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Everything posted by clutch

  1. clutch

    Takes about 2 minutes to do one thing on remote comp

    I think the main part that bothers me is that it's SO much easier for somebody to get a hold of Win2K Advanced Server than it is to get a decent $250 box to install and test it on. That is just really starting to get to me, and I don't know why. It's like: "Hi, I have this '78 Pinto, and I 'found' this really cool 35ft powerboat that I would like to tow with it. But the Pinto can't seem to move it, so does anybody have any cool tweaks I can do to get it running?" "Uhmm, how about getting a truck?" "Nope, can't afford one. But I am 'sure' I can get this Pinto to pull it, I just need some help figuring out a way to do it." "So, you have a $35,000 boat (or whatever a pimpy-superfly boat costs), and a $35 car to tow it with?" "Yep." "You're screwed. Just let the boat sink the car while it's hooked to the trailer and walk away with the $12.50 insurance claim..." So, in a case like this, you just have to say "No, it won't work, it shouldn't work, and you shouldn't have been able to put this car/boat (or computer/software) combo together in the first place. If you can sport the software, then you really need the horsepower to use it. So, I am sorry if anybody takes this personally and I don't mean to offend anybody. I just kind of wonder what someone is thinking when they "acquire" software of this magnitude, and throw it on a system of such horribly low specs.
  2. clutch

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    Nahh, he was just bummed that he couldn't get any info at the time, so don't worry about. Everybody is fine. As for washing mail, the water must be hell on outlook...
  3. clutch

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    Umm, no, and I don't see how being here for any duration would make any difference anyway. I have seen people whine and complain that nobody posts any responses to their queries, and then wind up taking it personally. I am pointing out that there may be several reasons why somebody wouldn't post a response in a timely manner, or not at all.
  4. Quote: Seriously the majority of the cable modems in the US are rated at a max of 1.5 Mbps download and some actually exceeding the amount of 1.5 Mbps, plus it's unlimited traffic. Unless your a business REALLY concerned with upload why not just get a cable modem? I personally don't see the reasons for paying more for a T1. Unless T1 ISPs offer some neato services why pay more for the same or even less? Because there weren't (and still aren't) any business offerings for cable modems out at our business park. Hell, at the time there weren't any cable modems either. Plus, our distance from the CO killed pretty much any telco-based low end system (ADSL/SDSL, ISDN, etc). Plus, we host our own email (and soon our EDI traffic as well), and that REQUIRES a stable and reliable connection. Even with my cable modem at home, I have had intermittent outages that have lasted DAYS with no commitment to repair times or anything. That is why companies pay more for this class of connection; guaranteed uptime and bandwidth. These enterprise class providers can deliver 24/7 support and immediate response time, and that is something that we need. Also, we will eventually have to go to an ANX circuit (rather than going through our tradition EDI VAN) for a couple of our clients, and we can either farm some of that through our T1, and bundle a second on-demand circuit to our current connection. Now, a great deal of you will have no idea what I am talking about, and that's perfectly normal (and desirable, as EDI sux a$$), but these are reasons for commercial-class lines, and hence the reasons for their extra cost. It is worth it to me to have a company that will call me BEFORE I see an outage and keep me up to date on the current status of the repairs, plus reroute me as needed on the fly. I had a hard enough time getting a hold of RoadRunner and Ameritech just to beg them to take my money in exchange for broadband at my home!
  5. clutch

    3dfx VooDoo 3/4/5 working on WinXP with Tools!

    Wrong forum, and this was a multiple post. Please don't do this in the future.
  6. Ours is expensive due to our location. We have no other main lines to run off of, and needed to have our own line run. It crosses 2 major TELCO vendors, and runs over 42,000 feet to our nearest CO. Also, when we pay prices like that for our lines, we get a certain level of service (24/7 monitoring and support, notification of planned outages, cross-vendor support when an issue arises, etc) that you don't typically get at the lower cost levels. It also sounds like the market you are in (in addition to several main cities in the US) might be used ethernet systems rather than SONET. This is a much, much cheaper option provided the infrastructure is available. This option also allows for greater "bandwidth on demand" flexiblity, so all you have to do is call and ask to jump from 2Mbps to 10Mps for a day, and then go back to normal when done.
  7. clutch

    Anybody want a V5-6000?

    I'll sell it to ya real cheap... http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1288248753 I saw this at www.voodooextreme.com, and I just had to post this on here.
  8. clutch

    am I teh winn3r?

    You don't have any kind of switching system to control the fans? So, they just run all the time? Seems kinda loud, but I applaud the expenditure. I just spent $600 (clearance price, due to one of their showrooms closing down) on this chair. I got it in red, and it has the headrest. I had planned on getting the Aeron chair from Herman Miller, but I liked having the headrest and overall comfort of the Freedom Chair a bit more. BTW, I thought you were getting an all-aluminum WTX case that would be polished or anodized. Did you just change your mind, or were they taking too long to make it into production?
  9. clutch

    Takes about 2 minutes to do one thing on remote comp

    Saving money or not, it should not have been installed on a system of such low memory specs to begin with. Throwing AD on top of it made matters worse. It's as simple as that, no big deal.
  10. clutch

    Win2K DNS Article

    I got this article link from a daily newsletter sent by the site. The article is pretty helpful (except the "nslookup" usage looks reversed, I am working on that) and I thought somebody might find it helpful. http://www.swynk.com/friends/dinicolo/70-240-22-1intro.asp
  11. clutch

