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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    Exactly. If I want to watch a movie that has no plot, and doesnt lead me around to the very end, I'll rewatch "I Love Lesbians 12". Otherwise Ep2's subtle plots, within plots, were masterful. And Believe it or not, there are a lot of folks who havent seen the first 3. Anakin was cast perfectly, and he played a scared confused boy, who's childhhod was stolen, very well. TO have to confront all that anger, sadness and power at the same time, in addition to becoming a man, that would confuse the hell out of me too.
  2. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    Luke turning bad was cool tho. Was so powerful.
  3. sapiens74

    FAT32 or NTFS

    NTFS. More secure and less maintenance.
  4. sapiens74

    Empire earth +Windows XP+Geforce

    I had to patch mine, cause of sound related issues.
  5. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    BTW, Natalie Portman reminds me so much of Audrey Hepburn its scarey. Beautiful , educated, classy. WOW
  6. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    I read the books, and yes they stopped using clones. But I meant to amass the army that quickly. Although I still suspect many of them were still clones.
  7. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    THese things will have to happen in Episode 3: 1. Amadala will die, forcing Anakin to blame Obi Wan. 2. Obi WAn will have to defeat Anakin 3. Twins will be born to Amadala 4. THe Jedi will be blamed for something and thus hunted and killed 5. Darth Sidious will finally reveal himself to be Palpatine, tho I think there is a suprise in store here somehow.
  8. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    Sidious refers to him as CipherDias in the end
  9. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    IT was Count Dooku, who ordered the clones
  10. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    What I meant was, I guessed after seeing Episode 1 that in order to achieve the sheer numbers of troops they would have to be clones. Now eventually they recruit, but to amass an army as large as that, clones had to be a large portion of it, and you have to consider that the Stormtoopers are of the same porptions later in the Episodes 4-6 so non humanoid aliens are not being used.
  11. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    THats becuse the clones are Stormtroopers. I guessed that a long time ago. I liked it BTW. Thought it rocked. NAtalie Portman was prettty S E X Y as well. You have to remember this movies are the begining and middle of the tale, not the end, so we cannot expect the same as the final 3 episodes
  12. sapiens74

    Suggestions on new motherboard

    Still has a FSB of 400 tho. Whereas the ABIT board has both, so overclocking is made easier.
  13. sapiens74

    Diablo II LOD and XP limited account

    To my knowledge you have to be an admin to play it
  14. sapiens74

    Suggestions on new motherboard

    Stay away from VIA at all costs. They are a second-rate company. GO with the ABIT BD7II-Raid Get all you can want in a mb, and the new FSB as well.
  15. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    me too. A bit too long a wait, when My wife is nice enough to watch the baby while I see it.
  16. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    Cool beans. All the critics hate it as usual, of course if you read any of the books, then you have a better understanding of the first episode.
  17. sapiens74

    Just saw Episode 2

    If i hadnt just had 3 wisdom teeth pulled and wasnt so doped up to stand in line, I would have liked to seen it
  18. sapiens74

    ASUS A7V333 - Maxtor 160 GB & NT 4.0

    My only point being, that NT 4.0 cannot take advantage of the features of that board. At the very least you'd have to be using Windows 2000 to get the most out of it.
  19. sapiens74

    ASUS A7V333 - Maxtor 160 GB & NT 4.0

    SO your running an Athlon XP, with NT 4.0 and overclocking? If that be the case then I have to question your sanity. THe only reason I can see running Nt 4.0 is for Stabilty reasons, and the fact your using a VIA based board rules that out. Then overclocking on top of that makes no sense whatsoever.
  20. sapiens74

    ASUS A7V333 - Maxtor 160 GB & NT 4.0

    May i ask why you are running NT 4.0 on an A7V333 MB?
  21. sapiens74

    Audigy + Internet Explorer 6 = MEGA SOUND LOOPING!!! :(

    Common theme among users with problems.... ****ing VIA
  22. XP, little more stable and games are more compatible
  23. sapiens74

    Upgrading plan !

    VIA sucks. Avoid them at all costs.
  24. sapiens74

    Morrowind: Good or Bad?

    GOTY, hands down. Nothing else will come close
  25. Who cares? it's a piece of **** either way