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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Win2k unprovoked program exit

    Have you looked for updates to the software from your CAD vendor? Have you tried different drivers for your video card? Here is a listing of what CADKEY claims to be supported per OS: http://www.cadkey.com/support/technotes/cadkey/1128.asp
  2. clutch

    Internet Explorer Crashes every time in XP

    Bummer, all of our workstations (and 3 laptops) at my office are Dells and we don't have any issues with them. However, I format the systems and perform fresh installs when they come in. Have you tried running Windows Update for any patches? What other programs do you have running in the background? Have you looked for updated drivers for your components?
  3. clutch

    DNS Error?

    Oh dear, I thought that ICS set all this stuff up for you (I never use it), but NORMALLY, you would have the DNS entries filled with the IPs of your DNS servers (either local or your ISP's). I was under the impression that ICS would set the client up to use DHCP, and that the hosting machine would assign IPs to other Windows boxes on the network so they could get out to the "real world". OK, would someone who uses ICS *please* get into this conversation, as I am not sure how this should proceed. If this is the hosting box, I would say put in your ISP's DNS server IPs and give that a shot. The ICS software should forward that request through your modem when you are online, or try to connect if not online (or does it behave like a multi-homed system and demand the address of the other adapter, in this case the modem? Or, does it ask for the local IP instead so it can bounce the DNS request off of the ICS software?). If that image is from a client, then I would say put the IP of the hosting box in that primary DNS entry. If someone reads this in error, please speak up. I am used to having dedicated boxes handling NAT rather than using ICS. These suggestions are more from memories of some old proxy software packages I used a long time ago.
  4. clutch

    Assistance needed with remote assistace

    So, did you "tweak" the services? Is that what you mean? Do you have the XP firewall enabled? Also, is the hosting machine behind some sort of NAT/ICS/Gateway(Home Router) device? The machines can connect to each other normally right, such as pinging one another?
  5. clutch

    DNS Error?

    Quote: It seems to do it when I'm using the other PC, but that one has no problem using ICS either. I disabled LMHOST lookup for the NIC in the host machine, and that seemed to work, so far. The XP machine with the error is acting as the ICS server? And, you are only getting this error when the other machine is trying to access sites while going through ICS? Is this correct? Also, disabling LMHOSTS file shouldn't be an issue in this case since that refers to NetBIOS name resolution, and you *seem* to be having a DNS problem.
  6. clutch

    Best Space Game Ever?

    Defender, or better yet, R-Type. Astro-blaster was pretty cool on Atari, it was from a little-known company named Activision...
  7. clutch

    Yo, where is my command prompt?

    Well, the shortcut is a pain in the a$$ anyway...
  8. clutch

    DNS Error?

    What is your name resolution scheme? Are you using internal DNS (Internet Connection Sharing, NT/2K DNS, Linux (BIND), NAT/Gateway, etc.) or just your ISP? How long has this been going on? Can the affected machine get out to the Internet (I didn't know if you were posting from the affected machine or not)?
  9. clutch

    gpedit.msc/ help

    Are you using XP Home or Pro? I am not sure if there is a policy editor option availble in Home, as I haven't used it. In a grossly oversimplified description, you can adjust some system functions and behaviors, along with access permissions to various objects. That might be why you are seeing it at various tweaking sites. Here is what the snap-in entry looks like when you can select it:
  10. clutch

    gpedit.msc/ help

    Here's an easier way. Usually, I just "roll my own" when it comes to MMC consoles. Go Start>Run and type "mmc" (without the quotes), and then go to File>Add/Remove Snap-In... and you will see a list of available console snap-ins. You can now add you policy editor, and a wizard will ask you what system you want to manage (you can manage Local, Remote, and Domain). HTH
  11. clutch

    Native XP Skins

    I'll try them.
  12. clutch

    Yo, where is my command prompt?

    Which XP do you have? I only have Pro, and I don't know if Home has it removed (I am also assuming that MSDN is now providing both versions, as my subscription won't be available again until Q2 2002).
  13. clutch

    Yo, where is my command prompt?

    Hehehehe, I never even looked. Never occured to me...
  14. clutch

    Yo, where is my command prompt?

