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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Problem Installing XP on a Serial ATA Drive

    http://www.48bitlba.com/winxp.htm It is a known problem unless you are using SP1 If your install cd is not SP1, then we can help you with that
  2. sapiens74


    Post your list of the best and worst games of 2003 and why you picked them. Good reference for games some of us haven't played yet Best games of the Year: 1. Halo 2. Freelancer 3. Max Payne 2 4. Command and Conquer Generals Gotta say Halo was GOTY. Looked so good on my system I was drooling, and considering its 2 years old is a testament to the game. Has the best sound and graphics of any game to date. The needler was the funnest weapon I've used in a long time. and watching Covenant aliens run around screaming with a plasma grenade stuck to thier leg was funny. Freelancer was my suprise of the year. I typically don't like space games, but this one was so well done. Kinda like an RPG in space, and the world was so big, I could travel to and from systems at will. Great Game if you haven't played it Max Payne 2 was more of the same, with better graphics and cooler bullet time effects. A bit short, but worth the price. Generals was the Best RTS game of the year. PLaying GLA and having tunnels all over the map, sending in terrorists to blow up buildings was fun. Top it off a Nuke, a Scud and Particle Cannon, which does massive damage. Great game The Worst of the Year. 1. Deus Ex 2 2. Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness To call Deus Ex 2 a disappointment is an understatement. How could something so good in the first game, be ripped out? I'll tell you how. Commercial Success. They had to dumb it down for the good ol XBOX. They will probably sell more copies this time around though. yeah for them Tomb raider always had a special place in my gaming history. I was hoping this game would bring back the feelings I had when I first played Tomb Raider on my Old Win 3.11 machine. That quickly turned to disgust when I encountered the control system. Eidos needs to take lessons from EA on how to churn out mediocre games year after year. At least the EA titles are for the most part playable.
  3. sapiens74


    I just ordered Star Wars KotOR, Maybe it will keep my attention for a while
  4. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    I paid 410 on ebay for mine Nice System Alec This new Dell 2001FP rocks. GOt my XT intoday, and its great. You can tell a differnce big time in games at 1600x1200
  5. sapiens74

    "HAPPY NEW YEAR ²°°4 everyone..."

    We are one of the last to hit the New Year.... 15min left
  6. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Alec, how's your card going? Still waiting for mine (USPS ;( )
  7. sapiens74

    ATI Catalyst drivers, are the new ones any good?

    My 9800xt should be here any day I've had problems with Enemy Territory crashing after I exit the game. I've tried every new driver version from 3.7 -3.10
  8. sapiens74

    ATI Catalyst drivers, are the new ones any good?

    Have you tried the omega drivers? If not here ya go: http://www.omegacorner.com/index_ati.html
  9. sapiens74

    can ping but cant see

    Can you ping by using Netbios name? Or just IP address?
  10. sapiens74

    Video card fan needing lubrication?

    You can try to clean it, or order a 3rd party fan from somewhere like heatsinkfactory.com
  11. sapiens74

    GREAT new FREE Undelete tool!

    I use it on my raid array , but I think he needs to recover from a broken one?
  12. sapiens74

    GREAT new FREE Undelete tool!

    Works great Also helps get rid of files too
  13. I believe you have to install nav Corp 7.6 on legacy clients, which should have come with your SAV 8.1 package, and since Win98 does not natively handle zip files that may be the issue
  14. sapiens74

    Thinking about a Geforce FX 5900

    I just ordered an XT, its faster then the 5950 from what I read
  15. sapiens74

    DVDR drive problem

    I installed Roxio 5 Plat, and my CDRW stopped working completely. I had to reinstall the OS Roxio 5 you have to run the engine setup reboot then install the program then install the update without reboot.
  16. sapiens74

    k7s5a --> Bad Sound Driver

    I have to ask Why are you installing Server on this old motherboard? I take it, you aren't running a business server
  17. sapiens74

    Thinking about a Geforce FX 5900

    Go with a Radeon card Much better value at the moment Or wait 3 months for Nvidias newest product line to come out
  18. sapiens74

    SAV Corporate 8.1 and Live Update

    To be honest I don't know I am supposed to be getting 8.1 first quarter 04
  19. sapiens74

    SAV Corporate 8.1 and Live Update

    I get the same thing with 8.0 on my DC and all my clients
  20. You ca capture in its highest settings, but sometimes its more grainy, causes it effectively resampling the movie to a higher res. Try to set the capture settings a notch above what your cam does.
  21. sapiens74

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    Picked up an 8x DVD Writer and a Dell 2001FP monitor- 20.1" LCD Monitor is sweet
  22. You're a good man Alec albeit a but misguided
  23. sapiens74

    If you could Flame about something - what would it be?

    Thanks for reminding me of another topic I cannot understand how Arabs, namely Arab Muslims, can watch thier brothers and sisters be brutalized by the likes of Saddam and not stand against him Then complain that we invade.