221/vapochill-04.html Note all of the copper tubing and components (just like the ole fridge at home, eh?) that have been used. Do you think they would use it because it is *slow* at exchanging heat? Aluminum fins are normally used because copper ones bend WAY too easy and close up, thereby rendering airflow in affected regions null. Also, as for the laws of physics, I already stated from a well respected engineering "bible" that copper was clearly superior to aluminum in heat dissipation. But in any case, let the site listings begin: http://www.hardocp.com/reviews/cooling/roundup1101/ If you note, almost all of the major high-end players at *least* have copper base plates (thanks to Alpha kicking that off; they KNEW that copper was a better conductor for heat but it's very soft to work with for the large fins their designs call for) and have revamped how the copper connects with other materials (either more copper, or aluminum fins/pins). Here's a site I found doind a search for Copper vs Aluminum on Google that managed to get 3 HSF units from the same company that appeared to use very similar (if not the same) dies for production, but a couple had copper parts. Wanna guess who wins? http://www.overclockersclub.com/volcanoshootout.shtml As for the winner of LAST YEAR'S roundup at Tom's? Well, funny you should ask, guess what material they are going to? http://www.swiftnets.com/mc462.htm Here's a nifty quote from them which I am sure you will enjoy: Quote: The 9 in2 copper base is largely responsible for the MC462's uncanny ability to rapidly spread AMD's and P4's highly concentrated heat source through the pins. It is also responsible for this heat sink's hefty weight: 20oz (560g) without fan. So, now we have the primary reason to use it in the first place (the RAPIDLY spreading of heat part) and a major reason NOT to use it for quite a while now (the weight part). But "weight" (punny, I know ), there's more! Quote: Crash test procedure: Barebone equipped with an Asus A7V motherboard, our favorite Duron 650, and the MC462 heat sink without fan. The only protection between processor and heat sink was a piece of paper masking tape (only because we didn't want to damage the heat sink's soft copper surface!). Here's another one from a Google search, this time showing all the elements I spoke of already: http://www.overclockers.com/tips188/ Now, here's a quote of interest from this site: Quote: So there it is. If we only care about performance, silver is the winner. If it's all about cost, aluminum is the choice. The best price/performance is clearly copper, but it's a bit harder to work into useful shapes. If you look at the last email sent in at the very bottom, and Mr.Darnell wrote in claiming that the reason you see aluminum fins on automotive radiators is because it can dissipate heat to air faster than copper, yet that's not entirely correct. We already know that copper can dissipate heat quicker regardless of the surrounding medium due to the wonderful chart on that page (I saw a few from that engineering book I mentioned earlier), so why would he have this opinion? Simple, you can get more than enough surface area using Aluminum to offset its performance delta with Copper because you can get away with thinner fins. Thinner fins means more fins, and more fins means more surface area. This is why you see those Aluminum fins, and this goes along with how I mentioned that Copper bends really easily. Thin Copper wouldn't be all that great in an application where large bugs come crashing into it, now would it? The *other* reason I mentioned why they haven't been in production until recently; the material is *soft* and difficult to work with. Here's a little comparison for you; do you own a mountain bike? I do, a Cannondale CAAD2 which is all aluminum. At one time, aluminum bikes were unheard of because they were difficult to build due to the high degree of training needed to handle the tubing. However, the airline industry had a major shake up in the mid-eighties, and almost overnight big-name makers (well, Cannondale always made aluminum bikes, but they became a helluva lot cheaper) like Trek, Paramount/Schwinn, Giant, etc starting releasing Aluminum frames in their top-end lines. Did the laws of physics change to accomadate this new ability to create these frames? Nope. Highly skilled workers from the airline industry made it to tubing fabrication plants and were able to make more frames with less defects (and less warranty claims). Over a couple of years, the pricing came down as the manufacturing process was streamlined. That's what you are seeing here; the manufacturers want to take advantage of copper, but the first runs may have not been the absolute best. I have shown you that the element is clearly superior from an engineering manual, Tom's hardware claimed it was clearly superior (a quote from your link), major manufacturers are using it in water cooling and peltiers, and the automotive industry used it for years as a large volume cooling system components until they realized they could do something almost (yes, *almost*) as good with aluminum and plastic, but cheaper. Now, is this enough? I really, really think I covered this topic, and was trying to avoid doing this. But, since you seem so, um, passionate about it I thought I would fully describe my reasoning.
  6. clutch

    What happened to new Pentium III driver???

