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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Command and Conquer Generals Beta Test

    ANyone running this on a Radeon 9700 PRO? I can only get 800x600 res, Game plays nice and smooth though, and the Nukes are pretty bad ass.
  2. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Bought A 3rd Computer ASUS A7N266-VM Athlon XP 1700 Retail 256MB PC2700 Enlight Mini Tower w/300w Power Supply Only 219 Bucks Shipping was 67 tho
  3. sapiens74

    Kingpin - Life of Crime

    I just enjoyed all the cursing
  4. sapiens74

    Who was the best James Bond?

    Never read the books, ALthough I'm tempted to Buy the DVD set I did Enjoy Roger Moore playing him, maybe he's a good mix
  5. sapiens74

    Command and Conquer Generals Beta Test

    I signed up for it a few months ago
  6. sapiens74

    removed floppy drive, yet still in device manager

    You need to disbale the FDC controller as well in the BIOS
  7. sapiens74

    3DFX + GeForce = GeForce FX ?? Hmmm

    Quote: Honestly I never liked ATI cards other than TV Tuner/Capture. Back in the day it was 3DFX, Nvidia and Matrox. I seems as though ATI is always plagued with some sort of prob. or incompat. with hardware/software etc. It's not good when you have the fastest GPU (currently) and the slowest driver/compatibility time tables. I was a die hard 3DFX fan, and with this newer GeForce coming out, I couldn't even ponder switching yet again. Nvidia should just say f*ck it and try to purchase ATI. This coming from an AMD/Via fan?
  8. sapiens74

    Who was the best James Bond?

    Connery was too "manly" to be Bond. Brosnan is a pretty boy as James Bond Should be
  9. sapiens74

    3DFX + GeForce = GeForce FX ?? Hmmm

    I'll buy one only if it comes in a 256MB version
  10. sapiens74

    Can anyone tell me if 2200+ runs colder than 2100+?

    Quote: I suppose I don't really have much useful to add to this, but here goes regardless. Of the reviews I have read on this say that no, even though the 2200+ is based on the 0.13micron die process, it doesn't run any cooler. From what I read about it, this was the main concern over the release of the 2200+, cause it theoretically should run cooler, and in fact the 2400+ and the 2600+ do run cooler. This leads me (and I'm not the only one I'd imagine) to think that there is something wrong with the initial revision of the 0.13micron process die, a problem AMD fixed with subsequent releases, but never changed in the 2200+ itself. The latest bios I just installed on my mobo says I can now run up to a 2600+ (the last of the 133Mhz fsb Athlons), and so personally I'm gonna stear clear of the 2200+ and go for either a 2100+ or a 2400+, cause the heat issues are not something I'd want to deal with. Long winded I suppose, concidering all I offered was anecdote and conjecture, but there you have it. I agree. If you notice after the 2200 they got a good boost in speeds to 2800 telling me they had corrected some flaws
  11. sapiens74

    Can anyone tell me if 2200+ runs colder than 2100+?

    As long as they use the surface area the size of a dime, they will run hot
  12. sapiens74

    Game of the Year Nominees

    I still have yet to finish Mafia, so I may change my mind
  13. sapiens74

    Dual P4 mobo's - not Xeon - will they exist?

    AMD is turing down the APPLE road. I hope they don't get all wierd on us
  14. sapiens74

    Dual P4 mobo's - not Xeon - will they exist?

    Via would have done it by now if anyone. They already hacked the P4 for thier chipset, so they would have made one if it were possible.
  15. sapiens74

    Hollywood Plus conflict with my Office XP Pro...

    They have claimed they are working on it for more then a year. I brought this up in emails to them a year ago when I was Beta Testing Office. If it isnt't fixed now it ain't going to be fixed.
  16. sapiens74

    Need advice purchasing CPU/Motherboard setup!

    My new Sony burns a Whole 700 MB in 2:29 so I can do 10 IN a row in about 30 or so minutes
  17. sapiens74

    Need advice purchasing CPU/Motherboard setup!

    THe Intel PE Chipset or you can wait for Granite Bay would be the best buy right now. The Athlon boards aren't very memory effecient, and they High end Athlons are as costly as thier P4 brethren, not to mention you have to buy a nice $40 cooler for the AMD.
  18. sapiens74

    Blocking Popups...

    I use PopUpCOP, but I also use Zone ALarm and have a huge hosts file that blocks sites out altogether
  19. sapiens74

    Game of the Year Nominees

    Max Payne was last year
  20. sapiens74

    Need advice purchasing CPU/Motherboard setup!

    ASUS P4PE with a nice 2.53 GHZ. Won't break the bank either. If not, wait for Granite Bay, which should be out soon
  21. sapiens74

    K7S5A Questions

    Use the SIS drivers. Unless you find issues don't upgrade the bios unless you have too
  22. sapiens74

    No sound in Windows.NET

    I was impressed on how lean it is, I was running it on a Celron 1.7GHZ, with 256MB of ram. Didn't run too bad
  23. sapiens74

    LOL this is for real....

    Dumbass here used the wrong disk to repair a retail copy with a Volume CD had to use a "known" key until i could reinstall.
  24. sapiens74

    A7V8X Speakers configuration problems

    To my knowledge unless the Application is made to use all 4 speakers then you should just hear it in 2, or stereo. Do you have any games that use Surround sound. Of so try that.
  25. sapiens74

    Any one here know Spanisg???????

    Si. I am not quite fluent yet, although I can put together sentences, and can understand most things My wife is from Panama. Some words are not the same as standard spanish, and they have sayings like "Chuleta!", I think I spelled that right. Very beautiful language, especially when spoken by a beautufl Spanish woman.