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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    The Coolest Bigwheel, Ever...

    Looks like a little harley lol
  2. sapiens74

    The Coolest Bigwheel, Ever...

    Remember those ones called Green Machines? I had one, I was too big for it Cracked it in the middle, would scrape my ass when I rode it
  3. sapiens74

    Best Fantasy RPG game of the past 5 years for PC?

    Everquest is a true RPG. I never really like Fallout. Never gave it much of a chance tho.
  4. sapiens74

    Best Fantasy RPG game of the past 5 years for PC?

    Does everquest fall in that category? If not NWN, Don't know why I never really like any of the FF games
  5. sapiens74

    Trillian the best or what?

    I dont like trillain anymore Doesnt support voice or file transfer on yahoo
  6. sapiens74

    Pentium 4's over 3ghz

    http://www.achieva.com.au/pd_p4pe.htm No dual DDR tho, it supports PC 2700 tho
  7. sapiens74

    Pentium 4's over 3ghz

    Wait till later this month and get the 845PE boards. THey have all of what you need. Asus features them on thier home page. They're cheap too, and use DDR
  8. sapiens74

    Pentium 4's over 3ghz

    May have to get a new MB, just depends. Not that I mind
  9. sapiens74

    1000th Post

    Wow! took me long enough
  10. sapiens74

    Pentium 4's over 3ghz

    My ASUS P4T533-C enabled HT with last bios, so I am good to go
  11. sapiens74

    Check this out!

    Thought this was funny
  12. sapiens74

    Check this out!

    I think its the whole movie lol
  13. sapiens74

    Check this out!

    It was star wars the movie, text based.
  14. sapiens74

    Unreal Tournament 2003

    Game sure does kick ass tho
  15. sapiens74

    Games for sale

    They arent getting many bids so you might get them really cheap http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1384320293&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1384321229&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1384321826&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1384323190&rd=1
  16. sapiens74

    Check this out!

    LOl I forgot to post the link telnet://blinkenlights.nl/
  17. Yeah people were swapping Files like mad back in 1995
  18. sapiens74

    3000th Post!

    My money is on clutch. He has the momentum going right now.
  19. sapiens74

    Post your UT 2003 benchmarks

    1024x768 Flyby 146 Botmatch:63 1600x1200 Flyby 66 Botmatch 46
  20. sapiens74

    Post your UT 2003 benchmarks

    Well my gamestop finally got it in and gave me a call. They have it on sale so im all giddy now
  21. OK LOL. I think I might have an extra HD
  22. sapiens74

    3000th Post!

    I'm like close to 1000. I thought that was a lot
  23. I have tried everything to get this to work. I just picked up NIS 2003 and after I install it I cannot surf the net. I can FTP, I can ping, just No DNS. I am running through MY router and have tried everything I can think of to fix it. Any ideas?
  24. sapiens74

    Norton Internet Security 2003 and Linksys Router

    Yeah its blocking certain ports. WHich ones does NIS use tho?
  25. sapiens74

    Norton Internet Security 2003 and Linksys Router

    Yeah, but even then it won't work. I have to disable the whole pogram for it to work again.