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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    KT133A + SB Audigy2 - What should I expect?

    Bro with all due respect puting an Audigy 2 on that board is like puting a Ferrari engine in a Ford Pinto. You will have issues.
  2. No desire whatsoever of seeing this. After he stole J-lo.... I hope it BOMBS!
  3. sapiens74

    Opinions on best RPG?

    Morrowind is the best stand alone RPG, followed by NWN. I only played SS2 once and didn't like it, although I may try it again.
  4. sapiens74

    Opinions on best RPG?

  5. Im drooling over here. Can't wait
  6. sapiens74

    Ahe of Mythology or C & C Generals:Which is better?

    Now that the 3rd patch has improved online play I would say Generals. I have both and both are fun, although Generals kicks ass
  7. Go pick up a copy of C@C Generals. look for sapiens74 We can have war there
  8. sapiens74

    Help with buying a new pc

    I read about some new magnet fans or something, a bro of mine picked one up for his P4, I think Vantec makes them. Nice Cooler and really quiet
  9. sapiens74


    http://www.asusboards.com/ Its for ASUS, but they talk quite a lot about that board specifically
  10. sapiens74

    C&C Generals resolution problems.

    The Servers are a bit overburdened now tho, and quite slow, plus some firewall issues that you may have to deal with , but I made Captain already 18-0, waiting for my first loss
  11. sapiens74

    C&C Generals resolution problems.

    A little more fast paced but it is fun with the unique units each side has. I found the fix, You have to edit the options.ini that they put in your My Documents folder
  12. sapiens74

    C&C Generals resolution problems.

    It rules. Best war RTS imo
  13. sapiens74

    Best P4 DDR 400 RAID Board?

    I saw some OC PC 3200 for 93 bones per 512MB, thats not expensive at all, 1 GB for under 200 bones.
  14. sapiens74

    New Computer - no games?

    Install the OS from Scratch. Install the latest 4 in 1 drivers first THen the Video Drivers THen the Sound Drivers THen any other drivers. THen INstall any service packs Install Direct x 9 last
  15. sapiens74

    Best P4 DDR 400 RAID Board?

    GO with the GB if you got the money. While it does not officially support DDR 400, its the fastest thing on the market, and has a lot fo room for overclocking. THe asus P4G8X, or the Gigabyte 8INXP should do
  16. sapiens74

    dead HD?

    I have seen that before A drive that would only power up every now and then. Had to have it serviced, and they replaced it with a new one My new server I just bought Had a bad 15k Cheetah in it, and they didn't have one in stock to replace it so they gave me a 10k 73gb drive
  17. sapiens74

    Woman Broils Apple PowerBook

    I wouldnt mind one if those apples. I saw the widescreen one the other day at circuit city and was tempted to get one.
  18. sapiens74

    dead HD?

    fdisk /mbr that will wipe the mbr in dos. Try that. Also you can use the WD diagnostic tools which can be very helpful http://support.wdc.com/download/index.asp
  19. sapiens74

    GeForce FX vs Radeon 9700 - your thoughts? - official thread

    Since it is hot year round here, I had to buy a windows unit, or it gets quite toasty in my room.
  20. sapiens74

    HP has alot of nerve!

    Use msconfig to see what is starting up Also try using the power tools and tweakui to try and disable it
  21. sapiens74

    Black Hawk Down Demo Out

    http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?IO=dl_deltaforce_bhd Looks pretty darn good.
  22. sapiens74

    HELP!!!! what BIOS lang is this?!?

    Its not Korean (Hongul) its Japanese or Chinese
  23. sapiens74


    Sad thing is, 99 percent of all human suffering, is caused or can be prevented by the rest of us. Something to think about.....
  24. sapiens74


    Have they ever made a Space Shuttle Sim? Or a game that you can fly the shuttle?
  25. sapiens74


    Since I belong to the military family any loss hits home. I believe the shuttle tradegy hits home more with most people, because they usually don't associate, the SHuttle missions with danger, like they do soldiers. Although we all know this to be incorrect. Also the shuttle's misson differs to that of an American Soldier, beause they are doing things that benefit all of humanity as oppossed to defending our nation. Either way I can understand your point, and any loss is met with sorrow