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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Double The Speed Of Your PC

    For once I actually under exagerrated.... Closer to 4 actually
  2. sapiens74

    Stupidest Customer/Person You Know (Computers)

    Ad myself to the list. I got into a little scuffle last night after one too many pints of Guinness. Turned into a full fledged bar fight.
  3. sapiens74

    Pretty "mind-blowing" cool report @ Tom's Hardware

    This is news? A poorly trained IT staff leaves their network open? Say it aint so
  4. sapiens74

    Nvidia Drivers and WinXP - ?

    I have had issues with the driver service since the 29.42 series so it is pretty recent. Nonetheless disalbing them means less useless **** running
  5. sapiens74

    Time to scare ppl in the forums: post a pic of yerself

    lol i was ****ing with some stuff, trying to get fancy lol fixed it tho
  6. sapiens74

    Time to scare ppl in the forums: post a pic of yerself

    Me, doing the usual after lan party partying
  7. sapiens74

    Stupidest Customer/Person You Know (Computers)

    My favorite is the Noob who posts something like this: "I have been been reading about all my upgrade options and am wondering what you guys think about what I have chosen. After reading all the posts I think my best option is an AMD CPU, any XP will do, and a really good VIa based motherboard. I also want to know your opinion on the SB live series of cards. I have been also looking at the Kyro based cards." It's like asking for trouble
  8. sapiens74

    weird XP startup BSOD problem

    Take all ram out cept one stick
  9. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    I did mean those of us who get paid to do this for living, but I will spell it out exactly what I mean. Anyone who complains how Evil MS is, and shitty Windows XP, or 2000 is and uses it as thier primary OS is a ****ing moron. I wish those of you who hate the very things you use, and in most instances pirate, would buy an AMD, Install Linux, and Post on other boards.
  10. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    ALien, you weren't who I was referring too. I don't like pointing out names. The morons I am referring know who they are.
  11. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    Funny how all the IT people can work it flawlessly and the "know it alls" cannot. I have installed it 3 times on my Desktop and 2 were for going from NEW MB, Hard Drive, and Video Card, and the other one cause I felt like a new install. Course' that was when I had a VIA MB.
  12. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    This turns out to be a religious decussion on the Great Satan (MSFT) VS. all of humanity. For those of you who pray to your AMD running, Linux Loving, Netscape is better, "fight the machine" machine, then there is no greater evil then a company who wants to have thier capitalistic right to have 100% of the market. For those of us who could care less about religion in computers, we simply use what we think is best at the time. RIght now that is MS. IT might not be tommorrow, but until it changes that will be what I use.
  13. sapiens74

    Neverwinter Nights

    I got this message when Intalling: The system does not meet the minimum processor speed requirements. You will most likely have performance problems running the game, which can be reduced by lowering detail settings in the nwconfig program. LOL Could this be an AMD conspiracy?
  14. sapiens74

    Xp And Lego Creator

    O yeah forgot they actually have a posting etiquette. If you do every other letter in caps its called "dude-talk" or something. Hard to keep up with all the rules, since human interaction was banned
  15. sapiens74

    What is your all time favorite movie?

    Forgot about Evil Dead. Groundhog day too.
  16. sapiens74

    Let's talk Sound Cards, Hercules brand

    It rules. Best card out. I have owned THe Santa Cruz, Hercules Game THeater XP and the Audigy owns them all
  17. sapiens74

    Best Mouses?

    i got he 2 button wheelmouse dual optical. THey make a 4 button with wheel. MS makes a comfy cordless one, tho the performance sucks
  18. sapiens74

    problem with fifa2002 world cup

    only when the germans and irish play? COuld be alcohol related?
  19. sapiens74

    Best Mouses?

    The 4 button ones are just ok but the one i have sucks. I like the MS cordless optical feel, tho i wish they made it without the cordless part
  20. sapiens74

    Best Mouses?

    Logitech has the "Mac" philosophy on mouses. They are uncomfortable as hell.
  21. sapiens74

    What is your all time favorite movie?

    I also liked Patton
  22. sapiens74

    What is your all time favorite movie?

    no way thats blaspemy dude. I pray for your soul man. Final Fantasy is like so riteous.
  23. sapiens74

    Double The Speed Of Your PC

    Last time I tried one of those things I was bitterly disappointed. My penis still sits at a mere 3"
  24. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    Since I no longer am of the working elite, I no longer have privy to the betas