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Everything posted by Battleship

  1. Battleship

    Oakley - error in system log

    That means too much ultra-violet light. j/k Sorry man have no dea what that means.
  2. Battleship

    Where can i found AOL 6.0 ??

    hehe, I saw the original post and I knew that was coming. Welcome to Ntcompatilble sebnet.
  3. Battleship

    Help with whistler, or I'll cry..please

    Hey ROM: You might try out your copy on someone elses PC if you ask them nicely enough. Or find a small Hard drive to play around with. The way I do this stuff is I have my big hard drive (20.5G Quantum LM) which has my main OS then I have a 1.2G drive that I play around with. Any new released OS's or to learn Linux on. I have it in a Hard drive caddy and whenever I want to use it I power down and plug the caddy in. With the right boot sequence in the bios It chooses the small drive first and experimenting I go. Cant help you with Whistler though right yet. Havent got around to it.
  4. Battleship

    UltraDMA66 Problems

    I have the ABIT BE6 v1. which uses the hpt366 ATA66 controller teamed up with a 20.5G Quantum LM. I upgraded the the motherboard bios which of course also upgrades the ATA66 controller to v 1.25. I also upgraded the Win2k drivers to 1.25. Had major problems right after that with Win2k, I would get hpt366.sys blue screens. Had to re-install and guess what. Couldnt even get Win2k back on. I had missing file error messages and Blue screens on install. Nothing at all wrong with the original Win2k Pro CD. I had to switch over to ATA33 port to get it to work. This is a problematic ATA66 controller. It seems whatever Abit or Highpoint do to fix it makes it worse. For the record right now I am using Win98SE (arghh!) and have no probs. I payed for ATA66 and I want to use it. When I get more time I will figure out for sure what is wrong.
  5. Battleship

    Whistler( I have the links)

    I think he wants you to mail him. YGM
  6. Battleship

    Which GFX card to buy?

    Maybe you should just save up for a while til you can upgrade if yo udont have the money now. You really should have a quicker processor than 233Mhz. Win2k really needs 128Megs RAM for accepatable performance. If you have to get a new card now for that PC. I wouldnt waste my money on a GeForce, v5 5500 or Radeon. Your CPU just cant handle it. You might just want to get a TNT2 or a V3. V3 3000 has TV-out and is fairly cheap rightnow. But as I said b4, I would save up and upgrade the motherboard/cpu and memory sometime soon. ------------------
  7. Battleship

    3dMark2000 -- Is this right?

    Hmmm... I ge troughly the same scores in Win2k as I get in Win98. Maybe a hundred points lower. Are you using the latest drivers for the GF? Dont have any idea what it could be. Sorry, have you tried any other benchmark programs? SiSoft Sandra maybe.
  8. Battleship

    Is this really worth it....

    Cel2 might suck if anyone actually ran it at 66Mhz bus. But of course nobody actually does. I say go for it. I have a 566@875Mhz. It is sweet for gaming. It is so much easier to just put in a new chip rather than go through the hassle and expense of a new motherboard/CPU/fan and probably case/power supply with an AMD. If you dont go with the Cel2 I would put a P3 into your motherboard if it supports it.
  9. Battleship

    celemine 600's on abit bp6

    I dont have the answer for you but if any place has the answer for you it at this link: http://bp6.gamesquad.net/
  10. Battleship

    Voodoo5 32meg only showing ????

    Hey Ronin. I have seen both GF2 and V5 5500 in action. Frame rate was about the same. Image quality about the same. Either card is a good choice.
  11. Battleship

    upgrade advice

    Id say the mobo/cpu first. Then the GF or something else when you can afford it or whatever else is the big card of the moment. Like Devs adv. said, there is always used vid cards out there if you have a little money left over after the mobo/cpu upgrade.
  12. Battleship

    Ram problems?

