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Everything posted by oldspice

  1. oldspice

    New Fragging Game

    Definately the BEST no-brainer shooter of the year and I have'nt had this much fun playing a game in a long time. The multiplayer was terribly laggy for me but the menu does not show ping times for online games so there is no way to know your ping.Hats off to the developers for creating such a beautiful game that can actually perform liquid smooth on a slow computer..ie 300mhz.
  2. oldspice

    Whats yours expirience with IBM hard drives?

    I have a Maxtor 7G and 30G and both have operated flawlessly.Have 2 western Digitals both of which have never provided the performance of the Maxtors.The WD's just feel bad. Recommend Maxtor's for stability and from what I've heard from some computer professionals in regards to home computing.
  3. you can actually do more than 1 thing at a time on Win2k without getting a blue screen of death..definately blows away Win98 in regard to multitasking.You can do multiple tasks without feeling like your carrying a guerilla on your back.Try Win2k on 1 machine for a month and then go back to 98 and you will trash 98
  4. oldspice

    mouse buttons

    how would i set up a shortcut for a new profile and an administrator profile on my desktop so that i could double-click an icon and logout and come back as a different user and vice-versa...or can i switch profiles on the fly without logging out? i don't understand how to make a different mouse profile with intellimouse software.can someone explain..i assume it means creating a new user for gaming and have the mouse setting specific for gaming and then create a user for surfing with my forward and back buttons on my mouse working.anybody explain?
  5. oldspice

    mouse buttons

    I like using the forward and back feature on my ms trackball optical..if i change the forward and back to pgup and pgdown then the forward and back won't be available in internet explorer.Any way to remap the keys in internet explorer so that ie see's pgup and pgdown as forward and back? Thanks! i have pondered this for some time but never came up with a solution.
  6. oldspice

    Firewalls? hmm... who has actually ever been hacked?

    I have to agree with Cardinal, not to start a WAR..but I have never experienced destructive hacking or virus's of any kind on any of my computers since my first 486 machine and I have downloaded shareware and surfed a gazillion sites in my time. I have never used my computers for anything important and back up anything immediately that needs to be preserved.I am cautious, of course, but unless a person is concerned about someone spreading a virus through a 1000 computer network like dosfreak has, i don't waste my time.I run bios protection and thats it. In fact "I laugh in the face of death, and wish i would get one destructive virus that wiped out my system..or a hacker that deleted all my files," then maybe i would care...a little...NOT! I reformat and re-install windows about 20 times a year just for fun, when i'm bored.I don't want any extra crap running while i'm on my computer and i welcome all the voyeurs who want to come in and steal my saved games and expert binds.As for spy software, i run optout for that and anything that gets by, great! Maybe these internet companys can profile me correctly and quit advertising garbage and maybe some day post 1 ad that i actually might be interested in reading...and blah blah blah
  7. oldspice

    Battle of Britain -Anyone tried this?

    installed ok, but ran at about 1 fps..never got it running smooth in win2k. voodoo 3 2000 p2-350 128M
  8. I have read a lot of positive posts in regard to Whistler but I have to say that after trying a couple versions for kicks and giggles I find it to be an over-weight version of Win2k which actually slowed down my games. I know it is in beta stages but for someone who is still running a P2-350 it really was glitchy. I am, however, really pleased with how Win2k is coming around and once the driver's evolve I believe that Win2k will be the one to last. I know I do need to upgrade, and I will, but has anyone else experienced this same kind of reaction to Whistler or is it just me? Maybe, a lot of people have 1G processors and they don't notice the poor performance of Whistler. Just wanted to see if I'm alone in this thinking...
  9. oldspice

    Go to GeForce2?

    I know you have a voodoo 4, but if this helps: Quake2 timedemo demo1.dm2 voodoo3-2000AGP 70 fps Creative Annhilator 2 mx 120 fps with p2-350 128 M but overall, it did not allow me to play games that I have had trouble running at smooth frames with my slow processor like Baldurs Gate 2, Giants, Blade of Darkness. etc.The games play but are still to choppy to enjoy thoroughly. For the 125 I paid for the GeForce 2 mx card I am totally delighted, but the jury is out until I get my 1G processor. When I first put the GF card in after voodoo3 I wondered why it took so long to switch because I had always doubted NV, but tg I did seeing how 3dfx no longer exists sob sob..
  10. oldspice

    Web Browser ::: Latest version of OPERA

    thanks Ralf
  11. oldspice

    cant update/refresh Counter Strike uing win2k or XP

    I play cs all the time with no trouble. Sounds like your cd key is bad or entered incorrectly since it uses won authentication.Try reinstalling is my only guess.
  12. oldspice

