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Everything posted by clutch

  1. It will show the local IP, but not the "outside" IP of your NAT/PAT router.
  2. clutch

    How is your pc shack?

    It helps to a GREAT extent. I had a really noisy fan that was barely tolerable, and when I put that DynaMat in it made the case very quiet. I have DynaMat on the floor, top, back, and front of the PC chassis. I also have it on the side panels and back of the motherboard mounting plate. Very quiet, very "solid" feel.
  3. clutch

    How is your pc shack?

    Tnx. I was going thru so many pics last night from the compact flash card, that I didn't really pay attention to the color. I did some correction on it and now it looks much more like the blue I used. I dig the case, but I swapped out the stock PSU for one from PC Power and Cooling (as the first one died 15 mins after I installed the mobo).
  4. clutch

    3D Pinball

    Are you "bumping" the pinball table in the game? I can't remember if it has a "tilt" function that will lock the flippers like in some of the other pinball games.
  5. clutch

    How is your pc shack?

    Fixed it. It was using an internal (LAN) address for some reason rather than the doc relative format. So I busted out notepad from work and fixed it. Thanks.
  6. clutch

    How is your pc shack?

    Here's an isometric view of my PC. For more info on it, click the image.
  7. clutch

    How is your pc shack?

    You are referring to the case right? If so, I am in the process of painting it right now after I modified the front to use a larger intake fan. I have split-loom tubing in it to route all the power cabling along with separate routes of signal and LED/switch cabling. When I get home, I will post a pic of it. edit Spelling (ick) and I almost have the page showing Big Blue ready /edit
  8. It's a clean reinstall. And, while O'Reilly and company demonstrated a NT 4 Workstation installation could be converted to NT 4 Server, that would be a clear breach of the license agreement (provided that you don't have a license for the full version of NT 4 server for that box. Also, I think that ability was fixed in NT 4 with later SPs, and can't be done in Win2K.
  9. I just got this from Cramsession, and this is what I have been hoping to hear for a while... Quote: =============================================================== Cramsession News Flash: Microsoft Makes Sweeping Changes To Its Certification Program ================================================================ (10/11/01) - Cramsession has learned that Microsoft will make a public announcement today that will radically change the shape of its existing certification program. The biggest bombshell: MCSEs certified on the Windows NT 4.0 track will NOT be de-certified after December 31, 2001, as was previously indicated. Instead, Microsoft is going to recognize two distinct MCSE categories: "MCSEs on Microsoft Windows 2000" and "MCSEs on Windows NT 4.0". Microsoft is also introducing a new certification, the Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator, or MCSA. A new Microsoft exam is being created for this certification track, Exam 70-218, Managing a MS Windows 2000 Network Environment. Here is a list of the valid certifications that will be recognized by Microsoft under its new certification policy: * MCSE on Windows 2000 * MCSE on Windows NT 4.0 * MCDBA on SQL Server 2000 * MCSD * MCSE+I on Windows NT 4.0 * MCP+I on Windows NT 4.0 * MCP+Site Building * MCP Microsoft is also extending the deadline for Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) to achieve their "MCSE on Windows 2000". MCTs will now have until May 1, 2002 to get their Win2K MCSEs. This deadline was originally set for December 31, 2001. To get the latest information on Microsoft's new certification policies, visit the MS Training & Certification home page at: http://www.microsoft.com/trainingandservices I just haven't had the initiative to study for the new tests, though I still need to take my freebie accelerated exam.
  10. clutch

    MCSEs in NT 4.0 will not be retired

    I understand what you mean, but I just don't have the time to fiddle with it right now myself, along with a great many other people that are capable and experienced. The "Paper" MCSEs screwed things up, and that's a given. But there are still too many shops that aren't looking to go to AD for a while still, so there is no reason to retire the cert that is still valid in most cases.
  11. clutch

