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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    NT4 TS power saving

    One more thing, if you have a UPS installed on that system, it might be keeping the power management function from working properly. Also, NT was NOT the best at doing anything with power management anyway, but this might be something to look in to.
  2. clutch

    NT4 TS power saving

    Well, SQL server runs fine on that system, and it has been known to be a little CPU intensive. As for memory, I would suggest at least 256MB of RAM (more like 512MB) when using TS. BTW, how many concurrent connections are you hosting?
  3. clutch

    NT4 TS power saving

    I run my secondary AD controller on a Celeron 333 with 256MB of RAM, and it runs quite well. I also have MS SQL 2000 Server for online transactional replication with my primary server, and it runs Terminal Services and IIS. How much memory do you have in your system?
  4. clutch

    NT4 TS power saving

    Well, I have no idea since I don't have NT 4 Terminal Server, and even if I did I wouldn't be using any power saving or standby features since it is a server. Windows 2000 server does come with Terminal Services though, and has much better power saving features than NT 4 ever had. If that's an option, then you might want to check it out.
  5. clutch

    Post the applications or tools u can't live without it

    Most of that stuff, plus: Adminpak.msi SQL Server 2000 Visual Interdev 6 Adobe Photoshop 6 Winimage 5/6 IIS 4/5 SMS 2.0 Exchange 5.5/2000 McAfee VirusScan 4.5.1 Corporate McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Office 2000/XP Pro Yeah, they are all a bit more on the industrial strength side as opposed to the others, but you did write "tools"...
  6. clutch

    video cards

    GeForce2 Pro, GeForce SDR 32MB with DVI, ATI All-In-Wonder Pro 8MB, and a TNT2 Ultra in my systems at home.
  7. clutch

    IIS5 & multiple websites

    IIS (Personal Web Server) in any workstation will only host one WWW and one FTP site at a time. What you are talking about though is perfectly capable in Windows NT4 and Windows 2000 server. I regularly host at least 4 and sometimes 8 WWW sites on a server with some of them even overlapping directories. They can each be setup with at least one of the following being different: 1. Hosted IP address 2. Port Number 3. Host Header Name Host headers work great and allow the same IP and port to host many sites at once, even if they are on different directories on the server and can comprise of virtual directories from many other servers. I have used all 3, and they all work fine.
  8. clutch

    Machine randomly restarts for no apparent reason

    Don't double post, just post a link to your original post in other relevant forums, that way everybody can see each other's responses in one place. Go here for the post: http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?threadid=18826
  9. clutch

    Which updates have I installed?

    If you don't see them in "Add/Remove Programs", this should list everything that you have AND don't have: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q303/2/15.ASP This can be used to scan 1 machine, several machines, or a whole domain and output the results to a file. HTH
  10. clutch

    Does Windows XP support 512 mb of Ram?

    Because it: A. Didn't work on some systems by way of random bugs, and B. Was SO far past the point of diminishing returns in performance, that it just isn't recommended no matter what you are running. When you have a need for that kind of memory, you should be using an NT-based OS.
  11. clutch

    Q: Adding domain users to local group?

    Quote: Has anyone here ever succeeded in doing the subject, adding a domain user to a local WindowsXP group? I do this regularly for Laptop Users, and it works in both WinNT and Win2K (AD) domains perfectly fine. Also, Win2k/XP will NOT notify you if it can't find a domain controller (unlike NT4) so you might still think you are logging onto your domain, when in fact you are not. Now, can you or can you not access the hidden admin shares on your server from that workstation?
  12. clutch

    best game right now

    I was under the impression that this was for WinXP-playable games, seeing as its location on the messageboard is here. Are there other console games on that list that I am not aware of?
  13. clutch

    best game right now

    I am playing Aquanox right now, and it's just more my kind of game. I like flying, arcade-style shooters whereas most of those listed just feel the same to me. And yes, I *know* that they are different from each other, but to me they all seem the same.
  14. clutch

    how to opey speed for clients n users ?

