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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    War in Iraq

    Quote: Anywhere near Pearl City? Apparently it's on some sort of penninsular about a mile from Pearl Harbour, or so my friend tells me, apparently that's where he is. Yeah right around the corner. You got Pearl City and Pearl Ridge On a different note, I saw the footage just a little while ago with our POW's Since they won't show it in the states I Saw it on a Canadian News Channel It made my blood boil, and to top it off the Canadian News people were terribly biased, equating the POW interviews with our pics of Iraqi soldiers. Anyways I hope you all pray for the POW's and their loved ones, as well as the innocents in Iraq.
  2. sapiens74

    Cisco to acquire Linksys

    Wow Kinda saddens me tho I know what will happen to the Linksys brand eventually
  3. sapiens74

    Cisco to acquire Linksys

    With the market what it is, Cisco cannot sustain Linksys, and keep its bottom line. They will start by removing product lines, and then eventually merging products into their own line. Although they will keep the Linksys names.
  4. sapiens74

    Cisco to acquire Linksys

    They will disolve the linsys brand. You can count on that.
  5. sapiens74

    Cisco to acquire Linksys

    http://newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/corp_032003.html Forgot the add the link
  6. sapiens74

    War in Iraq

    All my friends here are Marines or Army or Navy. I live withing 1 mile Or pearlHarbor so surrounded by people deploying
  7. sapiens74


    It was 80 here in Honolulu again, so I'm going to go Snorkel. I have found a new hobby
  8. sapiens74


    Clutch I drove through WI last August, was pretty nice
  9. sapiens74

    Mafia Graphic Problems

    It's a known issue with ATI Drivers. THe new 3.2 fix it
  10. sapiens74


    Too bad I stopped drinking. A couple Guinness would hit the spot. I always Thought Syracuse was sunny. You rooting for the orangemen in the B-Ball Tournament?
  11. sapiens74


    When I lived In Seattle last year, it was the most depressing place, always raining, although when the SUn did shine it was beautiful. Anyways check this out. http://www.hawaiiweb.com/html/hanauma_bay_beach.html nice little park to learn to snorkel
  12. sapiens74

    3.2 Cat's - Go get them!

    I lost about 25 Percent in 3Dmark03 so Im going to try Generals
  13. I would assume you needn't be using IR on a large server.
  14. sapiens74

    C&C Generals resolution problems.

    Just picked this game up and the Max Res I get to choose from is 1280 x 960 Since I have a LCD this doesn't look as good as it would at 1280 x 1024 ANyone know what to edit to manually enter the res?
  15. sapiens74

    Windows XP and backup utility

    I have been using the backup utility and recently backed up all data on my system, to the sum of about 38 GBs or so. My question, if for some reason my system crashes or I need to reinstall will this be an image of my system as it stands now? Will the backup recover my whole system to the state it is in now with all the drivers and settings and such? Thanks
  16. sapiens74

    ATI Radeon 9800 (R350) - Thoughts and opinions?

    Good card if you are planning to upgrade from an older card, But if you have a GF4 or 9700 pro I would wait a while
  17. sapiens74

    Best firewall software for XP?

    I agree that ZOne ALarm Pro is the best, but I have had issues with the newest updates, and not being able to connection to my PDC
  18. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Yeah with the sleeve the thing was a brick to carry around. Either way im going with SD card and get a nice 256mb one mostly for files and stuff, maybe an Mp3 or 2
  19. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Thats another issue. I have a SOny DVC and a Kodak Camera so I got 2 kinds of memory as it is. MY old IPAQ had the expansion sleeve, although it didn't have the SD slot like the new ones. Wirelss is pointless to me, which I believe is why there is a difference is cost between the IPAQ and AXIM.
  20. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    I was considering the DELL beacuse of price mostly. I can order an AXIM with 400MHZ Xscale CPU, and 256MB SD card for 407 bucks shipped. THe IPAQ i was looking at was closer to 700, although I like it better not sure I can justify the extra 300.
  21. sapiens74

    Windows XP DHCP

    DO you mean upon reboot it will not use DHCP?
  22. sapiens74

    Building a new PC: AMD athlon 2700 and 2800

    GO with the nforce 2 boards. THey are stable and great performers. I would wait just 2 more weeks for the prices to drop, or order from an AMerican company to get better prices
  23. sapiens74

    MCSE .NET Requirements

    I got my first test in 3 weeks, THen I'll have to wait for .net server tests to come out, with the study guides as well to take them GOing for my MCSA first. then on to MSCE when i can
  24. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Quote: I got an iPAQ 5455 yesterday to replace my iPAQ 3850. I was curious as to whether you condisered another brand Pocket PC. I had an IPAQ 3765 which I really liked, and was looking into buying a new one soon. THe Dell AXIM is the frontrunner, although I have always been biased toward the IPAQ. Any particular reason you chose yours? THanks
  25. sapiens74

    KT133A + SB Audigy2 - What should I expect?

    Look into the Fortissimo series, I would stay away from the High end ones,. Also maybe Santa Cruz, which is an excellent card and I ran that on that chipset with no issues.