    ISA Server - FTP not working

    Umm, probably not bud. Most people don't have access to it, and therefore wouldn't know how to use it. That's a fairly expensive piece of software for somebody to get his/her hands on and is something that you wouldn't see on a person's private LAN. Kind of like a person asking for help with SMS 2.0 and getting it to inventory the games on his kid's PC.
  12. clutch

    Strange IP/DHCP/DNS problems

    Have you tried running a sniffer and monitoring a problematic workstation along with a workstation that is functioning properly? Also, can these workstations browse the local network without any hassles even when they can't get outside access (I read "browse" in there but didn't know if you were limiting that to internet traffic or not)? Do you have any kind of internet monitoring software like "SurfControl" that might have these workstations listed as "No Access"? Do these problems persist with all logons (would relate to monitoring software that would limit access based on logon)? On the problem machines, have you tried removing and reinstalling TCP/IP? Are all the machines on the same "192.168.4.x" subnet? I usually don't see anybody using a "4" as the last octet in the network ID without being involved in a more advanced subnetting/supernetting scheme.
  13. Learning XML isn't hard, trying to make it do something useful is.
  14. clutch

    LAN party for kids ??

    Nerf Arena was pretty cool, and you might be able to pick it up pretty cheaply now. It was based on the Unreal engine, and was quite entertaining. Basically, you get different arenas that you run around and shoot various Nerf Toys at each other. There are kids in it for the players, and no rough language at all.
  15. clutch

    Happy B-Day Inferno!

    Just had to say it (err, type it, whatever...).
  16. Campbell's soup is holding a simple promotion on their site. Basically, you pick your favorite football team (US Teams, sorry ), and they will donate a can of soup to the victims of the NY WTC disaster. If you have the time, please check it out. Thanks. "People in New York and DC are going to be having to hit food banks hard. This takes less than 20 seconds, just one click, so no excuses for not getting soup donated, and it's FREE. There will be a need in NY for food. Below is an easy way to help. Campbell soup is donating a can of soup to area food banks just by clicking on a football helmet at their website. So let's see which team gets the most support and help some hungry people, too! It's quick, easy, and can be done once a day. Here is a hyper link to directly connect you to their website. Just click on this web address http://www.chunky.com/click_for_cans.asp then click on your favorite team's helmet and Campbell has donated a can of soup. That's it! Please pass this to a friend or 2 or 3 or 4..."
  17. Maybe FrogMaster can hook us up with what we lost in translation.
  18. Try MS Office, it works for me... j/k Have you tried slowing down the serial port? If you haven't, let me know and I'll refresh my memory and post a "how-to" for you.
  19. Quote: Yes, PHP works just fine with MS SQL, so if you're annoyed with ASPs obvious deficiencies (lack of proper error handling etc) then PHP is a very good alternative. I really would like to try PHP, but as I am barely capable of doing anything in ASP, I think I will confine my "mad skillz" to that language for the time being. ASP.NET seems to be a lot better, but I have been intrigued by PHP and how well it seems to scale well on larger sites. I also installed MySQL on an NT box of mine, but I haven't messed with it yet. I use MS SQL2K for SMS, McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator, IIS Logging, and several ASP sites so I haven't had much inclination to use MySQL at the moment.
  20. What is the backend for the message board? Is it MySQL? I use ASP and SQL/Access myself, but I wondered what was powering this system.
  21. Quote: P.S.=> Time to show you up, for the cheap-shot artist you are, & how you fight like a woman, not a man, with b.s. & lies (you're disgusting, you know that?)... apk A. Who do you think you are bringing your dirty laundry here from other forums? And on top of that, asking others to stay out? B. While this has some basis in code, this is obviously an "other" topic. C. I think you just sank the last bit of credibility you may think you had with most of the members here. Consider this completely inflamatory thread closed.
  22. clutch

    win xp sending info to MS???

    Please don't ask the same question to several forums then. Just post the question once, and then link to it from the other forums if you feel the need to.
  23. clutch

    XP sends software info to microsoft

    No cross posting please.
  24. Again, don't cross post.
  25. clutch

    Windows XP remote users limitation

    Don't cross post.