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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Windows 2000 Professional MCP Test 70-210

    So the actual tests arent that hard? I over studied for the A+ and Network + and passed easily, but I want to make sure I pass the first time
  2. sapiens74

    Dare I say....only in America??

    I read somewhere that a couple states passed laws that make the loser in lawsuits pay for all the costs.
  3. sapiens74

    Will sanity prevail.....

    Good people can have a heated debate without name calling. IT should never get personal. I think the majority of us just want the right thing to be done. And debate is where it starts. I'm also thankful to have the right to express myself. they get you ready to fight the fuse is ready to blow you shoot to kill on sight they call you g i joe you never wanted to stop the smell of burning flesh the hero marches alone across the highway of death it's not a matter of rights it's just a matter of war don't have a reason to fight they never had one before you're just a killing machine he's come to take you down we take the gas that we need and pump the blood on the ground they're gonna set you up so they can take you down they're gonna suck you dry they've left the blood to be found they're gonna rip you apart you're gonna burn at the stake cos when it's time to collect it's only heroes who pay Never better said
  4. sapiens74

    Will sanity prevail.....

    THe world has and continues to ask quite a lot from us. We are the most giving nation on the planet. We give aid and help to more countries, including forgiving of debts. medical aid, and military aid. My wife served 7 months in Bosnia. With all due respect why isn't there German, or Italian, or French, or Spanish troops in Kosovo and Bosnia. The majority come from the US. We should respect world opinion, especially those that have continually been at our side, but with all due respect our European allies, including Australia, are not equal when sharing the costs. So consider it like a shareholders meeting, when the US who owns majority stock has a bigger say then the minor shareholders. Just the reality of it. We Lead, we pay, we fight , we give. Nobody complains when we hand out checks.
  5. sapiens74

    Slow boot with Promise RAID TX2000

    Raid drives are notoriously slow at boot. You gotta learn to live with it.
  6. sapiens74

    Will sanity prevail.....

    My best friend is spending 2 weeks here in Hawaii after just leaving Afghanistan after being there a year. He may very well have to go to Iraq, following a war. Not to mention my wife may very well go as well. Most of us in the Mililtary community in the US, know that Iraq was spared complete occupation only after an agreement was made to destroy weapons and allow inspectors. They pretty much thumbed thier noses at the UN for 11 years now, and add the fact they directly support terrorism in Isreal, and may or may not have a link to Osama. It takes roughly 1 small bread sized container of Antrax to kill 500,000 troops. With only 200 inspectors, finding anything is a task. I honestly pray for peace, and hope we avoid a war. I don't want to be alone with an infant son. But sometimes the right thing to do, isn't the easiest, or the most popular thing. BUt when and if the time comes to stand against Iraq, I hope we hit hard and fast, and limit the civilian casualities. My biggest concern is the Iraqi poeple. THey have suffered enough. BUt as One Iraqi Defector put it on Donahue "We would gladly give our lives to be free from oppression"
  7. sapiens74

    Which 17" monitor is better?

    KDS has a better warranty. I'm not as big fan of CTX monitors. Go with KDS
  8. sapiens74

    New CPU = random lockups

    You are using a rather old chipset. Are you using the newest drivers? Bios? If so have you tried a fresh install of windows?
  9. sapiens74

    Windows 2000 Professional MCP Test 70-210

    I'm going for my MCSA first, then on to MCSE. Need practice tests, tho, cause I take the test in 3 weeks
  10. sapiens74

    Windows 2000 Professional MCP Test 70-210

    I'd like to know as well. I'm taking the 70-270 soon and need some practice tests
  11. sapiens74

    Any good motherboards out there?

    AN Nforce 2 board is the best out. Stay away from via. You can get a nice Nforce 2 board here: http://direct.mwave.com/mwave/doc2/A19038.html And they have the one with SATA raid too.
  12. sapiens74

    IBM to help AMD make new CPU's in future!

    I stated a while back on this board that IBM would be the big chip company in 10 years. Never know
  13. IF MSN. or Hotmail would ask for a credit card to verify id, then this might cut down on bulk mail
  14. sapiens74

    Antec PlusView1000AMG Case reviews?

    Just bought this case a couple days ago for my Bro. THe Case Rocks. we got some Neon fans to go with it too. THe only drawback is lack of thumb screws. but you can take them from your Lian Li or buy new ones. I will probably buy an Antec Case for my next purchase
  15. sapiens74

    battle of the computers

    Just ordered a P4 2.66 ASUS P4PE 2 512 MB Corsair PC3200 Tricked out ANTEC case with all blue lights. 48x Burner Radeon 9700 Audigy 2
  16. sapiens74

    PS/2 vs USB mouse detection

    I like the new MM keyboard.
  17. sapiens74

    Suggestions for DVD Writer

    I need a good fast DVD writer for making home movies. Needs to write DVD R and RW ANyone got a suggestion?
  18. sapiens74

    Suggestions for DVD Writer

    Since no one made a suggestion I went with the Pioneer 4x.
  19. sapiens74

    Happy Holidays!!

    Hope everyone gets what they want from Santa this year. I do hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Be safe and happy
  20. sapiens74

    Happy Holidays!!

    Here is the easy way to quit. I bought 3 Boxes of those cheap Little Debbie Swiss Rolls. Everytime I wanted to smoke I choked 4 or 5 of those down till it made me sick. After Like 3 days the thought of smoking made me gag. Worked nonetheless
  21. sapiens74

    [i]Romove BadSector from any Brand Hard Drive[/i]

    If you run Scandisk it will map the bad sector and not use it in windows
  22. sapiens74

    CPU & System Temperatures ?

    My athlon XP is cooler then my P4, although my P4 is way overclocked
  23. sapiens74

    Happy Holidays!!

    Isn't that a military thing where the officers trade places with the enlisted? Santa brought me a nice little DV camera, so I am all Giddy.
  24. sapiens74

    CD drives giving problems

    Quote: how about system restore to a previous point? Good point. System Restore is a real life saver
  25. sapiens74

    CD drives giving problems

    Quote: If I understand your post correctly you have cdrom's on the same IDE channel as a HD's. That's a no-no. The fastest CDrom or DVD player in the world is going to always be slower than a hard drive. IDE channels will transfer data at the same speed as the slowest device on that channel. Put your optical drives on the 2nd and Hard drives on the first or primary. Now to your problem. Befor you do what I stated above. Try this, Go to device manager and right click the problem items and uninstall them. It should ask if you want to reboot check no. Three item's down in the device manager are IDE ATA/Atapi controllers uninstall the first and second the same way you did the DVD/CDrom drives. Then reboot. Then I would shut down your PC and put the all the hard drives on First channel and optical drives on second. Remember put the harddrive that is your OS as MASTER. You should get a performance increase if you do that. Start up your PC and the check the Bios and make sure that it detects it properly (I've built many different PC's for friends and sometimes forget to jumper the devices properly, always in haste.) When you get into Windows let it redetect and it will install the things you uninstalled and it should ask you to reboot again, Do so. Then when Windows starts up again check the device manager and everything should be ok. Also, when your in the device manager make sure everything is in DMA mode (open up the IDE ATA/ATAPI contollers and click on Primary IDE channel and in advanced settings transfer mode: DMA if availble should be highlighted on the pull down list. Do the same on the secondary IDE channel. Hope this helps and let me know how it went. That's only true on older IDE controllers. If you use an ATA 66 Cable or above, both drives will transfer at their highest speeds