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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    World Trade Center is gone

    It's pretty hard cause I work for the Army here in Korea and my wife is a soldier. Its hard to hold back anger, but I dont wanna add to the fire. I do hope when we find who is responsible, that we will act accordingly
  2. sapiens74

    World Trade Center is gone

    Here in Korea I barely made int on base, cause they have shut down all traffic. No one allowed on base thats non essential
  3. sapiens74

    World Trade Center is gone

    Yep just got the owrd we are at Delta in Korea as well.
  4. sapiens74

    World Trade Center is gone

    Living on a base in Korea I can confirm this. We are at THreatcom Charlie, which is next to highest. IF we hit Delta here, that means we are at war. I pray it doesn't come to this. But if it was indeed Bin Laden, then we will attack Afganistan, with everything we have. Most of the soldiers are upset, especially those from the Area in NY that was hit
  5. sapiens74

    World Trade Center is gone

    I have to withold my initial anger and pray for thier families. I would also ask people to pray for all the people worldwide to find a way to get through this without more tradegy.
  6. sapiens74

    Detonators 21.81!

    Tried it on Everquest as well. with 4x AA enabled. Works great, finally no missing inventory with AA enabled.
  7. sapiens74

    Detonators 21.81!

    Open GL a lot faster.
  8. sapiens74

    Creative Drivers!!!!???

    Wanna take bets they release a new DXR4 with "FULL SUPPORT FOR XP"
  9. Are there any drivers for the 5500 Voodoo? My bro has one just curious
  10. sapiens74

    Presario 1200

    Just got a used laptop, with a Pentium 3 800 and 128 MB of Ram. I installed WIndows 2000 with service pack 2 and all the updated video drivers, but when I try to install any PCMCIA network card it will not let me use it, even if I force it, it has a problem with the card. I have tried 3 different 3COM cards, one offbrand and a Xircom as well. Works fine under ME tho. Just 2000 has the problem. If anyone can help would be appreciated
  11. sapiens74

    Presario 1200

    Installing Xp fixed it. Seems it was the drivers for the PCMCIA bus.
  12. sapiens74

    Upgrading to SMP

    Put your new board in and let all the drivers install then after everthing is done and you have rebooted then change the MUlti support. SHould Work Then
  13. sapiens74

    Anyone using a logitech cordless mouseman optical?

    I love mine and it works really well with my system.
  14. sapiens74

    SB Audigy

    Just wanted to know how many of you are acutally interested in this one. I fugured they would roll out a new card when XP comes out.
  15. sapiens74

    SB Audigy

    I would assume anyday now. They have a full blown part of the site for all the versions of it, and knowing Creative from working retail, they'll have it out the door pretty soon, by the end of the month.
  16. sapiens74

    SB Audigy

    I have a Hercules Game THeatre and my friend has A santa Cruz card and we were both stunned at how much better quality these cards are. I know they are newer then the live but everything sounds so much better. I think Creative has the same problem ATI has. IT develops really good hardware then stops. No attempt at improving drivers since it can push its products trhough OEM's like there's no Tommorrow. If they would spend half as much time adverstising and more time developing drivers then they wouldn't have this problem. Nvidia is where its at today because of good drivers. They add performance to each set that comes out. I will only buy this card if and when my current Hercules no longer does what I need and Creative gets there act together and redeems themselves for past mistakes. Thats a pretty big IF........
  17. sapiens74

    SB Audigy

    I believe in one of my rants I posted that they would roll out a new card when XP came out to force you to upgrade. Figured it would be around Christmas tho. But nonetheless, they will sell a ton of them cause of marketing alone, taking a page from Intel. Consumers like things in flashy boxes.
  18. sapiens74

    Voodoo and Windows Xp.

    Let's see. If Nvidia doesn't make money then they will be like 3dfx. They are out of business, if you have their card then you are out of luck unless a 3rd party releases drivers for them. Then you will have to wait till you can get a newer card to upgrade to XP. Till then use Windows 2000 or ME or 98 or something.
  19. sapiens74

    Via KT133A or AMD AMD761???

    An msi BOard with one stick of 128 DDR ram would cost you mere pennies. THo you are using a Via chipset, its rock solid for me "Damn that Michael Douglas!"
  20. sapiens74

    Age of empires 2 cd-less play

    I felt the same way when someone pointed me to that site.
  21. sapiens74

    Stop Error HEEEELLLLLPPP! pleaze?

    You said it worked since June 2000, when did you add the GF3 card, and then when did you change drivers? Cause you have had to load the newer 4.32 recently and the GF3 drivers.
  22. sapiens74

    Via KT133A or AMD AMD761???

    The only time I've ever had a problem with Via based chipsets, is with the Geforce 2 and the SBLIVE!. There are no issues now that stand out that would prclude you from buying Via.
  23. sapiens74

    Who says games run badly on XP- check this out

    XP rocks! It is a lot faster in most games D3D or Open GL. They said p4 would overtake the athlon at 1.7 ghz too, but they are at 1.8, soon to be at 2.0 and they still can't beat an Athlon. Happens when you make an inferior product.
  24. sapiens74

    madden 2002 hope for compatibility

    I got a Playstation 2 for those kinda games, get so Aggravated with EA anyway
  25. sapiens74

    Max Payne crashing

    Try using the Compatibility mode, instuctions in the other MAX PAYNE thread here