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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Which M/B For AMD?

    ABIT NF7-S Try this one, is really priced well and loaded with features.
  2. sapiens74

    Which M/B For AMD?

    Stay away from VIA Go with an nforce 2 board Stable, and fast
  3. sapiens74

    Assign IP without a Network Connection?

    A loopback connector I think would work but not sure.
  4. sapiens74

    Assign IP without a Network Connection?

    Do you have a network card?
  5. Both Maxtor ATLAS III's 10k U320
  6. sapiens74

    2 SCSi U320 Drives for sale

    I need bigger storage and am too broke to have both :x
  7. sapiens74

    Beta SB Audigy & Audigy2 Drivers

    Ill give em a shot and let you know how they do
  8. sapiens74

    Mozilla Firebird 0.6 (Glendale) Soon

    Just gave it a shot, and the extensions are nice. I cannot figure out how to customize the links bar. Am I missing something?
  9. sapiens74

    What DVD Burner to get?

    I'm still holding out on the Drive myself. The Sony is just too expensive. I paid top dollar for my Sony HDTV, Mini DV Camera, DTS Reciever, and Progressive Scan DVD. Sony will have to wait to get more of my hard earned dollars
  10. sapiens74

    What DVD Burner to get?

    From what I hear yeah. for that price, It's worth getting for sure
  11. sapiens74

    What DVD Burner to get?

    Office Max. Its thier special
  12. sapiens74

    What DVD Burner to get?

    http://www.rage3d.com/deals/ they got one for 130 after rebates, and its made with the Pioneer parts.
  13. sapiens74

    Unreal II in retail Box

    Just finished the game and I actually liked it a lot. $21.95 shipped Comes in retail box with all the papers
  14. sapiens74

    Microsoft Liscensing Issues

    Well I found out firsthand some issues with MS and it's license policies. Last Sept I downloaded a trial of Money 2003 Deluxe, and purchased the upgrade for $39.95, which btw was cheaper then the $59.95 at the local exchange. I got the liscense key and installed it no problem, but noticed that my credit card was billed twice. So I called MS with the information and the order number I recieved in the mail. THe number was for a different order under a different name. THey had to search for my order under my name and address. Well after getting that taken care of I was credited later. Weird thing is the charges were months apart. ANyways after I upgraded my computer recently I installed Money 2003 Trial and used the key to activate it. It said I had run out of times to activate it and to call MS. SO I did and they told me to purchase a new Key for $39.95 My argument was: If I had purchased this software at my local exchange I wouldn't have to activate it, and you are selling it as the same software, under a different EULA. The lady was persistant to tell me to purchase a new copy. I ask for the supervisor, who is very nice , and I explain I upgrade frequently and 5 times to activate something isn't going to work. Windows XP and Office both let you upgrade infinate amount of times providing you call them. I explained I wouldn't have bothered purchasing it online if I had know it was limited. He apologized and agreed to send me a hard copy of Money 2003 Deluxe. Just thought that was a lot of trouble
  15. sapiens74

    cloning xp with ghost 2003

    I tried using Ghost and it doesn't support UNC Turned me off
  16. sapiens74

    upgrading opinions needed

    Nvidia folks aren't making good hardware nowadays, so thier poor driver team is stressed trying to keep up with ATI. If ATI had Nvidia's driver team, Nvidia would be in serious trouble. I must say though, My 9700 pro has been stable from the start, and frequent driver updates have been the norm.
  17. sapiens74

    I'm building a new pc. What do you think?

    I'd go with the Abit IC7 for 150 bucks, and put a P4 2.53 or higher in it. THey are under 200 now.
  18. sapiens74

    AntiVirus for Windows server 2003

    GOt NAV CE 7.6 working on mine just fine.
  19. sapiens74

    2 sound card on XP ?!?

    I did it once, cause I wanted to use a Mic input on the onboard sound, but changing which app uses which card i don't think is possible.
  20. sapiens74

    Virus "worse then AIDS"

    Well it blows my mind how we can turn a blind eye to poverty, AIDS, war, and then get up in arms over SARS. I mean the world comes together when they think they might get an illness, but we watch others get murdered, or starve, and we do nothing. The time to stop being PC is now. We have to address the real issues in the world.
  21. sapiens74

    2 sound card on XP ?!?

    You can use 2 sound cards, Not sure how you go about chaning which card does what, although in the sound properties you can change the playback device to suit your needs.
  22. sapiens74

    Online merchants

    Googlegear is the most professional site there is. I used to order from Mwave.com but googlegear will ship most stuff to HAwaii for only 10 handling fee, regardless of how much there is.
  23. sapiens74

    Virus "worse then AIDS"

    Quote: Quote: Funny how we worry about SARS when ISLAM has claimed millions of innocent victims, and continues to be the single most devisive force on this planet. Thousands will die today from povery, war, and hatred all in the name of ALLAH, and we are worried about 100 or so deaths from a virus we will eventually learn to treat. No, it is not Islam itself that is devisive. It is exactly the intollerance that you display in this post that is the "single most devisive force on this planet." Intolerance is not accpeting people for who or what they are. I didn't use the word Muslim, I used ISLAM which is the religion. It breeds hate and intolerance. You can care for someone who is sick and still dislike the disease they carry. The facts are simple: Wherever ISLAM flourishes there is war, poverty, and intolerence. It is a breeding ground for these awful things.
  24. sapiens74

    Virus "worse then AIDS"

    Funny how we worry about SARS when ISLAM has claimed millions of innocent victims, and continues to be the single most devisive force on this planet. Thousands will die today from povery, war, and hatred all in the name of ALLAH, and we are worried about 100 or so deaths from a virus we will eventually learn to treat.