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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena HUGE speed improvement

    It would seem that way. OpenGL performance has also picked up in Solidworks 2001 as well, even though I had to run the installer in Win2K compatibility mode to get it started. So, why did it get faster? I have no idea, nor do I really care at this point. I have a friend with a Via-based motherboard that I am going to ask to benchmark. He was about 5fps slower than me, and I am interested in hearing what he gets. Maybe this jump is only noticed on certain chipsets or chipset/video card combinations. Atreyu and I have the same mobo and similar video cards (I have a GeForce Pro 64MB), so maybe that's a reason.
  2. clutch

    Franknet: now with shorter address!

    Are you pimping that bull$hit spyware "Gator"? At least I now know why I get those same errors in WinXP that 420 mentioned. Pop-ups and lamea$$ installers are weak. What service is your site providing that requires a pop-up banner and Gator?
  3. clutch

    Win98SE Keyboard probs

    I deleted the old thread on this topic, and moved this thread. I didn't see it before, so I am doing something about this now. Don't cross post on this board, especially to a forum that isn't of the same OS as your issue.
  4. So what did you do? Or are you not going to tell us?
  5. clutch

    WinXP unable to see network???

    How many systems do you have? If you have a couple of W2K servers and several workstations, why not implement a name resolution service like DNS or WINS? If you setup WINS on one of your servers, just give it an hour and all of the workstations should play nice with each other again. Of course, you would want to setup all the clients to have the WINS addy in their respective network properties. You could also setup the same server to be a DHCP server, and distribute all the properties at the same time to your clients and speed up client registration as well.
  6. clutch

    So why is XP pro better than Win2k Pro?

    For me, it's a bit faster in a lot of stuff I use. But, I think a major thing for me is the newer interface. I have used WindowBlinds before, and the OS seemed to slow down greatly. If the box is fast enough (the slowest I have used it on is a PII 266 with 128MB of RAM, and it just crawls along on that) then you can have everything turned on and not notice any drops in performance. Boot and shutdown times are faster, but I never really cared about that as I don't reboot my system very often at all (once every couple of weeks or so). Another nice "feature" is since MS has focused all of its attention on the same core (finally!!!), vendors are now doing the same thing. Far better drivers are coming out, and compatibility issues should be greatly reduced. This also affects the programming quality, as I am hoping to see better programs from these companies that want to work with the NT core.
  7. clutch

    Terminal Services & Linux Client

    That is pretty cool, makes me wanna try Linux again...
  8. clutch

    WinXP unable to see network???

    All of the systems are members of the same workgroup right? And all of them have NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled, right?
  9. clutch

    WinXP unable to see network???

    Can you still connect directly by using \\computername\sharename and/or \\IP\sharename?
  10. clutch

    Quake 3 Arena HUGE speed improvement

    This version is optimized for XP and GF3, but he posted that he has an "NVIDIA GeForce 2 GTS 32MB". I have always seen Win2K edging out Win9x in OpenGL benchmarking, so I can only assume that nVidia can take OpenGL optimizations a little further in WinXP.
  11. clutch

    Very odd problem.

    Do you have any CDs or floppys in the drives? Is the BIOS still set to boot from the CD or removable devices first? I have seen some older Dell boxes get hung up on a disk being in a drive an proclaiming it unbootable (no ntldr) instead of just bypassing it and moving on. Moving the HDD to the top of the boot order list fixes it.
  12. clutch

    Best Win2000 Compatible Multiplayer games

    I forgot to mention glQuake (Q1 in general actually). I am *pretty* sure I got it to run in Win2K, but it was a while ago and some of my friends had problems getting sound to work in the game. I will have to try it again. But... Q1 (any variant, I just love this game) 10
  13. clutch

    Best Win2000 Compatible Multiplayer games

    Palos, if you want CS mentioned then VOTE for it. BTW, there is a nice write up here on the use of Counter Strike players in a vital role against the Taliban. God speed to you all, noble online avengers...
  14. clutch

    Shutting down ports

    If you select "permit only" (in TCP/IP properties for the NIC) and enter those ports to leave open, then you should be fine as far as blocking goes. I don't use this myself, as I either use a hardware firewall of find a NAT/Proxy package that will allow for port filtering/forwarding (which Win2K does have a nice one in "Routing and Remote Access" that comes with server). This method will also include a bit more work on your part as most software firewalls have simple interfaces to guide you through your tasks. One more thing, is this system sitting on a LAN and receiving the connections to be limited from the Internet? If so, you could use 2 NICs and just lock down all the traffic on the external one. Just bear in mind this might have to take some adjustments, as I can't remember if this filter only blocks SYN/ACK packets or all traffic to the listed ports. If it indeed blocks ALL traffic, you might have some issues with DNS requests and FTP going out. If you install Routing and Remote Access, you can also install the NAT module and tweak it from there.
  15. Just share them as an admin (or Power User as well, if I remember correctly) and you will be fine. Pro will support up to 10 concurrent connections (including IIS sessions) and Server is unlimited. Now, if you are stating that you cannot get access until somebody logs on, then have you "tweaked" any services? Sometimes you can stall out the server service and not be able to host anything. I have seen this with the print spooler in NT4 Workstation occasionally, and it will only kick over when someone logs on. But, this is the exception, and not the rule.
  16. clutch

