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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Installing Windows XP Pro on ECS Desknote A980

    Its the controller, It speficially said something about the ata 66 HAve to tried to use F6 and sepcify the drivers?
  2. sapiens74

    PCI/USB Game Ports?

    I think they game ports by themselves but i havent seen one in years
  3. sapiens74

    Installing Windows XP Pro on ECS Desknote A980

    http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?st=b&qu=0x0000007A&view=en-us seems to be related to the hard drive controller What chipset does it use?
  4. sapiens74

    Installing Windows XP Pro on ECS Desknote A980

    Disable all onboard devices except video. That includes parallel and serial ports Pull any additional cards out. Make sure you have 2 sticks of ram, try 11 at a time. Install windows xp, after formatting fresh using NTFS. If you get errors, try the other stick of ram and try again.
  5. For an enterprise solution Norton AV FOr a workstation either are fine
  6. sapiens74


    whats the command you are using?
  7. sapiens74

    Broadband on 2 computers with only one phone line

    I take it your getting a cable modem Unless they are offering the router for free don't take it, and wireless is very unsecure even if you know what you are doing. You can buy a router for cheap, like a linksys one, then the cable modem plugs into the router's wan connector, and your 2 machines plug into the ports. Pretty easy to setup
  8. sapiens74


    http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/ddtools/hh/ddtools/bccodes_6zvr.asp this explains how to fix it
  9. sapiens74

    Gigabit LAN not at full speed?

    The thing is, if your infrastucture is plain old cat 5, and you have to upgrade it, i would go cat 6 just to be safe.
  10. sapiens74

    Gigabit LAN not at full speed?

    5e will do gigabit And are these machines reporting 100mbs? are they windows based machines
  11. sapiens74

    Java Fatal Error in IE - help!

    Cool beans
  12. sapiens74

    Java Fatal Error in IE - help!

    www.sun.com Download java and try to reinstall, if not then try to uninstall and reinstall IE, which I assume you are using
  13. sapiens74


    If can find a cheap 512mb stick go with whatever you can get I wouldn't invest a lot in that memory
  14. sapiens74

    Batten down the hatches

    FUnny how the MS bulletins get noticed but the CISCO flaw published in the last couple days which is far worse, doesn't get much attention, even though it could bring down the whole internet
  15. sapiens74

    Burning CD - Temp Files Can Not Be Deleted

    Right click on the offending drive. Click on properties. THen click on the recording tab Uncheck the "record using this device" Reboot Then enable it again
  16. sapiens74

    Best ad/pop-up blocker?

    I like Popup cop And a combination of that Zone alarm and host file, i have an ad free surfing exp
  17. sapiens74

    Poll: Operating Systems

    XP Pro You can have the eye candy if you want, but also make it look and feel like Win2k Its stable ,fast, and has so many features to mention
  18. sapiens74

    Can you upgrade from Win2K pro to Advanced Server?

    I believe so But you want to do it from scratch
  19. sapiens74

    Can you upgrade from Win2K pro to Advanced Server?

    I believe so But you want to do it from scratch
  20. sapiens74

    What is a good scanner that does legal size?

    Glad you found that out, I was interested in that one for the same reason.
  21. sapiens74

    What is a good scanner that does legal size?

  22. sapiens74

    What is True Vector Engine?

    Version 4 is out so if you still have a liscense you can dl the newest version
  23. sapiens74

    What is True Vector Engine?

    Zone Alarm
  24. sapiens74

    How do I delete entries in my address bar???

    You can use TweakUI in the power toys suite to erase it. From Microsoft. Just search the forums for it, or someone who may know the link can post it