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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    GTA3 - Install Problem!!

    lol, ive done that before. Might be the copy protection then.
  2. They have always made great cards Unless your one of the many unfortunate souls, including me, who have owned Via chipsets.
  3. sapiens74

    GTA3 - Install Problem!!

    I mean manually
  4. sapiens74

    Window file protection...

    Try this I came across this today : http://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/790/
  5. sapiens74

    GTA3 - Install Problem!!

    run the setup.exe file
  6. sapiens74

    Probs with launching SOF2

    try different resoultions? Are you running the same as your desktop resolution?
  7. sapiens74

    Suggest a video card!

    Spend an extra 50 and get a GF4 TI4200
  8. sapiens74

    Which Shipping Carrier do you Prefer?

    I have had issues will all of them. But no fault of thier own. Since I live on an Army base and security is tight, they have had issues getting my packages
  9. sapiens74

    New CD Copy Protection Cracked?

    Got my tube of KY.... Just in case
  10. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    You gotta figure also that Netscape is no longer a small company. Even with AOLTIMEWARNER funds, bully tactics and thier market share they still cannot make a good product. Thats why sloth is one of the seven biggest sins. And they are guilty of it, from the time Netscape 3 was released.
  11. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    "That is why I get so angry - HOW do you know that Netscape couldn't have gotten better and better if they hadn't been killed off via M$'s hard hand, anticompetitive tactics ??" So what you are saying is that MS kept Netscape from making a better product? How is it that you want open source but yet companies to make products for profits sake? Cause the only thing I can deduce from your post is that somehow MS kept Netscape from innovating. You gotta figure when Netscape and MS both released versions 4.0 of thier product that Netscape had to realize they were falling behind. By that time they still had some market share in which to work with. So what did they do? They waited almost 4 years to release the next full blown version. THey dropped the ball plain and simple. It was the fourth courter, they had the ball, down by 2 with a chance to tie, and they threw the ball away. No one to blame but themselves.
  12. sapiens74

    New CD Copy Protection Cracked?

    the RIAA will find a way to make markers makers pay.
  13. sapiens74

    Mozilla 1.0 is out (not official yet)

    I could have sworn Mozilla was some kinda cheese.
  14. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    You know you could have saved us all the trouble of scrolling if you just simply said "I don't like Windows"
  15. sapiens74

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    I think the lag is just part of the game. So many configs with the same issue dont think its a driver issue. maybe a patch will help.
  16. sapiens74

    Orchid video - which drivers 4 XP?

    Is that the oringinal 4 mb caRD?
  17. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    We have already established that the Almighty made me unusually handsome and in turn lacking in the eloquence department. That would then explain the excessive use of the "F" word
  18. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    Wow.... that about says it... Wish I could be that eloquent... Then again GOd wouldnt have made me so darn handsome
  19. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    First of all your starting to piss me off.. Angelina Jolie is GOD! No one can ever take her place! ANyways, I have been on both sides. I worked for a small comapany as a tech, and Spent 3 hours one Day on the phone with MS tech support who did everything they could to help this old man who was having problems connecting to our internet service. They have always giving the best tech support, to me as a lowly tech, WHen I worked for the goverment, and a large company here in Seattle, so I have nothing but praise for them. I do realize the fact they are not nice business folks. THey can be mean spirited, bullies who try to shove stuff on thier OEM partners. But so many companies like them do the same. INtel has strongarmed people, and the worst offender, and IMHO the worst company out there, AOLTimeWarner is just plain evil. They push everything form software to content, even on thier news shows. To me that is truly disgusting. BUt like the Mcdonalds analogy, you can go to Wendy's, KFC, Arby's, Jack in the BOX, Taco Bell, the list goes on. We all have choices, and MS only has some control if we use the Windows platform. You have to also understand it from a business standpoint. Can you imagine deploying 300 machines on a new OS and have to install browsers, Media players, ZIp file management, messengers (Only for remote desktop )and the like? THey give you the flexibilty to install what you want but the basic core components to function as is for the average user
  20. sapiens74

    CD-RW problems

    XP does not have native OS support tho treat the CDRW like a floppy. Once it is written too you have to format the disk to erase the data. You can install NERO, just make sure you have the latest patches for it
  21. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    Then why arent you 2 using linux and posting on linuxcompatible.com then? Your saying they are bullies to multibillion dollar companies who dont need your support. If you dont like MS then dont use any product of thiers. I paid 147 doallrs for an OEM copy of XP pro when I bought a mB and CPU. THats not a lot of money. THey do not charge and arm and a leg for thier products. ANd "brains" I get paid good ****ing money to know how to use Linux and Windows and whatever else I can know to help people get the job done. Most people here are enthusiasts. Some people, like me are prefessional IT guys, who RUn or help run large networks and have a little better knowledge on how things work. IF you don't like MS fine don't use thier priducts. Don't insult those of us who get paid to know this stuff by saying, in so many words, that we are morons.
  22. sapiens74

    M$ users.......read on

    yeah they control everything. I mean i just ordered a new MB and CPU and had to buy windows...... No wait, I didnt have to. I can pick up any variation of Linux, for free to install. As to the Mcdonalds analogy they do only give you one choice: Did Somebody day Heart Dise......Mcdonalds? Bottom line is if you dont like the ****ing built in apps, install your own. MS includes this **** so people wont have such a hard time trying to figure out what to intall. And for those power users they can use whatever apps they want.
  23. sapiens74

    Which Chipset 845G or 850E?

    Buying a new MB with a 2.26 GHZ P4. Just need to know which MB would be best. ABIT BG7 - which has the 845G chipset or the ASUS P4T533-C which uses Rambus? Cost isnt an issue but Im level headed enough not to want to spend double counting the PC1066 RAM
  24. sapiens74

    Dungeon Siege

    Just picked this up and having a bit of a stuttering problem. Anyone else got this game? IF so let me know how it runs