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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Performance of DX9 with GF4

    Great. Stable as hell. Just working out the balance issues now. THe Network code seems to be pretty good, I connect to Europe, the Mainland US, and Asia at great speeds. Game is fun too. 3 Very Distinct factions, all with some pretty cool abilities. CHina can mass produce troops, and have nukes. USA has best airforce and tanks. GLA uses all kinda of seedy tactics. Can't wait for this one to come out Feb 2003. All I have played for a month or so
  2. sapiens74

    Performance of DX9 with GF4

    THe only issue I have seen is with Command and Conquer: Generals Beta Test. They are aware of the issue
  3. sapiens74

    question about a cd recorder

  4. sapiens74

    Lord of The Rings: Two Towers

    WOW. was worth staying up till 3am to finish it. The battles, the sound, Make sure you see it in the best theatre possibile. To start off you get the T3 trailor, then it never lets up. Now I gotta wait another year
  5. sapiens74

    Lord of The Rings: Two Towers

    LOL The other Jim Carey movie looked funny tho
  6. sapiens74

    Performance of DX9 with GF4

    Quote: Take a read guys: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=6835 * APK That website is not reliable. I got a nice jump in performance with my Radeon 9700 PRo and DX9 with the newest drivers. No issues here to report.
  7. sapiens74

    DX9 for win9x/Me/2K/XP

    I have been using the RC1 and 2, with ATI Beta DX9 drivers, and no issues so far. ATI Released new drivers today, that seem to work fine, so I am happy. This forum is confusing IMO. We have topics in wrong areas, topics that shouldn't be on the site at all
  8. sapiens74

    Services in XP

    I disable any uneccesary services, and only the absolute ones that require XP to run. You can set a lot of them to manual to only start when called on. Probably the best bet
  9. sapiens74

    Which is the Best MMORPG out there?

  10. sapiens74

    T3 Baby...

    THey Showed the same trailor at the Lord of the Rings. Looks mighty cool on the big screen
  11. sapiens74

    Guys need help with HDs and Cdroms setup

    Try puting the CDRW on the promise card
  12. sapiens74

    Need a refresh rate utility for my Radeon 9700 Pro

    I'm using the beta DX9, have to use the proggie to fix GL
  13. sapiens74

    Need a refresh rate utility for my Radeon 9700 Pro

  14. sapiens74

    Just bought a Radeon 9700 Pro....

    I'm running the DX9 RC1 and B0 drivers from ATI. THey run faster then the DX8.1 versions, and seems to be relatively bug free.
  15. sapiens74

    Disable the pagefile?

    I jsut limit it to half my system ram. You might want to disable uneeded serivces as well
  16. sapiens74

    Game of the Year Nominees

    It's that time of the year. Not too many major Releases due out the rest of the year, so I thought it'd be safe to start it now. My vote is for Morrowind, although WC3 and NWN were also great games as well.
  17. sapiens74

    Game of the Year Nominees

    Finished Mafia. IT's Game of the Year Hand Down
  18. sapiens74

    Condo for Rent

    Wow, You can't sleep under a bridge for that price here in Hawaii
  19. sapiens74

    Pinnacle PCTV pro wierd problem

    MS has some of the best customer service there is. Don;t compare them with the likes of Creative and Pinnacle.
  20. sapiens74

    DivX vs. XviD

    Xp was stable from the outset.
  21. sapiens74

    User Defined Mac Address

    Can I just make one up? I'm trying to use differnet IP's every now and then.
  22. sapiens74

    battle of the computers

    I picked up a nice 1700XP for 50 bucks, retail.
  23. sapiens74

    What should be a decent temp for a P4?

    Mine is around 54, but My ASUS P4PE is known to have high temps
  24. sapiens74

    GTA3 problems

    GTA 3 was buggy as hell. Even On a Geforce Ti4600 and PC1066 Ram it ran like shit.
  25. sapiens74

    Need advice purchasing CPU/Motherboard setup!

    Welcome to the club. I just ordered a 3rd machine AMD though with an Nvidia Chip. Make a nice little server