    Win2k unprovoked program exit

    While I don't know for sure which one would give you that issue, here is the listing you asked for: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treevie...cs/win2ksvc.asp
  17. clutch

    Win xp incompability with win 2000 admin tools

    Here is the article that covers it: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q302/9/16.ASP Now,what can you do in the meantime? I can throw you a beta of the Adminpak for .NET server that will install and control *most* items of a Win2K network (DNS, WINS, DHCP, etc), however it will NOT control AD objects yet. I expect a fix soon on this, so if it's not a major issue I would just use Terminal Services on one of my DCs until the full version of the tools come out.
  18. clutch

    Which XP do you use or prefer?

    I would just like a fully functioning adminpak.msi from .Net server that will manage the AD objects in a Win2K domain. That would be REALLY handy...
  19. clutch

    Remote Desktop

    Quote: I am afraid this is the case with XP. Well so far I have not been able to find a work around. Anyone knows how to get around this BS? Not as of yet, and MS is pretty proud of this one person limitation but they do show methods of shadowing sessions via a .Net Terminal Server. Quote: I was under the impression Win2K does not come with Terminal Services. I thought TS came from Win2K Server Huh? I am assuming that you were referring to "Pro" at first, and no it doesn't come with the serving portion, only the client. Quote: In Win2K Server I am pretty sure you can run multiple TS accounts including console simultaneously. I'll verify tomorrow. Yep, in admin mode you can have 1 console and 2 more admin logins. In application mode, the Internet user account is limited to 200 anonymous sessions, but I think the "Intranet" side is unlimited (well, theoretically anyway). Quote: Cheers, Back at ya...
  20. clutch

    Terminal Services & Linux Client

    The web client is an ActiveX component, which can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/recommended/TSAC/default.asp and a FAQ on it can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/administration/terminal/tsacfaq.asp Whereas the other clients are a basic Win32 setup that is usually installed with Adminpak.msi or from the server itself (remote install or floppys). Maybe you can use some emulation format to run it from one of the latter, but I wouldn't know how to do that. However, all new development is geared toward the former (TSAC) which has the ActiveX underpinnings as vital3d3 mentioned.
  21. clutch

    Auto Network logon

    TweakUI for Win9X will do it. I think you can still pick that up at the MS download site if you don't already have it.
  22. clutch

    Weird Workgroup Problem: Not Authorized

    OK, back again. Do you have NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled? APK is right, you would need NetBIOS in some fashion to get your Win2K box to query and be shown in the browse listing to (I was assuming that you did, but you might not).
  23. I finally installed WinXP Pro on my main workstation at home, and I must say that I am surprised by its speed. Now, I do have a question regarding performance improvements in games. I just ran my normal Q3 check, and using the demo in release 1.30, I now get 102.5 fps vs. my 85fps using the exact same system but with Win2K. Is this kind of increase normal? Here are my system specs: WinXP Pro P3 933@1085, 1.75v (155x7, runs at 29*C at idle, and 41*C while gaming) Vantec CCK-7035D HSF ASUS CUSL2 i815 512MB Crucial CAS2 PC133 RAM WD 40GB ATA-100 HD Samsung 5x DVD/32x CD Drive Hercules Geforce 2 Pro, 64MB (Detonator 21.83) Creative Audigy Platinum with Audigy Drive Intel Pro/100 Mgmt Adapter Radius 19" Monitor (Trinitron AG CRT) MS Natural Keyboard Pro MS Intellimouse Explorer SanDisk USB Compact Flash Reader And I am running q3 at 1024x768x32x32, Trilinear Filtering, High Geometry, High Sound quality. Now, the individual metrics aren't so important, as the difference between OSs is what I am wondering about. Are there any others seeing huge jumps like this?
  24. I have never cared for Window Blinds because it noticably dragged the system down. The last time I used it was on my work system (P3 733, 384MB RAM, Win2K Pro) and it just ran too slow. I am now running WinXP at home and I don't notice a difference at all between Styles XP and the regular XP skins. I am waiting for our volume license key to show up before I install this one at work to determine the difference there.