    This one is better, and is the method all us NT pimps have been running for years. Go to Start>Run and type "cmd" (without the quotes). You will get scrolling functionality as well as a couple of other little tweaks that I can't think of right now.
  15. clutch

    WinXP Pro and Clusterball

    Anybody here play clusterball? I just installed the "gold" release (I had it when it first came out, but never messed with it) and I can't run in 1024x768. Not that it's a big deal, but I was just wondering if anybody else had this problem. Here's my specs: WinXP Pro P3 933@1085, 1.75v (155x7, runs at 29*C at idle, and 41*C while gaming) Vantec CCK-7035D HSF ASUS CUSL2 i815 512MB Crucial CAS2 PC133 RAM WD 40GB ATA-100 HD Samsung 5x DVD/32x CD Drive Hercules Geforce 2 Pro, 64MB (Detonator 21.83) Creative Audigy Platinum with Audigy Drive Intel Pro/100 Mgmt Adapter Radius 19" Monitor (Trinitron AG CRT) MS Natural Keyboard Pro MS Intellimouse Explorer At 1024x768, the screen flickers quite a bit and is shifted downward to the point where you can't access any buttons or options at the bottom. Like I said, no big deal running it at 800x600, but I thought I would ask here first anyway.
  16. clutch

    A night of terror....

    That sucks a$$ bud. I hope your warranty process goes better than your install process went...
  17. clutch

    Fresh install with an XP upgrade?

    My Win98 upgrade CD would do fresh installs for me as well. One time, I had my Win95 CD somewhere far, far away (like 20ft or so ), but my old Win95 floppies were closer. So, I proceeded to use those instead. Well, after it asked for the 8th disk to be inserted (it asks for them in random order as well), I got off my lazy a$$ and got the CD, then rebooted the PC. It came back asking for my OS to upgrade from, so I threw in the CD so it would stop b1tching...
  18. clutch

    MS SMS 1.2 and W2k

    Actually, there seems to be a specific issue with Windows 2000 and SMS 1.2 which might be affecting him. But thanks for the info.
  19. clutch

    Humble Request

    Well, I posted. I even attached a gif from my Halloween costume to my profile. Man, I love that hat...
  20. clutch

    Which XP do you use or prefer?

    Quote: No you need a third party DRIVER. And there's one floating around that's free, albeit illegal I think because it's a modified Fraunhofer. But why pirate it, it costs like 10 bucks! -Rev Any suggestions as to where I can obtain this driver? I am interested in seeing how it works. I checked www.fraunhofer.com and www.fraunhofer.de, and I didn't see anything on either site alluding to sound handling software.
  21. clutch

    Remote Desktop and ZoneAlarm Pro

    If you are familiar with opening ports on your firewall, then you will want to open 3389 for Terminal Server/Remote Desktop to work. That should do it (but if I am missing something, somebody point it out). This is what I have to do for Win2K servers running TS, and this what Atreyu and I did for me to connect to his WinXP box across the 'net.
  22. clutch

    Getting XP into workgroups within a domain

    So, you don't have a formal NT Domain that encompasses all of these workgroups, but rather a cluster of workgroups that you keep all of your resources in? Can you directly connect to the other systems in the IT workgroup? I believe APK covered that here: Quote: A different workgroup, than the generic WORKGROUP, I take it? (I believe you do that on the client box you want to hit that DOMAIN & particular workgroup... by using Control Panel, System Icon, Computer Name tab... there you can change a GREAT DEAL about an XP rig, in regard to its DOMAIN it signs into as well as the workgroup name also! Plus, it's machine name as well, & also other things & even have a wizard to help you out if needed!) * Try that first... APK P.S.=> I believe you will have to have the Server & Workstation services up & running for that to work first of all, & also need your Client for Microsoft Networks client bound to the NIC you use that communicates with your other clients/servers on that LAN, but it sounds like you do already anyhow... apk Basically, the same method that you used to connect to your DOMAIN (is that the real name of the NT Domain that you are attached to? Because if it is then you are attached to it because of the default domain name given during installation) you would use to connect to any domain or workgroup: 1. Right click on "My Computer" (either on the desktop in "Classic" mode, or in the Start Menu in "Crush my computer's will to live" mode ) and select "Properties" 2. Select the "Computer Name" tab 3. Click on the "Change" button 4. Enter the new domain/workgroup name that you want to be in, and you will then be asked for vali[censored] credentials. Make sure that the client can FIND this other workgroup correctly first (just make sure you can browse the senior server in that group, or PDC if it is a domain).
  23. clutch

    Native XP Skins

    Cool link, thanks.
  24. I didn't have any issues with Win2K Pro when it first came out, but I did have a few issues with Win2K Server/Adv Server. Most were straightened out by SP1, and the rest were fixed with SP2.