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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Add a 2.6c CPU to the list. See what 800FSB can do
  2. Gotta say it kicked ass Highlights: Freddy vs Jason Preview Non Stop Action Coolest Stunts I have ever seen. Only bad thing about it was the soundtrack didn't include a Ministry song. Other than that go see it. *Possible Spoiler* I need to ask something of anyone who saw it. I was confused about the ending and need to ask a question.
  3. sapiens74

    Just Saw Matrix Reloaded *Possible Spoiler*

    The third will see them coexist. The humans that want to be free, and the machines that want to be free as well. Should be interesting.
  4. sapiens74

    Pentium 4 3.1 GHZ for sale

    About 2 months old, will do 3.1 stable. CPu is a 2.66 in retail Box, I have the original reciept from Googlegear.com so it does have the 3 year warranty Will ship worldwide. Comes in original box with unused Intel Heatsink, and all paperwork.
  5. sapiens74

    People: You WANT to see this preview .avi of DOOM III!

    I have learned a thing or 2 since I got into computers. Must have titles I'll pay 50 bucks for. But lately I found Ebay a great source for games. Picked up the retail versions of Enclave and Unreal II for less then 20 bucks a pop. Saves me quite a lot
  6. sapiens74

    Intel 3.06Ghz 800Mhz FSB HyperThreaded CPU: Good read!

    The onchip INtel Raid on the Abit IC7, 875p chipset
  7. sapiens74

    People: You WANT to see this preview .avi of DOOM III!

    Ill be in line, for that and Half Life 2. Between those two games, Halo PC, and all the movies, I'll be a regular stand in at the llocal mall
  8. sapiens74

    Intel 3.06Ghz 800Mhz FSB HyperThreaded CPU: Good read!

    Wish I'd have know, I would have recoded it. I love that robot.
  9. sapiens74

    Intel 3.06Ghz 800Mhz FSB HyperThreaded CPU: Good read!

    Send me the program to test it with. sapiens74@hotmail.com
  10. sapiens74

    Intel 3.06Ghz 800Mhz FSB HyperThreaded CPU: Good read!

    My WD 120SE scored around 29000 on sandra, and my dual raptors score 69000, and average sustained rate of 97mb Quite nice
  11. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Picked up dual WD Raptors Running them in Raid Now. They are quite fast, way faster then my old SCSI 320's
  12. sapiens74

    Rise of Nations

    Will do, install the demo like 3 days ago and will give it a shot
  13. sapiens74

    Rise of Nations

    i need to pry myself away from Generals long enough to play
  14. sapiens74

    Just Saw Matrix Reloaded *Possible Spoiler*

    SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! It took me a while to think about it, but I believe NEO and Agent Smith infected each other. Agent Smith become somewhat human, and Neo has pieces of the Matrix inside him, thus how he stopped the machines at the end, and how Agent smith has his own free will. ANyways some insight from those who saw the film would be appreciated.
  15. sapiens74

    Looking for a Gigabyte 8IHXP...................

    Ask over a abxboards.com Most of us upgrading to canterwoods are offloading are old MOBO
  16. Selling Asus P4PE Motherboard with 1 Stick of Corsair 512 MB PC3200 Ram with Platinum Heatsink Both are retail and come will all boxes papers and drivers cd.
  17. sapiens74

    The Truth About Weed............

    For very one Scientist who claims its harmless you got 8 or 9 that say its bad. Morally I think any vice is wrong. Legally however, people should have the right to smoke dirt if they see fit. I commend Canada for taking the lead on this, although for the most part most States in the US have already effectively legailized it by making the penalties a small fine.
  18. 499 bucks they can keep it.. Why does everything else in computer get cheaper except video cards?
  19. sapiens74

    Sorry &!*$# Dial up access

    Aren't there any other alternatives to your ISP? And Secondly you can keep Ie from loading any images then click on them as you want to see them
  20. sapiens74

    X-Men ² : Anyone see this film yet? If so, talk ² me!!!

    Was quite a good film Cannot wait for Bruce Almighty and of Course Matrix reloaded
  21. sapiens74

    NVidia about to take what looks to be a BIG lead again...

    Count me out then till then come in around 350 or under. I paid less for my CPU, Motherboard combined. Still can't figure that one out.
  22. sapiens74

    Which M/B For AMD?

    When your spending money why take the chance With Nforce you can't go wrong With Via.....well there's a much higher chance of problems
  23. sapiens74

    Which M/B For AMD?

    Quote: Asus is the most expensive, even though there's nothing special about it's stability/quality/features....(my friend has 2 asus board and they're more problematic then his new ECS/PCChips motherboard.... MSI board is a good choice since it has good price, and generally less problem. Of cuz fastest board u can get is Nforce2 with dualDDR, but new KT400A is a good choice as well. As long as you have all latest BIOS/driver/windows/application updates VIA chipset will be fine... I respectfully disagree. The abit here: http://direct.mwave.com/mwave/doc2/A19189.html Is only $116.00 in the states. The Nf7-S with onboard video, which BTW is great for troubleshooting, is the same price cause it doesn't have SATA Either way your good, and with the New WD Raptor 10k SATA drives being to cheap, I just ordered 2, SATA may seem like a great option, for upgrades and all There was a time if you wanted the best performance for an AMD system you had to go with Via. Thankfully those days are over. The Nforce 2 boards are more stable, faster, and a lot less hassle. PLus the unified drivers make them a cinch to setup. Stay away from Via like the plague, expecially when you have great chipsets like the Nforce 2 at great prices from all the great mobo vendors (Asus, MSI, ABIT, Gigabyte, etc.)
  24. LMAO funny stuff. Liked the union ones especiialy
  25. sapiens74

    Which M/B For AMD?

    THe asus board is a bit more expensive than the Abit one. I jsut jumped ship from a P4PE to an Abit IC7 and the quality on the Abit is way better. Asus seems to be lax as of late with features, and all that plus a premium to buy thier boards