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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    MSN Premium - Worth it?

    I was grandfathered in with the old 6.99 a month limited dial up account, cause my wife uses MSN and I used the dialup when traveling. But I get the premium for 6.99 a month and really like it.
  2. sapiens74

    Gotta Love Linux

    Using Mandrake 10 now, and its easy enough to get online. Nice little operating system to run on Virtual PC But in now way is Linux ready for the enterprise workstations.
  3. It does not delete it but its recommended you back up your data first Also Defrag it, before you do If you want to switch back to basic disk it will delete the data
  4. sapiens74

    Processor/CPU Upgrade

    You'll be fine Won't have to do anything, unless you change motherboards out
  5. i posted it you can check the updated page now http://hawaiihardwarez.com/apk
  6. sapiens74

    Cannot import foreign disk

    HAve you tried to activate disk?
  7. ALec I haven't got it yet. soon as you can get it to me I'll put it up I may give you an ftp account, if I have time to set it up
  8. Cool beans I'll post it Feel free to give out the webiste Might as well use the bandwidth im paying for
  9. posted it www.hawaiihardwarez.com click on the apk link at bottom or hawaiihardwarez.com/apk.htm
  10. Email me it if you don't mind, no Ftp access to my website
  11. Cool, I'll host it and provide some links in the next couple of days
  12. Hey alec I can host these files for you on my site. I got 40gb a month BW i'm paying for and not using
  13. alec could you pass that program on to me, the one that lets you edit the repeats in the hosts file? ? /cheers
  14. sapiens74

    IE 6.0 has new home page every day

    look under tool\internet options\general\settings\view objects See if anything components are installed
  15. sapiens74

    A very sad time for me - All should read

    Bro, I'm sorry for your loss. In a situation like this, the only thing i can recommend is prayer. It can't bring your friend back, but it can give you peace for the tough times ahead.
  16. Quote: You can also mount a drive to an empty ntfs folder in disk management. You can then put my documents or whatever is taking a lot of space there. If you have a raid capable motherboard or a raid capable controller. You could ghost it to another drive and then do a span and ghost it back. It would require a total of 3 drives or you could save the ghost partition to a cd (or to more cd's) If you're using a new raid card make sure you install drivers first, before ghost, otherwise it may not boot. Thats a good point I run my docs off my server. Saves lots of space
  17. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3BQ308424 Can't span the boot partition
  18. don't think you can span the system drive. Let me check i'll get back on that You can however move the pagefile to the raid drive
  19. sapiens74

    Slow Logging Onto Server 2k3 Domain

    I had same problem
  20. sapiens74

    Microsoft Action Pack

    You can purchase additional Cal's and still be under the EULA
  21. sapiens74

    ISA Server 2000 Or 2004 Beta?

    I'm running Windows 2003 Server enterprise, though I am licsenced for ISA 2000
  22. sapiens74

    Weird problem with Audigy 2 card.

    It's a know via problem with Creative cards Since you have an older chipset, I would try the newest bios for your board, then newest 4 in 1 drivers, then creative drivers
  23. sapiens74

    How awful is it upgrading from Win2k to SBS2003?

    Do a clean install. Thats what MS recommends. SBS 2003 is so easy to install its scarey
  24. If they are all the same hardware setup then I would suggest a third party app like ghost
  25. sapiens74

    Window XP file protection error

    Are you overclocking? What is your hardware setup