    Well, that is a good link from APK regarding this feature, but here's the simple breakdown regarding QoS: 1. It can be used for routing priority of traffic to an from a particular destination 2. It can be used to set priority for particular applications (in the same way Layer 4 Extreme network switches do, I believe). For example, you can set priority for VoIP, then an ERP system, then generic DB access, and so on down to multimedia and file downloads from Internet connections. 3. I *think* you can set caps on the percentage of bandwidth used, but I haven't had a need to use any function of QoS yet so I don't know for sure how it's done. Now, this is a lot like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly, so let's see if we can use something else for the interim. What service is your sister connecting to in order to download from you? Is it IIS, and if so is it the WWW or FTP service? You can set speed caps for each of the WWW sites, but I can't remember if you can do it for the FTP sites at this moment. To set the cap on a website, just right click on it in the Internet Services Manager, and select "Properties". Then, select the "Performance" tab. From there, you can set your speed cap. Now, if you are using FTP, I will have to check that out a bit more because I can't remember if there is a direct way to adjust the speed or if a workaround is needed. Also, you can use other FTP hosting programs that have those caps (and support upload resume), but I don't care for them as they don't integrate all that well and have the logging support I need. Let me know what you are looking for, ok?
  15. clutch

    XP on an NT network

    When you say "losing", do you mean they cannot connect anymore, or that they have little red "X" marks next to mapped drives and such? If the latter, that is just a timeout function of Win2K/XP, and if I remember correctly it can be adjusted. It can be found on technet: http://search.microsoft.com/us/itresources/SearchMS25.asp If I can find it again later, I will post a link to it.
  16. clutch

    damn dvd wont work in 2k

    Is TV Out enabled in the reference detonators? For some reason, I don't think it is. Have you tried the latest drivers from Hercules (Guillemot) themselves? Those would be your best bet, since they are geared for your particular GPU/TV-Out chip config.
  17. clutch

    XP can't get on a NT 4 domain?!?!?

    Actually, it isn't that buggy itself, put more an issue of domain behavior (SIDs, replication, etc.). Once you have managed (as in added and removed many objects) a domain for a year or so, you tend to get used to its behavior and can anticipate it. I used to add systems to the domain like you did initially as that was how I was taught, but after adding my first workstation during installation by mistake I haven't had a reason to go back. As for your systems, try enabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP and make sure that your servers are setup the same way (which they should be).
  18. clutch

    Windows XP Question Please

    Try this: 1. Right click on "My Computer" in the start menu or on the desktop, and select "Properties" 2. Select the "Computer Name" tab, and then select the "Change" button. This will let you change the PC name, domain/workgroup name, and the "More" button will let you change the DNS suffix if needed (but you probably won't need to). Is that what you were looking for?
  19. clutch

    DNF Forever Release Date

    I thought "DNF" meant "Did Not Finish" anyway...
  20. clutch

    post problems

    Windows based tools? I don't know if I follow what you mean. I do plan on using Visual Interdev and Adobe GoLive5 for the webpages, but the backend will be managed through SQL Enterprise Manager and Visual Studio. The application will be hosted on one of my Win2K servers at home as well.
  21. clutch

    post problems

    For APK, Here's a really good free (yep, free) ASP-based messageboard application: http://forum.snitz.com/ Also, you can get a list of many that are available at ASPIN.com http://www.aspin.com/home/webapps/bbs There ya go. I myself just got the app from Snitz, and I plan on messing with it sometime this week if I have the time. I will be using MS SQL 2000 for the backend, and running it on IIS 5.
  22. clutch

    Q: Adding domain users to local group?

    The part where you stated you tried with 3 different domains threw me. So, what about my other questions? Can you see shares and ping by NetBIOS name from the troublesome workstation? Have you tried other workstations to see if you can or cannot add the user to their respective admin groups?
  23. clutch

    post problems

    Well, I don't think it's maintenance being performed, as this happens a great deal to me. But then again, if this server is running something else that gets more activity then that may be the case. There have been times when I had slow performance from this site, but it seemed to be coming from some network issues between it and myself. However, I am getting 90ms ping to it right now between me in Wisconsin, USA and the server being hosted in Canada over the course of 16 hops. I am not getting any loss either.
  24. Just wanted to bump this up, as DosFreak's method works great for me. I am about to send out a regkey file to remove a dead key from several systems via SMS at work. Thanks for the tip!
  25. clutch

    Q: Adding domain users to local group?

    So, it sounds like the workstation isn't part of the domain to begin with. Are you positive it's a member? It will have to join the domain, so that there is a trust established between the workstation and the domain that has the user account in question. Scripting won't make any difference, as you will be trying to force something that will not work. Can you access any share on the domain controllers that require authentication (like admin or user shares)? Can you ping by name from that workstation?