    Wind: You overclocking at all? Overclocking in my experience can give CRC errors. Im going through this same thing right now as you. If Im in Win2k and download a file and try to extract it sometimes I get CRC errors. If I go back to normal I never see CRC probs. BTW, Im gonna try out your recommended program to see if my RAM is tiptop. My PC specs: Abit BE6 Cel2 566@850Mhz 192 Megs PC133 Cas2 20.5G Quantum Fireball LM V3 3500
  13. Battleship

    Help me before i commit Compicide

    "If either, which should i get that is PROVEN to be stable!" A P3 on a BX motherboard. heh. Just jokin ya! I've heard people have loads of problems with those particular GF drivers causing lockups etc... Nvidia seems to put out new drivers every other week and they have problems. Heres a couple possible solutions. Download earlier drivers and find some that work for your PC. Go into your CMOS settings and experiment with your AGP aperature size settings. I have found 64 megs works good but you really have to experiment here. Good luck
  14. Battleship

    UT won't run on Win2K

    Still need more info: Video card cpu type (Im guessing Celeron if running pc66,any other CPU and pc66 doesnt cut it) sound card ------------------
  15. Battleship

    Computer REstarts itself

    I know that a 300W power supply is almost a necessity for Athlon/Thunderbird/Duron class Pc's so make sure you have one and it is working up to snuff.
  16. Battleship

    NTFS or FAT 32? - Which is best?

    Format the drive using the 98 boot disk to the default fat32. When you install Win2k it gives you the option after it copies all the install files to convert to NTFS. Someone said that NTFS is slower than Fat32 to me it seems to be the opposite actualy.
  17. Battleship

    ATI video cards

    Good Windows performer but not a gamig card(D3D/Opengl). For the same price range you might want to think about a Voodoo3 or a TNT2. Good luck
  18. Battleship

    Poor GeForce performance

    Meatball: Get a new CPU. I have a Cel2 566@850 working beautifully and it only cost me $155 Canadian. Another alternative is the Duron. Really if you are gonna pay that amount for a video card you should have a CPU that can feed it info at an adequate rate.
  19. Battleship

    MDK 2 Lockups under Win2K

    Is MDK2 the only game that locks? If not you might have some peice of hardware getting too hot like the video card or the CPU. Anything overclocked in your PC? Make sure your sound card and all other drivers are up to date as well. Good luck
  20. Battleship

    WinME and NTFS

    I dont beleive it can seeing as it is really just win98 3rd edition and there is no real filesystem change. I might be wrong though. I played around with it and didnt like it. I'm back with the sweetest OS Win2k. Good luck
  21. Battleship

    configuring 'special' keyboard keys under win2000

    It all depends on whether your particular keyboard has drivers that work in Win2k. I use IMO the best keyboard in the world hehe the IBM Rapid Access keyboard and the specialty keys do not work in Win2k because IBM has not produced specialty drvers for it.
  22. Battleship

    Win2K Problems!

    I can honestly say that performance in Win2k Pro for me using the V3 3500 is on par with 98/98SE if not better(UT,Q3,Nascar3). I cant understand why some people are having performance probs? I am not playing favortites here either if I had probs in Win2k I would go to 98SE or Millenium in a flash.
  23. Battleship

    why do my voodoo stink like doodoo

    I have that setup (3500+win2k) and quake 3 runs great. Get the latest drivers for the thing! Then try out WickedGL as well at www.wicked3d.com . BTW quake3 runs just as good if not better in Win2k than it does in 98/98SE. ------------------
  24. Battleship

    coppermine p3 700

    It'll work with no probs and I would recommend the the Copppermine highly. It is a logical step for you from a 400Mhz Celeron. BTW, the 667's and the 733's seem to be the chips that are dropping the most in price recently. They just might be the best buy for the buck and they seem to be very overclockable. The be6 has the 140Mhz bus speed which would be a safe overclock for you. Be sure you have good quality memory though. Good luck
  25. Battleship

    Soundblaster Live

    Get the Live value card OEM. It is the cheapest and is the same hardware as the other editions just less software.