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Everything posted by sapiens74

  1. sapiens74

    Can anyone recommend a motherboard for me?

    GO with an Nforce 2 bro
  2. sapiens74

    ATI 3.8 drivers and lockups

    Ever since I installed the 3.8 drivers my machine does something really weird, only after it comes out of a screen saver. This little box appears in the upper left hand corner, looks just like a TV tuner picture thats scrammbles, then the monitor kicks off, and it hard locks. Anyone else have this? my specs are here: http://home.hawaii.rr.com/sapiens74
  3. sapiens74

    ATI 3.8 drivers and lockups

    Been there, done that Seems the VPU thing is the devil at least for me All seems to be well, for now GOt this other wierd problem though with RTCW Enemy Territory Anytime I reboot my machine, the game comes up in safe mode with all the setting lowered. The game itself never locks, and If I play it over and over without rebooting it works fine Does this with 3.7-3.9 Anyone else have the issue?
  4. sapiens74

    Grpahics Problem

    download the latest via drivers at http://www.viaarena.com/ Make sure you get the 4 in 1 drivers Take out the ATI drivers, install the 4 in 1 drivers, then install the ATI drivers again
  5. Anyone know of a public server thats got all 3 CD images online yet? I tried every one of the ones on thier homepage, well at least in the US.
  6. LOL probably Gotta use those tools bro
  7. sapiens74

    How to get $25K in MS software for $299

    After attending a Ts2 event, I finally decided to go with the Action Pack and figured I would just wait till Jan, for the quarterly updates to get my Office 2003, but they updated it tonight with all the new good stuff Great deal if you are a MS partner
  8. sapiens74

    Slow XP Shutdown

    Clearing the Pagefile can take forever too. Try resizing it
  9. ANyone know IF Exchange Server can access Hotmail accounts. What I want to do is run Exchange Server 2003 and have it access al my hotmail accounts, then let me access all the email under one Exchange account.
  10. THats what I use now Problem is I want to test ON exchange 2003, and also to be able to filter my accounts
  11. sapiens74

    Computer Case Recommendation

    What you gonna fill your case with? Parts i mean
  12. sapiens74

    Computer Case Recommendation

    I got a SOny Floppy with Different Faceplacets, but My Sony CDROM is Beige. You can paint it easy to match. Don't really matter with the door
  13. sapiens74

    Computer Case Recommendation

    ANy of the Antec series, here's mine here http://home.hawaii.rr.com/sapiens74 Case looks nice and is tough like a tank. You can buy them pretty cheap too, plus ANTEC makes great PS
  14. Some can and some can't You have a compatibility tool built in that lets you run some programs in WIn95,98,NT like shells. Your best bet is to try a test machine and see if the programs work
  15. sapiens74

    XP Pro and Home Dual-Boot

    Try to use last known good configuration
  16. sapiens74

    XP Pro and Home Dual-Boot

    Boot into safe mode, remove the video driver then reboot and reinstall
  17. sapiens74

    ATI 3.8 drivers and lockups

    Did those things in reverse order No lockups since the VPU thing turned off. I thought it was a service, but I guess not.
  18. sapiens74

    Remote desktop thru ics

    You could VPN, providing your router allowed it.
  19. sapiens74

    HP N5250 W2K Migr issue--battery driver??

    Have you checked HP' site? And are you running Service Pack 4?
  20. sapiens74

    advice on raid/storage setup?

    Quote: Well, for stability, RAID 0 is worhtless. I'm sure you know that if one drive fails, you lose everything on both drives. For stability, you might be better off with RAID 1 on the two of the drives. That way you'll get some redundancy if one drive fails. You could use this for Windows and your apps. Your games and other not so critical files could be put onto a RAID 0 array made of the other pair of drives. I guess it will really depend on how much disk space you need for each. A disk failure in raid is no different then you primary disk failing. Either way you lose data, unless of course you ALWAYS BACKUP Then you can get perfomance and not worry about losing data No way I would run my Windows and games on anything else then my dual raptors
  21. sapiens74

    advice on raid/storage setup?

    [/color] ON my setup I have my Windows and all programs installed on the raid drive. ON my backup drive I have all downloads, drivers, and music. Best performance is running everything off your raid setup
  22. sapiens74

    IP Address Not release after expiration

    THis may be caused by having the exact amount of IP addresses as your computers So for instance you have IPs of - and you have ten machines then when an IP is released by a machine, and its IP goes back into the pool, it asks for another which happens to be the same one it released, thus getting back the same IP If the lease times are set for example a 24 hour period each machine is probably on a different schedule, so no 2 machines release at the same time.
  23. sapiens74

    proof that there are stoners working at M$

    I agree they should update some of thier older icons. I don't like seeing them on my LCD with cleartype enabled.
  24. sapiens74

    VB.NET Return Active Directory UserNames

    I misunderstood the questions. I thought you were trying to query AD for specific users. With Server 2003 you can use DSGET command But since you are talking programming, thats not my thing