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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    How do I disable the ActiveX prompt in IE?

    popup cop
  2. sapiens74

    How do I disable the ActiveX prompt in IE?

    This is a good question. I have to use a third party app to do so. Anyone who has an answer is #1 in my book
  3. sapiens74

    Write speed RAID 0 to slow

    IS that a Via Chipset? If so Via chipsets are known to have trouble with Raid Thoroughput
  4. sapiens74

    Buying new desktop for home

    Intel CHipset Intel CPU DVD Burner: Pioneer. THey make the best ATI Video Cards
  5. sapiens74

    Sever 2k3 Networking

    When you start up Server you should have a "Manage your Server" wizzrd pop up Use that, and go to "add role" It's all downhill from there
  6. sapiens74

    Sever 2k3 Networking

    USe Remote Desktop aka Terminal Services You can control all machines from one. Best bet on your side is to run a local domain with DHCP and DNS from the server.
  7. sapiens74

    Windows Messenger: Preventing Auto login at bootup

    run msconfig from the run or comand prompt select "seclective startup" click on the tab "startup" make sure msmsgs is unchecked You can also rename the executeable msmsgs.exe to whatever elese to prvent it from starting at all its found the in the Program Files\Messenger folder on your system drive.
  8. sapiens74

    Exchange Server 2000 over a VPN

    This may not help, but Exchange 2003 can do RPC over HTTP So by using standard HTTPS port 443 you can use RPC through a secure TLS tunnel, with Exchange 2003 Something to look forward too I guess
  9. sapiens74

    What is the best MiniDV Tape?

    I use Sony brand They look way sharper then the others, like Fuji, and JVC i have used
  10. sapiens74

    List of Linux Live CDs

    I am having problems with Gentoo on my Virtual PC and my PC My PC has an 875p chipset, which gives older kernals fits, and for some reason it won't boot on my Virtual PC, which emulates the most basic of hardware
  11. sapiens74

    Slow logons, XP pro to 2000 server

    Are you running DNS on your server?
  12. sapiens74

    List of Linux Live CDs

    Im trying to get it to boot in Virtual PC, I have mandrake 9,2 running as well. Works great.
  13. sapiens74

    List of Linux Live CDs

    Good find Getting Gentoo now
  14. sapiens74

    AOL Welcome Voice

    I've been getting them on lots of websites Anyone test out SP2 for XP? I wonder if the Popup blocker works
  15. sapiens74

    SBS2003 - Using Exchange with cable broadband

    Yes you can do that
  16. sapiens74

    Took me y long enough...

    Dear god, I'm still working on 2k Grats though You provide some good posts
  17. sapiens74

    Microsoft VM in XP_SP1 or Sun Java?

    I couldnt get it to work on one particualr website that required an older java
  18. sapiens74

    Microsoft VM in XP_SP1 or Sun Java?

    I tried Sp2 and it didn't work with a lot of pages
  19. Drive Image is easier for me too use
  20. sapiens74

    Microsoft .NET Framework Setup regsvc error

    Have you disabled the remote registry service on the machines?
  21. sapiens74

    Slow login to Domain

    You nailed it Thanks bro, that fixed the problem
  22. sapiens74

    Slow login to Domain

    To my knowledge its using a Realtek nic, one of those onboard nics Ill try giving it a static IP, DHCP is not running on the DC but coming from my linksys router I may also try DNS settings, It may be looking through the ISP DNS first, cause the settings are coming from my Router and not the DC GOing to give it a try
  23. sapiens74

    Slow login to Domain

    I fixed the network slowness, at least with shared folders by removing sharepoint 2.0 which I was not using. I think the domain login issue may be this http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=329457
  24. sapiens74

    Slow login to Domain

    I can't find anything in the logs, expect for some issues with sharepoint, but don't think that is related Anything I should be looking for?
  25. sapiens74


    It does help, especially with programs that video edit, and also it helps bit time with multi tasking. You do not need to reinstall Windows XP, just make sure you see "ACPI Mutiprocessor PC" in yrou device manager under computer. If you don't see it then use the update driver feature. should pick it up