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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    XP-What do you think of it now?

    Now that I have "un-dumbed" it down, I really like it. Plus, I can now run more of my older games on it.
  2. http://www.microsoft.com/sql/downloads/2000/ENGsp2.asp
  3. clutch

    SP2 for MS SQL 2000 Server is out

    The beta seemed quite stable, and there weren't any major bugs reported in the testing (most of them were setup related).
  4. clutch

    IIS Setup in XP

    This is a general link that will eventually lead to the ones below, but may have stuff on it that you find of interest: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/prodtechnol/iis/Default.asp Here's one that has a few sources on setting up IIS 5 (and why it's better than IIS 4): http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...is/tnq20005.asp It has a nifty presentation on it, and will give you an overview of what to expect. OK, for securing IIS, start with this one: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/TechNet/prodtechnol/iis/tips/iis5chk.asp It will introduce you to some of the more basic concepts and shows you some of the tool (like the hisecweb template) that can be used to secure IIS. I like URLScan myself, and live by it on all my IIS boxes. This is included in the new security toolkit from MS (found here) and really kicks a$$. If you need help with it, let me know. I have a specific file that I use to allow Exchange 5.5 OWA interaction, but locks down everything else. Now, for other stuff in IIS (and some nifty FTP tweaks), check out: www.iisanswers.com Get on his mailing list, and you will get heads up on impending disasters as he is in pretty close with the IIS team. Also, because of an email that he sent out, I will be beta testing the new .Net servers pretty soon. I just love toys... HTH
  5. Wow, that's pretty cool bud! Thanks!
  6. clutch

    Radeon 8500, so far, so good...

    Why did you get an ATI card? You have always HATED them with a passion. Just seems like a bit of a surprise to me.
  7. clutch

    New temps after modding

    Here's all the pics that I have of Big Blue. It you click on a thumbnail, it will take you to a page with a larger version of the pic and some comments about it too. http://www.driventechnologies.com/pictures/pc-pix.asp
  8. clutch

    New temps after modding

    Here's another pic of mine while it was stripped for prepping. It shows the Dynamat and split-loom tubing that I installed. This is part of a site that I am setting up for all my pictures (ASP with an SQL backend, and directories for the pictures) and once I have the mod section done I'll throw up a link. http://www.driventechnologies.com/pictures/article.asp?22
  9. clutch

    IIS Setup in XP

    NP bud, there are several ways you can do it and they are pretty easy. What are you looking to host? Static pages? ASP? WWW and FTP? What's your poison? I will try to narrow down the info I send you so you don't get saturated.
  10. clutch

    New temps after modding

    Quote: Mine is loud as a vacuum cleaner due to those big 5" units I use at the case bottom! Heh, mine IS a vacuum cleaner: Sometimes that cat just gets a little too close...
  11. clutch

    Problem accessing 98 box from 2000 box

    Log onto the Win98 box using the same credentials (username and password) of the Win2K box. Of course, I am assuming that they are both in the same workgroup.
  12. clutch

    Does Windows XP support 512 mb of Ram?

    And you will have to partition the installation and run at least 50 virtual DOS servers at once, thereby having a "cluster-in-a-box". Oh, and be sure to setup at least ONE of them to load the damn CD-ROM at boot...
  13. And I did before that as well. Oh well, everything repeats as things get "rediscovered". http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=15181&highlight=trillian
  14. I just got it to play Aquanox and Forsaken on my XP Pro box, and I was wondering if anybody has used this controller and how well it works in XP/2K.
  15. clutch

    Anyone have the Wingman Cordless Rumblepad?

    LOL. Nicely done.
  16. I have used Trillian for quite a while now, and I like it a lot. @Felix What do you mean by having a problem setting up servers? Do you mean using IRC? My typical setup uses 2 accounts on AIM, and 1 each of ICQ, MSN, and Yahoo! messengers. The only time I have fiddled with servers has been with IRC.
  17. clutch

    driver 2.1 crack english

    Hmmm, I would normally agree, HOWEVER there are times where I do this myself because: 1. Using a CD to play a game is gay, and 2. The copy protection scheme can make the game crash or unplayable if the reader has issues with it during validation. If you are looking for something like that, check out www.gamecopyworld.com for any information and files may help you. Hell, even the Aquanox developers are telling players to go there to get a NO-CD crack for their game because of Crapovision's Secure Disc 2 is giving so many people problems.
  18. clutch

    have an extra machine, what can i do with it?

    Quote: ..."conserve" nadwidth... Was that a typo, or are they trying to limit the p0rn that comes across their lines?
  19. You could just post a link about this in that forum as well, as I mentioned before. Also, this *could* fall into the realm of "Other" and since most people that go to either forum go to "Other" as well, then you would be covered. But for now, I would just post a link to this topic.
  20. This is an ongoing series to get people up to speed on upgrading their NT 4.0 certs to the Win2K level. I have seen some interesting stuff in them, so I thought I would post the link to the table of contents for them. http://www.swynk.com/friends/dinicolo/ It shows all of his articles, which are currently limited to the upgrade path. I hope this answers some of your questions.
  21. clutch

    Anyone have the Wingman Cordless Rumblepad?

    It seems to work well, but it took me over 30min last night to get most of the controls to work properly in Aquanox. It's a nice unit, but I still really miss my Space ORB for gaming. It is a MUCH better unit for 3D/6DOF games, but there are no Win2K/XP drivers for it since the company went belly up a while ago. There are some people working on the issue, but I am just looking for another method to play games right now.
  22. clutch

    NT4 TS power saving

    Find fast? Indexing service? Got either of those running?
  23. clutch

    have an extra machine, what can i do with it?

    Well, if you ever plan on learning how to run a server now would be a good time. It will run Win2K server perfectly fine, and you can setup Routing and Remote Access on it. Then, you can install the NAT service and you wont need ICS at all (plus you will have tighter control on what goes in and out on the system). You can still learn to run a webserver regardless of what the college says, since you would at least be able to view it from inside your LAN and get used to hosting a publishing sites. This would be a better option initially anyway, so you can learn to LOCK IT DOWN and not contribute to the Code Red-type problems. I have Win2K server running on an old dual P166 server with 192MB of RAM, and it's hosting our IIS WWW and FTP sites, plus Terminal Services. It's a bit on the slow side, but yours would be much faster.
  24. clutch

    NT4 TS power saving

    All 3 versions have TS, and regular server is the way to go. Also, as a note to EVERYBODY out there; if you have to ask what version to use, then you should probably be using regular server. Advanced server does quite a few more things, and are tailored for more specific tasks. However, with the ease that it's found online, many people hitting the w4rez sites to get it thinking that it's "better" when in fact it is simply different.
  25. clutch

    Quake 3 problems

    It does work in SP in SMP mode, however it has been known to be buggy. Also, there have been issues where there is no noticible speed improvement or even a slight slow down in FPS. I would imagine that it would work really well if you had a ton of bots in it, as having multiple CPUs might speed things up with the AI. Other than that, it would probably not be too effective.