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About damindra

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  1. damindra

    Speed of processor and Hard disk partitions

    I definitely agree with the last point, the only minor connection with processor and hard disk i can fathom is if there are a number of 'physical' disks, and then the processor would be challenged slightly, but nothing to do with partitioning!!
  2. damindra

    Speed of processor and Hard disk partitions

    As i thought, total rubbish!! I've never heard of anything like this before either!! This SSE has a Phd in Networks as well and said he didn't study the TCP/IP networks, so doesn't know how to correct TCP/IP problems, there's something wrong here me thinks! Cheers for the comments, i can sleep now with the fact that CPU and disk partitions have nothing to do with each other!!
  3. One of the senior software engineers has said "if the processor is below 400Mhz, have one partition on the hard disk, if above 400Mhz have 2 partitions", does this matter at all??? Can anyone shed light on the matter as to why? Surely the speed of the processor has nothing to do with the size of the processor! Any ideas on why please tell, i personally think its absolute, {excuse my language} CRAP!
  4. damindra

    Office 2000 SP1

    I Updated Office 2000 with Service pack1 and now none of the applications work, they seem to start and then bomb out as soon as there main screen comes up!! Anyone have any ideas, i updated both CD1 and CD2 programs and now none of them work, looks like i have to repair the installation with the original!! The only reason i updated the original was because Microsoft insisted it is better..next time i'll wait for the reports!!! Any one else have this problem or know of a solution...ideas are all welcome!! ------------------