    However, some need more "urgent" care like the procs that vary speed with power consumption but don't get identified properly. I would imagine that this particular one was of *some* importance, but enough people were having problems installing it that it got pulled (just a theory).
  7. clutch

    CPU cooling

    With the switch to plastic tanks from all copper units, that was a pretty good weight loss indeed. Unfortunately the plastic tanks tended to leak a lot in refurbished/remanufactured units, but the industry was going forward with them anyway.
  8. clutch

    links on frontpage

    Sweet! I have been meaning to ask about that, but I am so used to holding the shift key when I click on links that I want in a new window that I don't think of it.
  9. clutch

    What happened to new Pentium III driver???

    Every piece of hardware needs a method to talk to the OS, and for some reason MS had issued an updated one. Then recently, they took it down. Don't know why though.
  10. clutch

    CPU cooling

    Welp, I am not sure what APK is driving at here, but at good old Tom's hardware, THEY even tell you that copper is better: Quote: At first glance it is obvious that silver and copper have the best conductivity. As silver is too expensive for a massive heat sink, the manufacturers at best use copper. Using aluminum is cheaper but the conductivity is by far not as good as copper. That means silver and copper spread the heat very quickly. These two materials offer the best quality for a high cooling effect in a heat sink/fan system. Also, this testing was done a year ago, and copper handling has improved dramatically since then. So, what am I missing here? Year old benchmarks with out-of-date heatsinks and design issues that were probably the limiting factor, and not the material itself. If you are a diehard Aluminum fan, then that's great. But I got my copper cooler (with Delta fan) for about $25, which is a helluva lot less than some of the others, and cools my P3 933@1084 to 29*C at idle, and 41*C under full load when gaming for an hour or so. After seeing performance like this, I will continue to use copper until something better comes along at a comparable price point.
  11. clutch

    CPU cooling

    Oh, and on those sites you list for all of these tests, I have seen at least as many showing that copper was the way to go. Personally, I believe in what I have seen, and copper kicks aluminum's a$$. I have worked with both metals in the automotive industry (which was rather nice that you brought that up, thanks ) and copper was always the way to go for radiators and heater cores (which their sole job is to get rid of heat as fast as possible and in large volumes), but aluminum is cheaper to work with and in the end it came down to profit margins.
  12. clutch

    CPU cooling

    Umm, I stated that copper is not only a better conductor of heat, but has less resistance to the transfer of heat as well. It will also disipate heat quicker due to the other 2 properties. And, that comes from this handy-dandy book on the mechanical properties of metals and other such lovely information. Also, as for aluminum being used in engine components, the REAL reasons are: A. It's lighter B. It's cheaper to work with C. It's deformation with heat is close enough to iron (though not in the case of one particular Cadillac engine and the Quad 4 from Oldsmobile) to be used in most cases. There is no way in hell that anyone would want a copper cylinder head or engine block. However, they DID make copper radiators a while ago, but went to aluminum units with plastic tanks because they were CHEAPER to make (as I pointed out above). Why do I know this? I was a service manager, and to go with my MCSE and MCP+I certs, I also have this zippy ASE cert for automotive parts (retail sucks tho, and computers are a lot more fun).
  13. clutch

    NT locks up when browsed with XP

    Make sure you are at SP6a first on the NT Server, and then let me know how it goes. Also, what protocols are installed on the client and server?
  14. clutch

