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Everything posted by FyreStorm

  1. FyreStorm

    5.13 Detonator and OpenGL in Q3A

    After losing a hard disk I recently had to reinstall Win2k. All went well, or so it seemed. I was using the 3.81 Detonators previously and everything was okay. After the reinstall I used the 3.81 drivers, but if I tried to change resolutions in any openGL program (from the default 640x480) the program would crash. I removed (thoroughly) and reinstalled all the drivers I could find for W2k, but I got the same problem with each of them. This is until I tried the 5.13 drivers. The 5.13 drivers seemed to work beautifully. Everything seemed to work even better than before. However, thats before I reinstalled Q3A. Although other OpenGL programs run fine, Quake III runs at a less than stellar 1/2 a frame per second. It is seriously that bad, and I can't figure out why it is soooo unbearably slow. I then noticed Half Life had the same problem and so did my OpenGl screensavers (which are slow and have a strange colored bar hanging off to the side). I originally thought it was Quake engine games only, but SOF runs just fine. I really can't find any solution, I've tried almost everything, anyone have any ideas? This is really ticking me off.. I would go back to the earlier drivers but they just crash my programs. I had it working on a previous W2K setup, so I know there must be something I'm missing. BTW, I'm running a Creative TNT2
  2. FyreStorm

    5.13 Detonator and OpenGL in Q3A

    Grrr.. stupid me.. I looke all over for a solution and I found it right here, I must have missed it earlier.. I used a bunch of tweaks from tweak3d and all they did was mess up my system.. Removing them fixed everything!
  3. FyreStorm

    Realmagic Hollywood plus under WIN2K?

    I had this same problem and I've seen it on a few of my friends' machines. The way I was able to fix the reboots was to go into the BIOS and set Plug and Play OS to NO (Despite the fact that W2K is). You might want to try it and see if it works for you. Everytime I have done it, it has cleared up the problem.