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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Looking for A good Web Cam

    The logitech quick cam pro is a nice cam USB 2.0
  2. sapiens74

    Building a new pc

    Go with Corsair 3200LL series ram. Great matched with that board. You don't need all those DVD drives. Buy the Pioneer drive and just that one. You don't need any more drives. Zip drive only if you need it . Otherwise stick to CDRW, or get a Zip on EBAy for cheap Radeon 9600 Pro if you can afford it. Otherwise a 9000 pro would be great.
  3. sapiens74

    Favorite game in both Action and RPG genres?

    Feelancer was a mix of both. Great game
  4. Only thing I am missing is the 800FSB CPU Got Dual WD Raptors and Corsair ram, now I need that 2.4c to come out
  5. sapiens74

    Intel 3.06Ghz 800Mhz FSB HyperThreaded CPU: Good read!

    I really like my setup and it was reasonable on cost
  6. sapiens74

    install programs problem

    Power users can install programs, but some require admin account to install and run.. No way around that
  7. sapiens74

    install programs problem

    Make her the an admin. Give her a password that she doesn't share with anyone. make a second account for the rest in her house, make it a limited account.
  8. Bro you got some really great tools But why did you block Paypal in your hosts file? I gots to get paid ya know
  9. sapiens74

    Count how many CDs your recorder has burned

    Im sure the FBI would love a tool like that.
  10. sapiens74

    IE 6.0 w/SP1 won't boot on WinXP

    I have to disable my Popup Cop every now and then or I cant view some sites. And my NAV takes up 100 CPU time so I got it set to manual scan
  11. sapiens74

    IE 6.0 w/SP1 won't boot on WinXP

    Could be a number of services. Running any popup blockers or antivirus?
  12. sapiens74

    IE 6.0 w/SP1 won't boot on WinXP

    First thing, release the ip and try and different port to try and get a new IP. Then Try Second remove IE from the Add/Remove Programs Windows Components tab. Reinstall it from the cd IF that doesn't work try to repair the installation.
  13. sapiens74

    Intel 3.06Ghz 800Mhz FSB HyperThreaded CPU: Good read!

    Quote: Wouldn't the 2 Raptors on top of each other overheat? IMHO you are better off putting one in the lower drive bays. So far they work fine together. Problem is the lower bay has a fan, and the drives stick out too much
  14. sapiens74

    IE 6.0 w/SP1 won't boot on WinXP

    You reinstalled Windows fresh and it still has the same problem? Are you using a router?
  15. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Logitech MX700 mouse. First time I had this mouse I didn't like it. Now I cannot part with it.
  16. sapiens74

    Performance vs. Speed

    I would suggest a nice 2.4c with an Abit 1s7 board. THe bandwidth plus HT, the AMD cannot touch it.
  17. sapiens74

    Dell Poweredge 1600SC Xeon Server

    THat price is shipped to anywhere in the US
  18. sapiens74

    XP crashes and other tomfoolery, Advice wanted.

    Pull all cards out minus the video card. Disable all onboard devices. Pull one stick of ram out. Try to install If the one stick doesn't work then try the other and repeat. See what happens and we will go from there
  19. sapiens74

    Intel 3.06Ghz 800Mhz FSB HyperThreaded CPU: Good read!

    I got my 2.6c setup. Here's my rig http://home.hawaii.rr.com/sapiens74/ Got it to 3.34 GHZ so far at 257FSB
  20. sapiens74

    BSOD's generations.

    Buy a VIa based system Get more then you could ever need.
  21. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Hate googlegear bro. They dropped the price 26 bucks before my sale went throught, so i had to cancel and wait till Friday to get the new CPu
  22. Just ordered a 2.4C and was wondering if i have to install Windows again to get HT support
  23. sapiens74

    Do I have to reinstall Windows XP to enable HT support?

    Yeah its XP Pro. I saw the option to upgrade the multiprocessor, so Ill give that a a shot when the Chip comes in