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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. I found a Sega Genesis version. Dl the rom and its pretty fun
  2. Games keep getting better, and in some cases worse. My all time top then tho are as follows, with no particuar order: Max Payne Morrowind HalfLife Red Alert 1 and 2 Diablo Starcraft Quake 2 Doom Starflight - I wish to god they would remake this Everquest
  3. sapiens74

    Lewis vs Tyson

    Just saw the fight and how Lewis totally dominated it. Grats to Lewis!!!!
  4. sapiens74

    Lewis vs Tyson

    I like Lennox cause hes an executioner. He takes his take and then BAM! it's over
  5. sapiens74

    Lewis vs Tyson

    I was the only one at the party cheering for Lennox.
  6. sapiens74

    Your dream motherboard

    How about a stable athlon chipset.. Thats probably asking too much
  7. sapiens74

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    LOL, Ive been to more countries then most, Cant know them all tho. I'm rooting for England and Korea in the Finals, I don't think the US is serious about soccer, and I cannot root for them.
  8. sapiens74

    Game Of The Year!!!

    Ok It's getting close to the New Year and it's time to vote for game of the year. I am including all games from any platform and I would also like to have input on the Platform of the Year! My 2 cents are for the game of the year: It's a tie Halo - XBOX Max Payne - PC Platform of the year hands down is the PC. Had the most great titles and can do stuff the other platforms cannot. Looks like 2002 will be an even better year with W3, DNF, and Unreal 2 coming out.
  9. sapiens74

    MS is kinda sneaky and full of BS sometimes....

    Agreed. Good post
  10. sapiens74

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    on early here, korea is 16 hours ahead
  11. sapiens74

    MS is kinda sneaky and full of BS sometimes....

    THat because hardware hasnt caught up yet.
  12. sapiens74

    MS is kinda sneaky and full of BS sometimes....

    THat because hardware hasnt caught up yet.
  13. sapiens74

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    Where the hell is Cameroon? You know what really sucks. I'd still be in Korea, and watching the world cup if it werent for some stupid DOD rule.
  14. sapiens74

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    You know I have an interesting take on "World" sports. I honestly believe that in the Future the most popular sport in the world will be basketball. The reason I say this, is the realtively low cost it takes to practice and play. I mean even kids in poverty can Find a way to put up a hoop and get a ball to practice with. Unlike other major sports, like Soccer football, hockey and baseball, you dont need a huge field or other poeple. You can play by yourself till you get better. You are seeing this trend Especially in Europe where we are getting some of the finest all around players. It will be interesting to see in the future.
  15. sapiens74

    Who's going to win the World Cup?

    Well I'd say someone from either Europe or South America. Seems us Yanks are better at sports using all our appendages.
  16. sapiens74

    Xbox ad Banned in UK

    That one didnt involve a midget did it?
  17. sapiens74

    Xbox ad Banned in UK

    I think I saw the same trick.. With a quarter tho
  18. sapiens74

    Help with this Error in Event Viewer

    Reset the Bios to default settings then Try disabling all ports that arent being used. Like seriel, printer and what not.
  19. sapiens74

    CD-RW firmware version?

    I use SiSoft Sandra to tell me what I need to know
  20. sapiens74

    DVD Region/Format question

    Software can unlock the region so can firmware, expecially some OEM drives come region free. You mean DVD distibutor?
  21. With my affection to Ebay I have grown affectionate to various shipping methods, and not rather fond of others. For those of you in the UK or elsewhere, please forgive my lack of knowledge on any of the local carriers.
  22. sapiens74

    DVD Region/Format question

    You can use both. When I lived in Korea I was able to play DVD'S with PAL I Used a Hollywood magic Decoder card to do so, with the software that comes with it.
  23. sapiens74

    DirectX 9

    LOl Well I do my part to help test
  24. sapiens74

    Which Shipping Carrier do you Prefer?

    Lol Maybe the next marooned soul can have an AMD CPU to cook with.