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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. Alec tell that to the survivors of the Holocost after all of Europe tried to apease Hitler, only to let him build an army. Bruce Lee also knew when to fight and when not too. If you study his life, you will find a few times he had to defend himself. I'm just happy for the Iraqi people, and all my friends in Iraq
  2. THats the problem I have with The economy being credited to any one man. WE THE PEOPLE make or break this economy. Not the president, nor congress but the 270 million or so of us here in the States, that work, pay taxes, and earn wages. We are the ones who deserve credit, or blame for the economy. As to Bubba keeping us out of wars, again avoiding something isn't the same as preventing it. And Bush found this out, when he took office, and all these things that hadn't been properly handled blew up in his face.
  3. Forgot to comment on the Haliburton mess. Money and infulence buys you anything. Don't be so naive as think the Good ole boys network, or a large donation to the party of your choice wont' get you access regardless the party Remember Marc Rich? Don't hate the player, hate the game The game is broken, and both parties are players.
  4. Well we seem to agree on everything, for the most part except this I have to set the record straight on this Gore should have won the election thing When the last votes were tallied I believe Gore got 49 percent and Bush 48, So The majority of people didn't want either of thim enough. ANd to close with this thought. IN 1992 Clinton won with 43 percent of the vote. THat means 57 percent of Amercians didn't want him as president 57 PERCENT! THe second time around he only got 47 percent still less then Bush or Gore. and he Still was our president. So to those who want to point out that Bush should have never been here in the first place, then show a little love to the 57percent and 53 percent of Americans who DIDN't want CLinton in office. But thats our system and I honestly belive it worked out in all those cases. Clinton was meant to be pres during his eight years, and Bush was meant to be pres now. Some men are meant to be where they are when they are BTW Alec those hijackers of your party are ruining it. I left, my father in law just admitted he left. People like Lieberman and Zell Miller are going to leave.
  5. To think a government ever does anything from the kindness of thier hearts is naive at best We are in Iraq for the following reasons: 1. To rid the world of Saddam 2. For oil 3. To have strategic bases in the region, to attack Iran, Syria or whomever You have to understand the oil thing though. Every time we pay a country in the middle east for a barrel of oil, some of it goes to terrorism, whether directly or indirectly. It's a matter of national defense to have oil we more or less control As to the comparison to Nazi Germany, that's an insult to all the people who died during Hitler's regime. I don't remeber hearing stories of Nazi doctors helping with cancel patients to get them medicine, or building schools for young girls. Alec I gotta disagree with you bro on the 2nd term. Bush cannot lose now. Not because he's so wonderful, but Dems will nominate Dean who cannot win. Clinton pulled all those independants in, as did Reagan, and Bush SR. BUt Dean is so far left he will only get his base to vote for him and nothing more. The only difference now will be the margin of victory. If economy keeps getting better Dean may have trouble winning his home state, much less the presidency. Anyways. Good day for the Iraqi people Agree with the war, or not, having Saddam in Jail is a good thing for all of us, and the Iraqis who were brutalized by this man, can have some closure now
  6. For the Iraqi people they can rest easier. THe effect he had just being around was bad enough. As for the homefront, Bush secured his 2nd term. Dems will lose big time, unless they start talking about something besides the war.
  7. sapiens74

    DVDR drive problem

    Not sure. You may want to uninstall the drive in Device manager and let it redetect it I had problems with Roxio before. What version are you using?
  8. sapiens74

    DVDR drive problem

    Are you able to set the Booksetting? Are these movies that you are making, or Data discs?
  9. I'm running Server 2003 Enterprise edition, and here is what I found so far: Favorite New Feature Effective Permissions Tab: really helps troubleshooting group memberships and permissions. Command Line tools: DSADD, DSMOVE, DSQUERY You can check, add, remove Domain acounts in any OU. I really like the ability to make a batch file to add a big number of users and or systems to the domain. I could have used this many times in the past The Manage your Server Wizard: This is great for small businesses. Simplifies admin tools to one location, and adds another way of getting things done. THe ability to run in NAtive mode for Domains with only XP workstations and 2003 MEmber servers, or the ability to run Mixed mode for compatibility. I beta tested Office 2003 and couldnt wait to get the final Outlook has a better interface and more options, but Frontpage is way better. WIth lots of templates and the split screen to view code and design, it makes for easy web page authoring.
  10. My Dell Poweredge booted as fast as my desktop, till I installed AD, which installs DNS, and a few other services. Onced installed its slow to bootup and shutdown, for all the reasons clutch mentioned. But then again servers aren't supposed to be booted a lot.
  11. sapiens74

    ICS on Windows XP with ZoneAlarm

    Leaving it at medium inteferes with some Server transactions, cause it blocks ports.
  12. sapiens74

    unable to boot to windows

    Or you can just take the hard drive that contains the mirror and set it the same as the original disk that it was mirroring For instance if it was the primary master, make sure the mirror is set up the same way, cause the boot.ini points to it.
  13. AD will slow it down Thats normal
  14. sapiens74

    ICS on Windows XP with ZoneAlarm

    You have to set the trusted zone settings to low
  15. sapiens74

    Norton/Symantec Corporate 8.xx

    Agreed I went from Norton AV2003 which I couldnt run in the background to Symantec 8.0 and it's way better, Then Again I have exchange server scanning
  16. sapiens74

    Wireless network

    Nope Wireless tower will set you back a few
  17. sapiens74

    Which Motherboard & Video Card is best?

    ANyone of those boards The ASUS has better memory options And the 256mb card
  18. sapiens74

    Acrobat Reader & Wistpis.exe

    I did the same thing and Office 2003 installs it every time
  19. sapiens74

    Uploading file problems

    WHat progrma are you using to upload?
  20. sapiens74

    intermittent freezing - win2k

    Set services you aren't using to manual
  21. sapiens74

    intermittent freezing - win2k

    How many services are you running? And are you running Norton AV?
  22. sapiens74

    Matrix Revolution (likely spoliers)

    I was disapointed Got too religious for me
  23. sapiens74

    'Master' and 'slave' computer labels unacceptable

    Funny thing is I was making a joke about this very subject about 3 or 4 years ago, asking my wife why no one was up in arms about it. Guess it just took time I think primary and secondary work fine for me
  24. sapiens74

    Deus Ex 2 Demo

    Just downloaded the demo and it runs fine, but the default view with the icons in the middle of the screen is awful Anyone know how to change?
  25. Online stores have smaller overhead then a retail store, plus they make deals with shippers to get discounts. Zipzoomfly.com, formerly know as googlegear.com is my favorite place to buy, although Newegg has some great rpcies too , they won't honor the free shipping to Hawaii, whereas Zipzoomfly only charges 10 dollars total