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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    What is the best messenger program ??

    the telephone
  2. sapiens74

    Does winXP have ACPI problems?

    What are your specs? Usually XP doesnt have too many issues with ACPI unless there is a specific config you are using which could cause it.
  3. sapiens74

    Morrowind - Audigy Issues

    Even if your using 5.1 speakers? OK will Try
  4. sapiens74

    Serious Question

    I can understand the Not enough room for a big tv theory, and MSDN, but thats a very small percentage of owners, whaT about the rest of us who have to buy games on 5 ****ing cd's instead of one DVD? And CD's were the dominant media once CD burners came out, unlike DVD, who still I have yet to find more then 5 games that come on the format. A waste of money IMHO.
  5. sapiens74

    New system? Maybe....

    Wait til the end of the month when INTel releases new chipsets and motherboards that run at 533mhz
  6. sapiens74

    How do I reinstall DX in XP

    Use the repair function from th CD
  7. sapiens74

    Optimizing a comp for 1 program

    You could also shutdown ever other process, so when winows starts up its running bare minimums
  8. sapiens74

    Guys what really makes WinXP better than Win2k pro?

    I believe a lot of techies just dont like new stuff cause they aren't familiar or comfortable with it. We have old guys at work who refuse to use new **** and we have to support thier old software cause they wont switch
  9. sapiens74

    Guys what really makes WinXP better than Win2k pro?

    THaks i need that too. Alwyas forget to ask about it
  10. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    AHH. Havent had any problem with the ram I bought. Works as adverstised. THo by ordering from thier website their native language isn't English, and calling them on the phone I have deduced they are Asian. After living in Korea I can honestly say that the Asian culture in general don't regard princials like copyrights and the like, such as European and western cultures. And it would not suprise me if they are not as legit as one would like. Funny thing, Korea used to not crack down on ripped off American products, like music cd's and games, but now that Korea makes thier contribution to that industry, you see them being much harder on those that violate the law
  11. sapiens74

    IE6 question

    I have encountered the same problem, but if you right click on the image link and click "save target as" it will save it in .jpg format
  12. sapiens74

    SiS chipsets please comment

    You could look at the decision by INtel to let SIS make p4 chipsets legally and not VIa as a sign of their confidence they can make a great alternative for the P4
  13. sapiens74

    Guys what really makes WinXP better than Win2k pro?

    SO those of us you use XP and prefer it are idiots?. I happen to like the pretty interface. Makes up for all the dull command line **** I gotta do. It's different in the fact that it finally merged the business OS and the home OS into 1. Thank GOD for NTFS. I wish I were still working at my old store. Would have saved me a lot of trouble calls from little old ladies. As for the Pro in me, I prefer 2000 cause it strains the hardware less, and is a bit easier to deploy for now.
  14. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    did a search and found a forum on the OCZ article which mad onion had to remove for some reason. Must have been juicy
  15. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    havent read the articles. gimme the links
  16. sapiens74

    W2k SP2 IE6 Popup window problem

    We had a similar problem. But instead of popup windows coming up with nothing in them, java script wouldnt work at all. FOr some reason it was only on certain websites. SO finally out of desperation we deleted the users profile and that fixed the problem. Strange indeed.
  17. sapiens74

    MSI GF4 Ti4600 malfunction?

    It is a Via chipset. You need to get at least a 400w PS for your system.
  18. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    Seagate have always failed for me. Used to have 2 or 3 returns a week at my old store. THo the SCSI I have never seen fail. I have Western Digital and IBM now in my system and they work great. WD is very fast and affordable, tho I have really liked my IBM drives too
  19. sapiens74

    DirectX 9.0 Beta

    I don't think that 9 will support older OS's
  20. sapiens74

    Dungeon Siege

    Just finished the game. WOW. that was fun Hellacious battles.
  21. sapiens74

    DirectX 9.0 Beta

    GOt my email like 3 months ago. Still havent recieved details on the date
  22. sapiens74

    Help with USB 2.0 card!!!???!

    Doesnt have a bios, and Windows update picked mine up
  23. sapiens74

    a question for you pros...

    I have set it too 128mb, 256mb, and leave it alone, to Windows default settings. My machine seems to run best when Windows Manages it
  24. ANd DS has better gameplay then them both
  25. Diablo 2 was too repetitive, and was 2d. The gameplay was nothing new. BG has always has better gameplay.