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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    THG Revisited

    Thus is AMD's achilles heel. No ONE chipset that when all else fail, that one still stands.
  2. sapiens74

    THG Revisited

    Loose cannon, and religious zealots. We see it all at Tom's
  3. sapiens74

    THG Revisited

    HE hit it on the head. AMD fans are like Apples. Getting almost cult like. Just like the linux community. If everyone joined thier cause then they would find something else to be affiliated with
  4. sapiens74

    SB Live and Unreal Engine Games

    its the VIa chipset you are using the south bridge that has known issues with SBLIVE. Try the PCI latency patch, or trying it in another PCI slot
  5. I have owned the Santa Cruz, GTXP,LIVE and Audigy. Audigy best sounding card hands down
  6. sapiens74

    Xp2100 512 Ddr

    Lol. I got my first AMD when I bought a K6-233. Great CPU for cheap. THen after a few Pentium 2's and 3's I jumped ship........ to later drown in a sea of VIA.
  7. sapiens74

    DirectX 8.1b, Bad!

    You can also manually delete all Direct 3d files.
  8. sapiens74

    DirectX 8.1b, Bad!

    Thats a tough one. I beta tested this and its a ***** to remove. You can use the repair function on the 2000 CD, or you can use the GTA3 fix which might overwrite the newer files.
  9. sapiens74

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    I meant Norton retail compared with other AV that are pretty cheap nowadays
  10. sapiens74

    P4 System??

    Thats a good choice. Either way you go INtel has a variety of options
  11. sapiens74

    Most embarrasing moment...

    I owned 6 Via based systems I must like pain. I usually do my best work after a couple pints of my favorite brew, Guiness, but sometimes I don't Had to reinstall an OS once 4 times in a row cause I was hammered and kept making the same mistake. Fortunately my bro was too hammered to notice and was wowed by my technical prowess.
  12. sapiens74

    Neverwinter Nights

    IM on chapter 3 and the game is really good
  13. sapiens74

    P4 System??

    Is money is no object then RDRAM. If money is, then A good DDR board, and if you can find a 1.6A or 1.8A they both are known to overclock to 2.4GHZ
  14. sapiens74

    kodak camera and windows 2000

    I used this on my Desktop with Windows 2000, and XP with no problems. I use it on my laptop now with no problems as well. Try compatibility mode? Also what chipset do you have? VIA, INTEL? If you have VIa you might want to try thier USB filter patch
  15. sapiens74

    Best Anti-virus for XP?

    Norton AV 2002. Easiest to use, tho cost a little more then others.
  16. sapiens74

    Quick test P4T533-C

    Sweet. I had better luck with Samsung hitting the 150 FSB mark. So My 2.26 GHZ @ 2.55GHZ w/Samsung 40NS PC800 does better in performance then my 2.26GHZ @ 2.4GHZ, with Kingston.
  17. sapiens74

    Improvements to NTCompatible

    I think these things would liven up the Boards here: 1. International Babe of the Week 2. Linux Community Lie of the week 3. Beer of the Week O yeah, *** of the week. Pick the poster full of the most ****. You know I had to pick something I have a good chance of winnning.
  18. sapiens74

    License fees.

    Clutch and Admiral LSD said it best. When you manage you own Domain, in a very large enterprise situation you have a wealth of information and resources available to you. Microsoft sends out bulletins 1 months or more before an exploit is actually taken advantage of. We never got hit with anything. We had our servers patched the day the Security bulletin came out. Hackers have compromised every OS, and If you put 50 Million Linux boxes up you would have more Linux exploits as well. Like clutch says, Windows servers are so easy to manage, companies let poeple who are not qualified run thier Networks. We ran 1 PDC and 3 BDC's in Korea, mind you this was a DOD network with restictions, and the first thing we did was uninstall IIS. There is half the battle right there. A lot of idiots leave it on there even though they aren't using it. Microsoft has gone out of thier way to make a balance of easy to use and secure servers. Funny how secure they are when managed properly. And on top of that to use that as an excuse to steal software is just plain Bullshit. If you don't ****ing like MS products then don't use them. Why in the hell would you ***** about the cost then say the software is a POS only to steal the damn thing?
  19. sapiens74

    kodak camera and windows 2000

    unplug the camera install software, then reboot and plug it in
  20. sapiens74

    Neverwinter Nights

    Unlike Diablo you actually fight No whack it until its dead
  21. sapiens74

    License fees.

    We spent millions for a Site license for Windows 2000 PRo and Office 2000 Pro for everyone. Microsoft sent a team out to help us plan our Network, so they were a great help. I spend 300 or more a month on average for parts. I spend 150 once a year for a new OS, And I was lucky enough to best test Office XP so that saved me some money. Bottom line, pirates are thieves. **** cost money to develop. Poeple like you and me have jobs that rely on that money. If you dont like what something costs, then dont use it
  22. add Neverwinter nights to the list
  23. People blame the problems in the world on religion, terrorism, racism, plague, famine, locists or whatever..... bottom line is greed. "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil" ANd money brings power. What it is really all about. But blaming this on Corporate America is a bit unfair. Greed starts at the bottom, and goes all the way up Rich folks just have more to be greedy with.
  24. Break out some artic silver.
  25. sapiens74

    Nvidia Drivers and WinXP - ?

    Disable the nvidia driver help service after you install the drivers.