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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Microsoft Lisencing

    Yeah I used it for my laptop and my desktop. I just wondering why they supplied a new key.
  2. sapiens74

    Please help me to upgrade my Windos XP laptop

    Insert Windows XP PRo disk and run setup from within Windows HOME. CHoose Upgrade, and it will keep all your settings
  3. sapiens74

    Microsoft Lisencing

    But technically I can install office with the other supplies key on a new machine and register it. So I have 2 copies. One that has been activated and 1 I can still activate if I choose too. Is that illegal?
  4. sapiens74

    Earth and Beyond

    Just DL it. Rahter interesting game. EQ in space. THe ships are kinda cool and the character models are kinda nice. Anyone else testing it?
  5. sapiens74

    Earth and Beyond

    I leveled up by getting lost lol Exploring gets you points
  6. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Got the new Microsoft Multmedia Keyboard and Blue Mouse. Works nicely. Want a new CDRW, but cannot decide at all which to get
  7. sapiens74

    Best Motherboard for AMD Athlon if possible

    Nforce hands down. Good solid chipset and good performer.
  8. sapiens74

    A warning to all

    Well this dumbass here decides to reinstall everything, since I just got an New Apt, and my computer from storage.... Anyway Everything is going fine till I put the Office XP CD in and during the middle of the install I hear this weird noise from the DVD player. My CD broke in half. No clue what caused it. Maybe the movers stepped on it. Costs me 28 bucks to get a replacement. You would think with all the backups I made I could have made a Backup CD of my most expensive Software.
  9. sapiens74

    A warning to all

    I use like 4 backups, CD, 4 hard drives.
  10. sapiens74

    XP SP1 and Money 2002

    Money 2002 is not allowing me to sign on after I installed Xp SP1. Anyone have the same issue? Tried reinstalling too. and nada
  11. sapiens74

    Window XP CORP and windows update?

    I have deployed Windows 2000 on many machines. Still thew best OS for business workstations in an enterprise situation, althought I prefer XP for my home machine
  12. sapiens74

    Window XP CORP and windows update?

    You guys kill me. If it's too expensive don't fucking use it. If I stole a Jaguar and said "because they charge to much as my excuse, you think the owner or the judge would buy it" Btw it's not too expensive. I paid 143 bucks for the OEM, when I upgraded my cpu. Fucking shit games are 59 dollars now, and most programs like anything from ADOBE costs more then Windows x 3
  13. Zone Alarm. Norton has caused so many headaches for me. I finally uninstalled it.
  14. sapiens74

    IE6 SP1

    LOL Major IE update.
  15. sapiens74

    WMP 9 BETA - Problems.. anyone else?

    Works fine for everything but Divx for me. Must me a Divx bug
  16. sapiens74

    IE6 SP1

    I installed it late last night. It only downloded 24k of files then was done. Maybe if you have most of the patches for IE6 it doesnt need much more.
  17. sapiens74

    WMP 9 BETA - Problems.. anyone else?

    You have to remove it by using System restore.
  18. Pull every other card out, CDROm, and disable any onboard ports. INcluding USB, Serial, parallel and Lan, and then Try to Boot it. Also make sure that its secured with that little latch thing which comes on the ASUS board and the AGP slot
  19. sapiens74

    setup issue

    Format it again in NTFS, if you have already done so. Then Do A clean install. If you are gettign errors still unplu all hardware, except video, one stick of ram, and CPU and narrow it down that way.
  20. sapiens74

    Well, this certainly qualifies as "Other"...

    My wife and I were arguing during labor, till the Nurse took my side .
  21. sapiens74

    Well, this certainly qualifies as "Other"...

    have you started thinking about names?
  22. sapiens74

    People: What's on your "Computer Upgrades Parts Wish-Li

    Actually what I want Doesnt Exist. I want External Devices to be able to boot. like a USB 2.0 drive boot into Windows. So I can run Mulitple OS by switching the plus around
  23. sapiens74


    I got my 2.26 at 2.55 so I am happy. I read some places that the New AMD thoroughbred core "B" can easily overclock. I think TH had an article about it.
  24. sapiens74

    Nothing works on USB ports in XP...please help

    Go into Device manager and look at for Universal Serial Bus Controllers. It will tell you the chipset. It could be a power Issue as well. You might need a powered USB Hub to supply USB with enough power
  25. sapiens74

    People: What's on your "Computer Upgrades Parts Wish-Li

    I just want my computer. It's still on a boat somehwere. After that tho , I want a cable modem, which I just ordered and Maybe a 3.0 GHZ CPU. And 1 GB PC1066 RDRAM. And someway to hook that up to my new HDTV