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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Downloading WinXP Pro...

    Buy the OEM version. At worst you can pick it up for 150, plus be requred to buy a hard drive to be compliant with the "new" pc requirments. So 150+100 for a nice 120GB hard drive is 250 CHeaper then the Retail Version
  2. sapiens74

    Downloading WinXP Pro...

  3. sapiens74

    How do you perm. remove network shares?

    Or the best way to do it is disable the server service. Then it automatically disables them for you. BTW when you do this it also will disable computer browser service.
  4. sapiens74

    How do you perm. remove network shares?

    Use MMC to manage shares Disable them from there.
  5. sapiens74

    proxy server / firewall / internet weirdness !!

    tried flushing dns cache on the clients?
  6. sapiens74

    HDD power down question:

    IF you use removable drive bays you can.
  7. sapiens74

    Trouble w/ Zone Alarm Pro 4.0 under Win2K?

    I have some issues with XP can you be more specific
  8. sapiens74

    Logitech keyboard & Mozilla

    I had the same issue, and when I set my default browser to the one I used the most, it would open that brower respectively.
  9. sapiens74

    Microsoft Office Systems BETA 2 KIT 2003

    I have both versions. I bought the Beta 2 Kit and I am an official tester, and got the technical refresh. It may not allow you to update unless you are an official tester
  10. sapiens74

    Microsoft Office Systems BETA 2 KIT 2003

    Do you have the technical refresh or the original Beta2?
  11. sapiens74

    Microsoft Office Systems BETA 2 KIT 2003

    http://officebeta.microsoft.com/officeupdate/ I submitted a bug about the crashing of Outlook Doesn't do it since the update
  12. sapiens74

    VGA to TV

    You do need a decoder onbaord unless you have an HDTV with VGA or DVI inputs
  13. sapiens74

    The "Unsinkable Titanic" of servers

    This isn't the future for most of us Too expexsive and propietary. I think you will see NOS's that are modular You basically install only whats needed for your orgaization and nothing more. So instead of having a server with everything installed you your web server you only have the web server part, and everything else removed. And so on with other services. THe day of having a Server be all things at once is coming to an end though, unless your a small business.
  14. sapiens74

    Terminator 3: "The Rise of the Machines"

    Saw Pirates of the Carribbean over the weekend. Johnny Depp is the most underated actor ever. Was a fun movie to watch. I'll probably buy that one. I was expecting Orlando Bloom to break out the bow and arrow.
  15. sapiens74

    office 200 won't uninstall!

    THats one of the issues with using .msi installers Can you not do an upgrade?
  16. sapiens74

    need help with my presario 920 in w2k

    try using the one one ATI's website.
  17. sapiens74

    need help with my presario 920 in w2k

    Are you installing anything else, like Direct X?
  18. sapiens74

    Move Windows XP to new hardware?

    It will most likely work unless you are switching to a controller which XP does not recognize natively
  19. sapiens74

    Move Windows XP to new hardware?

    It can be done. Better to do a fresh install, but if you don't want to go through then give it a shot
  20. I tried there last beta and it was awful. Caused hella crashes. SO I'll wait till it comes out
  21. sapiens74

    Move Windows XP to new hardware?

    I have done so when upgrading most of my components. I use Drive Image 2002, or you can put the hard drive into the new machine, let it detect all the drivers and such then do a backup with the new hardware
  22. sapiens74

    Custom install CD with extra drivers?

    Nope You can add cmd line installations with intel drivers and such, but you have to newer SATA and SCSI controllers via floppy
  23. sapiens74

    Dual DDR333 vs Dual DDR400 with P4

    I can tell a big difference between Rambus and my new setup. Runs everything zippier.
  24. sapiens74

    XP Pro System Restore Crash

    I'd try to reaplly SP1. IF that doesn't work you have have to use the ASR from the boot disk to retore original files. and reinstall all updates