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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Explain to me, NICs and DMA?

    CNET are pieces of **** IMO. Buy a 3com. Never have problems
  2. Story is a bit thin. More immersive IMO. Diablo 2 great story, not so great gameplay. All of them have good poin ts I guess.
  3. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    I have never had a problem with IBM. tho I have read too much too know there does exist problems
  4. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    Welcome back ..... To Intel.
  5. sapiens74

    3DMark Scores!

    no ****. who cares
  6. FSB maybe, unlocking the Athlon no. By the time you use a good cooler, and some thermal grease, just buy a faster one
  7. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    I have owned more AMD systems, and have built more, I am willing to bet then anyone on this board. I ran AMD form the K6 to the K6-2, the first Athlon to the XP. And I just bought INtel. WHen you work in the IT field you see a lot of systems, plus my need to upgrade every 2 months, I have had a lot of rigs to play with. We are providing the best options for his needs. No biased here, I'm not married to any platform. But as a pro, paid to know this ****, I can easily say go INTEL.
  8. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    I Use my raid for performance, and have a large drive for backup.
  9. sapiens74

    disk imaging programs

    WOn't copy an XP partition tho
  10. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    SCSI raid is faster of course. But SCSI raid was never mentioned. IDE Raid is faster and hella cheaper vs. SCSI drives by themselves. Even a 15 K drive cannot compete with good IDE raid. And the problem with SCSI is the densities are so low, You have to buy like 2 36 GB and thats off the scale with price, not to mention the raid controller. 2 ATA 7200 RPM 120GB w/8mb of cache = $400 ATA 100 Raid Controller = $100 2 SCSI 15k Seagate = $500 1 SCSI Adaptec Raid Controller = $400 So twice the cost and 1/5th the storage. Both max the PCI bandwidth out, the only thing with SCSI is that it's access times are faster. THat doesnt matter when your pushing lots of data through, just like Rambus. If money is no object then a board with a 64Bit PCI should be considered, then SCSI RAID, for max performance. But on a standard INTEL 850 board, then IDE IMHO is the Best choice.
  11. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    SCSI is nice, but a 2 or 4 disk IDE raid is much faster and cheaper.
  12. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    Was gonna say Samsung too, great Ram. Also You might not want to overlcock when doing DV. Most cards have problems when moving that kinda of data overclocked.
  13. sapiens74

    How do I burn a cd from a .bin file?

  14. sapiens74

    New system, what to get?

    P4 and the Rambus. Its actually cheaper for Rambus right now, You can get a GB for less then 300 bucks. Go with the WD 120 GB with 8MB of cache. Get 3 of them, One to boot and the other 2 for raid. GO with the Abit Board, or an ASUS, either way you cannot go wrong. Make sure to get name brand memory too. Get the Sound Blaster Audigy, it has Firewire port, and get a 30 dollar USB 2.0 card as well. THat will give you plenty o Ports. You can also get another firewire card if necessary.
  15. sapiens74

    Dungeon Siege

    yeah, games rocks tho. I really like the engine. Easy to use, and a beautiful game. ON the stuttering issue, I got the same thing out of the demo , so it must be in need of a patch. O well its still playable
  16. sapiens74

    Are Multiplayer games starting to suck?

    People suck in general
  17. You might try manually doing the voltage, i read somewhere that the default for some AMD XP's are too low
  18. Only in an AMD system would you see this.
  19. sapiens74

    Internet Explorer Icon in taskbar

    Right click on the bar, go the the menu toolbars and make sure quicklaunch is checked
  20. sapiens74

    Visiontek drivers or Nvida's ones or the leaked ones?

    I use the refernece drivers. They are updated more often
  21. sapiens74

    The Motherboard Thread...

    MSI are ok. I have had great boards, like the KT266 but they had two different versions of that board, the other of which fried 2 sticks of my ram, one at a time.
  22. sapiens74

    The Motherboard Thread...

    ASUS personally. I would probably only use an ASUS or INTEL in one I build for someone else, unless they have specfific thing they want. ABIT are nice too. FIC suck ***
  23. sapiens74

    What video card do you want?

    Got mine already