    CPU cooling

    OK, as for heat dissipation and what metal is best. I just spoke to our Engineering Manager, and he dug up a book named "Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers". In this book in section 4-81, it lists certain values for the thermal conductivies of metals. For a given temp range of 70*-700*F, Aluminum is 130 and Copper is 232 (higher is better). Of course, it is using symbols that I can't reproduce here, but I can scan it in if it's THAT big of a deal. Also, in temperature conductance and resistivity, here's the order and value of some metals you might have heard of: 1. Silver 9.8 Ohms cir mil/ft 2. Copper (drawn) 10.37 Ohms cir mil/ft 3. Gold 14.7 Ohms cir mil/ft 4. Aluminum 17.01 Ohms cir mil/ft These were listed in order from best to worst of this particular group of metals. I would imagine that those people told APK that aluminum was better because it's a lot cheaper to work with, and can be cheaply anodized to protect from oxidation. It is also considerably lighter for the same amount of surface area that's used. So, there you have it. Do what you wish with the info, but I will probably still get copper myself since this cheap Vantec really kicks a$$.
  15. Actually, it seems to have some sort of history logging function as well (or a couple of them, I can't tell). But, for a stupid question, why would you use that anyway? I have seen several people ask about it, and the only reason why I have kept some of the logs was because of some funny dialogs (but I just saved it manually). Just wondering.
  16. clutch

    WELL, I will be leaving your forums...

    Are you saying that we won't be around much longer, or that they won't be around much longer. And are you accrediting said demise with w4rez? EDIT Damn, ok, Waddy broke it down for me... /EDIT
  17. clutch

    80GB HDD only recognized as 32GB???

    Bummer dude, it seems like there's either a jumper on there (which you state there isn't) or the logic is fried and it "thinks" there is one still set (which can happen).
  18. clutch

    WELL, I will be leaving your forums...

    Have fun bud, I'll be checking out that site myself to see what's going on. Later.
  19. clutch

    CPU cooling

    This is what I use and it's awesome: http://www.vantec.com.tw/cck6035d.html
  20. Quote: Ver 0.7 was released today. It's pretty sweet, and I thought I would push this back up since it looks like your could easily be ignored.
  21. I always use McAfee 4.5.1 on my WinNT/2K/XP systems at work and home. Of course, this is a commercial distro, and I am not sure how the comparable consumer level one (v6.x now) would perform.
  22. clutch

    Any Nero experts?

    What is the format of the image file? Can you just extract it using Winimage or do you need to "inject" the files into the image first (this can be done by Winimage too, but I have not managed to get it to work)?
  23. clutch

    80GB HDD only recognized as 32GB???

    Umm, check out page 22 of the manual here, and see for yourself: http://www.seagate.com/support/disc/manuals/ata/snowmasspma100129212.pdf Also, in his post he stated that he had the most recent BIOS as of yesterday, so I am inclined to believe that it is current. Furthermore, I can remember Win2K server being able to manage well beyond 40GB drives without the need for SP2.
  24. I am looking to have a laptop boot into both our NT domain (soon to be AD) and a Novell 5 forest (the unit's homesite). Anybody have some insight on this? I know we can dual boot, but I would rather not complicate this any further than necessary (2 system partitions and a storage partition, licensing, etc). I would like something like the multiple hardware config mgr, but I know that it is limited to loading drivers only and doesn't seem to lend itself to controlling what software loads. Any ideas?
  25. clutch

    Defragging slowed my system down...otay

    Just as a guess, I would imagine that your performance optimizer may have not worked or simply arranged the data on your drive to load faster when being launched, and not on boot up. Go here: http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/platform/performance/fastboot/default.asp click on downloads, and then get "Bootvis". Extract it, launch it, and then tell it to optimize your system. It will reboot your machine, and then you DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING once you have logged on. It will wait and watch all the apps and services to see what is launched at boot up, and will then move those files so they will launch faster.