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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    .NET isnt out yet tho I do look forward to giving it a thorough run down too
  2. I grew up close to the Jim Beam and Makers Mark Distilleries . I have had my share plus all your shares of Jim Beam
  3. Add to my list a little Texas beer called Shiner Bock
  4. Anyone besides me ever had Heineken Dark? Not an easy one to find here in the States.
  5. sapiens74

    What is your all time favorite movie?

    Hey CrazyKillerMan "That was so Undude." Thats my favorite line I'd have to pick 3: Goodfellas Sound of Music Star Wars Trilogy Depending on my mood
  6. Guinness and Heinekin for me too. THo if I am going to drink hard stuff then some good So-Jiu.
  7. sapiens74

    Problem with an Internal Modem

    HAve you tried a different PCI slot? Try that first then see if it installs
  8. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    I'd like to say something about certifications too. I'm almost done with my MCSE, and I've worked with a lot of folks in the field with certifications out the wazoo(spelling?). Kinda of like any education, it means nothing without OJT. I can't count the times I have had to explain why or how to do something. Some people have a passion for computing then get thier education, then others get the education first without any real experience. We had this network guy at my first job, that could not for his life change a network card out. THis guy had every certification that MS offered. ANyways just my rant You guys have to pardon me tonight. I had a 2 hour tooth extraction, my head is swollen like a grapefruit and I'm hopped up on prescription drugs too. And too top it all off I beat NWN last night so I have nothing to play now. How's that for a sob story?
  9. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    Here's my qualifications or my resume. Worked for a small internet company/microsoft techincal center. We ran Apache for 3 years, and not one problem. Ran a 650 User Goverment Domain in Korea, for the good ole' Department of Defense. We decided not to use IIS because of security flaws. We tested it, and time after time something would prevent us from running it. Of course a DOD run Domain has completly different needs then your average Enterprise situation or small business. We did run it at My last job, which I was part of a 4 man IT department. THen again it was Win NT and not 2000. We were in the process of going live with 2000 when I left. First of all I don't have buddies that buy ram at Best Buy, if they know me at all then they have me order it for them. And I know all too well that same buddy that everyone has, that is a know it all. I'm speaking from experience in the field. I don't know if anyone here has been in charge of as many computers as I have, and I would dare to say Clutch is probably the only other person that has the experience on here as well. A perfectly patched IIS may well do the trick, and no one hates linux like I do, but Apache, at least until .NET server is out, might be the best alternative. We are in the best situations where we can go ask someone in person to help us out, whereas not everyone has that luxury. Either way I hope it all works out for him.
  10. sapiens74

    Off Topic: Which Linux should I run, fed up.

    CyberGenX R.I.P
  11. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    Key words are "Clutch set me up" He knows whats he doing. Or at least he fools us I guess my experience was running a governemt domain, where security was important. A home based server that your personal stuff is not on, then who cares. Hell use AOL software. It's all good
  12. sapiens74

    The benefits of open Source

    This is what happens when folks work for free: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20020710/wr_nm/people_kan_dc_4 Some company could have used his talents
  13. sapiens74

    The benefits of open Source

    I was being a smart ***. Tho I really dont think it was very funny.
  14. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    LOL, I am actually recomending Linux for some of these applications. The world is going to end soon
  15. sapiens74

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    Just picked this up and there seems to be an issue with Windows XP and Nvidia Cards. In game menu is all garbled. Found the fix here: http://www.g256.com/ Game kicks *** tho. Glad I waited for the PC version
  16. sapiens74

    Neverwinter Nights

    works fine on my system Crashed to desktop tho maybe 3 times in 60+ hours
  17. sapiens74

    Neverwinter Nights

    wow it is open gl
  18. sapiens74

    Neverwinter Nights

    THought it ran on Direct 3d?
  19. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    I will usually defend MS on thier security, because they provide patches months ahead, but IIS, on Win2000 has been flawed from the beginning. Unless you are an admin completly familiar with it, you shouldn't use it.
  20. sapiens74

    Neverwinter Nights- Worth buying?

    Just finished it. GOTY candidate
  21. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    Do not use IIS period. Stay away from it like the plague
  22. sapiens74

    Let's talk Sound Cards, Hercules brand

    Well I have had 2 Hercules cards and they both were slow releasing drivers. Is the Santa Cruz out of the question? It's pretty cheap and a Nice sound card. Worked great on all my Via based systems.
  23. sapiens74

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    p4 2.2 ghz OR SO on a DDR Intel Chipset. Get A good video card for cheap like the 4200 GF4 and a ton of good ram.
  24. sapiens74

    THG Revisited

    I'm a capitalist at heart . I use whatever serves me best at the time. Brand loyalty is dead.
  25. sapiens74

    Let's talk Sound Cards, Hercules brand

    Game Theatre XP Only if you had an INtel chipet. Spend the money on a new board bro. Dump Via