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Everything posted by Battleship

  1. Battleship

    STB Desktop TV

    I have been using the v3 3500 in win2k with 3dfx's beta drivers for about 2 months now. Seeing as ths card and your 3dfx tv card are built on the same tuner and use probably real similar drivers for tv purposes I think 3dfx will realease drivers real soon. BTW my beta drivers seem a little unstable with freezes it seems once every couple days. I hope they come out with official drivers soon for the 3500 that fix these problems.
  2. Battleship

    Intellimouse Explorer probs in games

    K, here's the prob. I'm running Win2k with a Explorer mouse, in the games Unreal Tourney and Quake 3 I get mouse lag, pauses, and some times my mouse buttons seem to stick when I shoot causing the guns to continuosly fire even when I'm not pressing the buttons. It happens in both games but is more persistent in Quake 3 making it pretty much unplayable. I should also point out that otherwise my frame rate is great. I am using the latest drivers from microsoft and the mouse works great in windows desktop. Heres my specs: Celeron@541 Mhz Abit be6 V3 3500 SB Live 128 megs ram 13.6 gig Quantum Fireball in ATA66 mode 3Com 3C509 NIC for @Home
  3. Battleship

    Win2k Bootdisk?

    How do I make a win2k bootdisk(s)? Where do I go to do this in Win2k? When I bought my computer package were they supposed to be included?
  4. Battleship

    Intellimouse Explorer probs in games

    Ya sorry I forgot to put that in my post. I have tried switching to ps2 and I still get the same probs.
  5. Battleship

    Win2k Bootdisk?

  6. Battleship

    IBM Rapid Access Keyboard in Win2k?

    Anybody have an idea when IBM will release software that will enable the shortcut keys and volume controls for this keyboard?
  7. Battleship

    ATA 66 ?

    LaddyBoy: Next time ask your question right before you start handing out smart ass comments. Why didnt you ask for a program that checks the actual speed of your hard drive in the initial post?
  8. Battleship

    ATA 66 ?

    If you want to see if you are using ATA66. Open up your computer case, the hard drive ribbon cable should be of the 80 conductor type and it should be plugged into a white UDMA 66 IDE port.
  9. Battleship

    NHL 2000 on Win 2000 Pro

    Service pack 2? Do you mean patch number 2 for the game? You can find out how to get that game working by looking around this site in the supported games section. It will work but you have to play around with it a little.
  10. Battleship

    How is SBLive! under Win2k?

    The new drivers work pretty well.
  11. Battleship

    STB Desktop TV

    Go to www.3dfxgamers.com discussion forum. I remember a topic on getting that card to work in win2k. Happy searching!