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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Who is going to win the world cup v2.0

    I'm shocked. Thought Brazil played a little rough tho. Good match nonetheless. THought England would pull it out. Referring to terrorists tho: All the hijackers were Arab. To my knowledge there has never been a non-arab hijacking of a plane. Correct me on that if I am wrong. And there have always been twisted people using God, ALLAH, Buddha, or whomever to justify thier twisted beilefs The problem is, there is state sponsered religion, that takes young hopeless, Arab children and teaches them hate from birth. We should have seen this coming 40 years ago. Never before in the history or man have young people been brainwashed in the masses like now. THey eat, sleep , live and breath hatred. For Hindus, Chiritians, Jews, Atheists, Deists, Buddhists, Other muslims. THeres 2 ways to stop it. THey die, or we free them while they are young , and get them out of the poverty and hopelessness, and away from radical Islam.
  2. sapiens74

    Who is going to win the world cup v2.0

    Speaking of the police I got a story. A buddy of mine stationed in Korea was a liason for the MP's, so whenever a US soldier was arrested in Korea he would translate and help diffuse the situation He said one time that this huge black dude was drunk and hit an older Korea lady. THey had him at the station and my friend goes to talk with the guy. When he gets there the guy is screaming about his "civil" rights, and refused to sit down. The korean police were about to beat the guy down when my friend asked to speak to the soldier. He pointed to the sign above the soldier and asked the guy "Do you know what that says?" The soldier shook his head "no" MY friend says "roughly translated it means sit down and shut the hell up!" The soldier starts to yell again about his "civil" rights. My friend calmly stated "You either sit down or shut up, or they will beat you until you do. Remember your not a citizen here, you have no rights." The guy sat down, and he shut the hell up. ANyways thought that story was kinda funny. But here in the States after the terrorist attacks, our police are so misguided and people so PC, it's a wonder if we will ever catch anyone. Here are some simple facts of life: 1. White folks don't hijack planes. Only in Bruce Willis movies 2. Black folks don't hijack planes. 3. Asain Folks don't hijack planes. 4. Little old ladies carrying nail clippers don't hijack planes, and if she does WATCH OUT! To break it down even further. There are about 20 Countries that collectively have a 99 percent chance of producing terrorists. SO we got the nationalities, religion, and Racial makeup of peeople who do hijack planes, and we are frisking little old ladies and men with thier families. HAd to rant about something.
  3. sapiens74

    Compaq branded 39160: OK to flash with non-Comapq BIOS?

    Do you absolutely need too? if so i would not
  4. got everything i want. What I want doesnt exist yet
  5. sapiens74

    Who is going to win the world cup v2.0

    RAI going to sue FIFA: http://worldcup.espnsoccernet.com/story?id=218235&lang=us I saw the match and saw calls going both ways. Of course this boils down to money, but you gotta figure the home team going to get some calls. I think this is poor sportmanship.
  6. sapiens74

    Sapien74's Machine.....

    Gonna order a new CDRW after I move. Gotta save some money now
  7. sapiens74

    System Lock-ups.

    Intel has the same thing. Its only and inf file to properly recognize the chipset. You can not install them. Sometimes they resolve issues with newer hardware. Other times they create new issues. But in your friends case try it. might work
  8. sapiens74

    System Lock-ups.

    Might wana tell your mate to invest 5 bucks in some artic silver 3 thermal compound. THat stuff can do wonders with any heatsink/fan combo. ANd it is necesarry to use the 4 in 1 drivers. BUt in order to make use of them, make sure y ou have the latest bios, then do a fresh OS install with the 4 in 1 done before any other software or driver install. I've usually had best of luck doing it that way.
  9. sapiens74

    System Lock-ups.

    THe pci latency patch is for VIa chipset to perform better especially when using raid, or any card on the PCI bus that uses a lot of bandwidth
  10. sapiens74

    Sapien74's Machine.....

    no. Gotta have the c version i think thats why they include a stick or ram with it
  11. sapiens74

    System Lock-ups.

    I was going to ask him to make sure to install the 4 in 1 drivers. Reinstall video drivers, pci latency patch, usb filter patch, and directx 8,1 why replace your stuff when you can just fix it
  12. sapiens74

    System Lock-ups.

    Was asking a legitimate question. Then i was going to offer a soultion. Need more info tho
  13. sapiens74

    Who is going to win the world cup v2.0

    From experience you dont wanna antagonize the police there. THere are a little less liberal then the West
  14. sapiens74

    System Lock-ups.

    Let me Guess........ VIA?
  15. sapiens74

    Sapien74's Machine.....

    Yep But I havent seen a stick of memory yet
  16. sapiens74

    Who is going to win the world cup v2.0

    This year you have to expect the unexpected.
  17. sapiens74

    Who is going to win the world cup v2.0

    I am going for the home team GO SOUTH KOREA!!
  18. sapiens74

    Sapien74's Machine.....

    THe reason I only have a 4X is I have been waiting on the 40x, I had a nice 24x Plextor but it was lost in the mail. SO i havent reordered one since.
  19. sapiens74

    Sapien74's Machine.....

    yep right at 12000
  20. sapiens74

    Help me delete this dang file!

    When you look at the permissions on the file, you can deny the system itself from using it. I did this with an old .dll file that older verisons of MS products replace if installed on Windows 2000 or XP. Then you can reboot and remove it it, cause when the system tries to use the file, it cannot.
  21. sapiens74

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    Better hope we dont use an NBA referree.. At least our soccer refs will be watching the game and not Jack Nicholson in the front row
  22. sapiens74

    Help me delete this dang file!

    right click on the file, and deny system the rights to it. then reboot
  23. sapiens74

    Sapien74's Machine.....

    Stock fan THo I have 4 fans inside the case
  24. sapiens74

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    WOW MEXICO loses. Whats the world coming too?
  25. sapiens74

    Sapien74's Machine.....

    well after a mistake... long story.... I am now stuck with Samsung PC800 40 NS tho it is hella faster. I cranked it up to 2.55 GHZ at 150 FSB. Runs stable as any machine I ever had. I get in the mid 3100's on SANDRA for Memory Bandwith. It runs Quake 3 at 1600 x 1200 all max settings including sound and gets 144 FPS Have no clue how fast that is in comparison with other machines