    Win2K DNS Article

    HAH! Been helping out a sister company's IT crew get URLScan working, and then had to move to my new ultra-mega cubicle to hold all my crap. Now, where were we... I have not tried to setup "external" (as in hosting all of your domain/sub-domain IPs for outside requests?) DNS boxes, as I have not really had the need to. I have thought about trying it, but I am still a fan of keeping all of my servers behind my firewall and not allowing external query traffic to come inside. I do, however, love the DNS abilities of Win2K, and I feel that it has come a long way in stability with SP1 and SP2. NT4's DNS actually worked really well with WINS to form a low-tech "dynamic DNS" system (I still use it on my legacy NT domain at work, but that will vanish during the Christmas holiday), and was more stable than Win2K SP0's DNS implementation was. I had several issues with servers complaining about not syncing between each other, and DDNS updates just not working at all. What were you looking to do exactly? I setup DNS servers for my LAN, and just do the standard name mappings (mail, www, ftp, etc) and use forwarders for everything else.
  12. clutch

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    Quote: It's amazing how I had almost the same problems about a month ago, and I got only 2 replies to my 1000 words post....I hope this board will not end up appearing prefferential to some people, and to others not. Sorry but I'm really pissed off... Actually, I don't really recall anybody getting preferential treatment, but I can tell you that this board is voluntary. What that means is nobody HAS to respond to anything here. There are no requirements that if you know something, you have to share it with everybody who asks or you will be evicted. Now, I may be only speaking for myself here, but I find it irritating when people get upset and cranky when their post doesn't get a response in a "timely" (the "timeliness" seems to vary from person to person) and wind up complaining about a lack of response afterward. I will not respond to a post when I cannot help, and I am sure a great percentage of the posters here are the same way. Plus, there are some members that can only post here intermittently, and may take a while to share any information that they might have. I have posted questions here as well, and never even got a single reply. I just took it to mean that nobody who read the thread had any information to give me, and I would feel that is your case as well. So, next time, try not to take it personally, because if you do get mad you might just piss off the one person that could help you next time.
  13. clutch

    Added 2nd NIC, now 1st NIC gone!?

    In Win2K, you can change back and forth between ACPI support modes within the current installation. However, the success rate (from personal experience) has been really low. Actually, when I say "low", I really mean "zero". I would imagine that the problem centered around both NICs trying to use the same resources. Is this what happened?
  14. clutch

    Takes about 2 minutes to do one thing on remote comp

    What OS is it? Using NT 4.0 server, it will work (not optimally) with that little RAM, but Win2K Server has the following requirements: Recommended Windows 2000 Server System Requirements Processor: Intel Pentium 133 Mhz or higher. Memory (RAM): 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM recommended minimum (128 MB minimum supported; 4 gigabytes [GB] maximum). Available Hard Disk Space: 1.0 GB hard disk space* Monitor: VGA or higher-resolution monitor Other Hardware: Ensure that all system components are on the Beta 3 Hardware Compatibility List for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. * Additional free space on your hard disk may be required if you are installing Windows 2000 Server products over a network. This was pulled from here. Now, add AD on top of that, and you are asking for trouble. Go to 256MB of RAM in that system and you should see a marked improvement in performance. But, of course you KNEW what the minimum recommendations were since you read them off of the box that the software came in, right?
  15. Check it out: http://www.lindows.com/ Now this has my attention. I don't have the time nor inclination to fiddle with emulators in Linux, but if the OS is designed from the beginning to handle Windows apps, then I will definately try it out.
  16. clutch

    I need help with my Hard drive PLEASE

    I have heard that as well, but never tried it. I am anxious to hear about the results.
  17. clutch

    Please Help

    Laddyboy, please don't cross post here. Simply post a link in any other forum that you think the thread is related to. For anybody interested in this, please respond here.
  18. clutch

    I need help with my Hard drive PLEASE

    If it's clicking, it's more than likely beyond repair. You *might* be able to recover it using some special software, but I am not familiar with any of the packages. If you absolutely need the data, you could also send the unit to a disaster recovery center.
  19. clutch

    USB or PS/2 ?

    USB is da bomb, baby.
  20. clutch

    Where's JDulmage now?

    Well, out of all the posts in this thread I would have to say that the prostitute reference from APK was the most disturbing. On that note, I would have to say that we need to leave it be. Sorry.
  21. clutch

    Need some help...

    Has that person tried using Passive (PASV) mode on the his/her FTP client?
  22. Our HDSL T1 costs us about $1500/month. And we don't even get any zippy POP3 accounts with it...
  23. clutch

    Need some help...

    Can you setup port forwarding in ICS? For instance, you might have to setup ICS to forward all port 21 (or whatever port you are hosting you FTP site on) to the local machine that ICS is installed on. You have to do the same thing with systems using Winroute and other NAT/PAT packages.
  24. CUViper is right, the vast majority of your problem is related to the connectivity of those hops. I had the same issue with RoadRunner when we were being switched out of Ohio (I am in Wisconsin), and complained. A couple of days later, I was switched out of New Jersey and had a MAJOR increase in performance. It turns out that there was some serious equipment issues in Ohio and it couldn't support all the expansion going on in the surrounding states by RoadRunner. We had some more intermittent problems sometimes lasting up to a couple of weeks at a shot while RoadRunner was building out the area here, but once the finished the infrastructure upgrades we haven't had any more issues since. I was setup last November, and I am now faster than I ever was before. So, report your traces to support over and over again so they will get logged. At some point, they will either tell you what is going on (support may not even know either, so don't get too mad at them for not telling you) and give you a timeframe for the repair, or they will simply fix/reroute the issue.
  25. I just got an email from Windows 2000 Magazine about a couple of the articles they put online. They are dated from July 2001, but they are nice nevertheless. DNS and AD http://www.win2000mag.com/articles/index.cfm?articleid=21128 and Single Domain Migration http://www.win2000mag.com/articles/index.cfm?articleid=21129 HTH somebody.