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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    so what are you listening to at teh moment?

    Has to be in my top 2 favorite bands of all time
  2. sapiens74

    Power Supply Question

    to be safe go with a name brand 350 - 400
  3. sapiens74

    Your first Internet surf, when and how was it?

    **** Been hooked ever since
  4. sapiens74

    so what are you listening to at teh moment?

    Sucks about Alice in Chains, all over the news here /tip 40 OZ
  5. sapiens74

    so what are you listening to at teh moment?

    Type O Negative -Everything Dies Disturbed - Sickness ACDC - Hells Bells Drowning Pool - Bodies and a shitload of Alice in Chains RIP bro
  6. sapiens74

    Best chipset maker poll?

    I would like to have confidence in SIS, but we used to sell these CYrix based machines, with SIS chipsets, they were real POS, the lowest garbage this place could find to make a computer. ANyway that's my only experience with SIS. BTW I quit that job because they Wouldnt let me sell INTEL.
  7. sapiens74

    How long have you owned a computer?

    6 years.
  8. sapiens74

    battle of the computers

    I had the swiftech heatsink with a delts fan, and I changed to a CAK 38 with a smaller fan, tho it was 5k rpm, was a bit quieter thok, and used a lot less room.
  9. I think its a novelty now, but they shrink it more to where its almost a pda, then that would be cool
  10. sapiens74

    XP cannot 'find' CD-ROM ?

    OSunds like an IRQ issue. Try pulling everything from the system. Then reseting the bios, make sure you reset the hardware config in the bios, so it resets the assigned IRQs
  11. sapiens74

    'Hardware malfunction' - VIA KT133 issue?

    Reset the bios to default values. THen try. After that you can tweak it again.
  12. sapiens74

    battle of the computers

    ONly an Athlon would need a Delta fan. No thanks,I hear enough helicopters in the morning, here.
  13. sapiens74

    XP cannot 'find' CD-ROM ?

    What are you system specs. motherboard chipsets and such?
  14. sapiens74

    Intel P4 vs. AMD XP what's the deal?

    I would support the Athlon if they did the Following: Made a good performing chipset for thier own chips Dealt with the heat issues that have plagued the new core. DO that and I would consider them again.
  15. sapiens74

    XP Video card suggestions

    Just reinstall, and you should be good. SHould be able to play games fine with what you have. Thos you could spend about 400 and get a rather nice setup
  16. sapiens74

    Intel P4 vs. AMD XP what's the deal?

    I'll concede the enthusiast, but the home user doesnt need the headaches that come with Via chipsets. Computers are supposed to be easy to use, and trouble free, as well as stable. Cheap chipsets are one of the reasons Windows has a bad name for stabilty.
  17. sapiens74

    P4 with SDRAM

    My wife is cool about stuff like that. Now if I spend money on beer..... well thats a different story...
  18. sapiens74

    Problem with XP File sharing

    You havent made them "private" have you?
  19. sapiens74

    Intel P4 vs. AMD XP what's the deal?

    Quite nice. Not using a mousepad, and it resopnds very well. I wish they made the dual optical with the Microsoft ones tho. I like the feel of thiers better.
  20. sapiens74

    P4 with SDRAM

    SDRAM is pointless with a P4. I mean anything over a GHZ needs all the memory it can get. What's the point in having a Kick *** engine in the transmission slows it down. BTW I am married and she recongnizes the fact that my skills, and love for computers makes money so she doensnt mind what I buy.
  21. sapiens74

    Dungeon Keeper 2 Windows 2000

    I used to play it unpatched with Windwos 2000 no sp1 or 2
  22. sapiens74

    Intel P4 vs. AMD XP what's the deal?

    I agree, somehwat. Clutch and I probably do about the same thing. Tho he has a bit more credentials then me on the network side of things. ON the hardware side, I hae had a lot of VIa chipsets, more then those of you who argue for them. I have had really good via based boards like my old MSI kt266 R, and it still is rock solid stable, but too many others have not had that luck. I guess the word should be CONSISTANCY. Via does not know the meaning of it. IF most via based boards were as stable as my MSI one, I'd be arguing with you. But the fact is, some boards are, and some arent. Even with my MSI I had 2 RMA's before they got it right. Now that's not VIA's fault, but it seems to be a pattern, whether it be the mb makers or VIA.
  23. sapiens74

    P4 with SDRAM

    Dont tell her. Sell your stuff on ebay so the cost is not as bad, then you can explain to her you sold your old stuff to buy the new
  24. sapiens74

    Mouse driver help in NT4

    Remove it install another mouse if you have one. THen swap them