    Web Browser ::: Latest version of OPERA

    last time i used it, i found it to be great except that it did not like to share the internet with anything else,i.e. ftp, news readers...have they fixed this problem in 5? It used to crash if you had more then it accessing the internet. They , of course, stated that it would not share winsock.Does it share now? If so, then I will return to Opera..
  13. oldspice


    just use the 1.03 drivers they work
  14. ever since i put in a 30G hard drive my recycle bin takes forever to empty, even if it is one 1k file or a hundred 3M files.When i click empty recycle bin it takes about 15 seconds to empty when it used to take about 2 seconds with my 7G drive.Any ideas as to what is going on. I have partitions from c to t and have tried disabling the trash can in most of the partitions and this does not help. thanks
  15. something like 98lite for win2k would be nice.
  16. I am a gamer and want to know if hard drive access will be better if i split my 30G hd into, say: 5- 6G partitions or 15- 2G partitions or 1- 2G for windows 1- 500M for swap 1- 27.5G for apps and games I think you see where i am going..anybody done any testiong in this regard. thanks!
  17. i have a 7G and new 30G hard drive.Someone said in the past to put my os on one hard drive all by its self and put all my program files on another and my computer will scream.Has anybody heard of this? I need to know if I need to put the hard drives on seperate ide cables or put them on the same? ant truth to this?
  18. when i do a disk speed check my hard drive is going 33 kb/s but it shows using 75% of my cpu.it is a maxtor 30G on a maxtor promise ata100 pci card. when i was using my maxtor 7G ata33 drive it would go 15 kb/s but would only use 10% max of my cpu.this drive seemed just as fast when navigating windows explorer, etc. is this normal for the ata100 or is something wrong?
  19. p2-350 128M pc-100 bx board
  20. i have a maxtor promise pci ata/100 card, maxtor 7G 33 and a maxtor 30G 100 and a hp burner and creative 32x cdrom. i tried leaving win2k on 7G in motherboard and put quake2 and project igi on other 30G on promise card and played both games off of both hardrives and did'nt see any performance increase either way.also put swap file on 30G by itself and still no noticeable improvement.maybe win2k on 30G-100 and swap file on 7G-33 would be better, any thoughts?
  21. Ravens can't win, they beat my Titans...GO GIANTS!!!!!!
  22. I have tried a couple of the new MS optical stationary trackball mice and I find that I can not get the control of the pointer like with my old fashioned Logitech Stationary Trackball which uses the old style rubber rollers contacting the ball as opposed to the optical light type mice. I have tried the Logitech opticals as well and always get motion sickness in Quake2 because the optical mice move the weapon jerky. It is like a slight constant jitter or jerk like someone has turned my Quake2 down to 20fps or something.Does anybody no what I mean?Even in win2k I can't do any pixel art because the pointer is hard to aligh with boxes because it is so jerky, or even to try to draw curvy lines,etc.This is a subtle thing, but makes the optical mice very difficult to work with because there is no precision.I have tried these mice on both ps2 and usb and have experienced the same troubles. Does anybody have some suggestions as to how to smooth my mouse movement in win2k and my games.I have checked my mouse rate and it show 120hz w/usb and i have tried checking mouse smoothing in games like halflife.Has someone else experienced this same effect? I have been playing FPS's since Wolfenstein so I know how the mouse is supposed to feel.I may have to start buying up all the old Logitech Stationary Trackball mice I can find if I want to maintain smooth accuracy.These optical mice have not been working for me. Any suggestions?This is a plea from someone who wants to get rid of the mouse whos rubber rollers need to be cleaned frequently, but can nor deal with a poor performing optical mouse. Thanks Win2k P2-350 128M Voodoo 3-2000
  23. oldspice

    MS Trackball Optical SUCKS!! ..or does it?

    I am hooked into my motherboards usb port. I believe that my Logitech which had a ball which sat on rubber rollers was extremely accurate so i am just finnicky i guess. I am happy now, though, since i've uninstalled the intellipoint software. It may be that the new drivers just don't work well with my motherboards usb port.Who knows, i am not an expert. Thanks for replying
  24. oldspice

    MS Trackball Optical SUCKS!! ..or does it?

    update...I reinstalled windows without my mouse hooked up and then when it started I plugged my usb MS Trackball Optical mouse in and let windows load a driver..it picked "HID-compliant mouse" and I was able use the mouse icon in control panel to adjust some features and it runs slick as a whistle. The problem was the Intellipoint 3.2 software that came with the mouse, it SUcks!!! It loads its own intellieye or whatever driver that runs like crap. I can't believe Microsoft is incapable of making software for their own so-called "state of the art" devices,i.e. MS Trackball Optical mouse. Thank GOD I was able to run it with their own generic driver, this would have been the second MS mouse I have returned; the first one was the MS Trackball Explorer which I had the same problems.
  25. oldspice

    Strange Mouse Issues

    check your bios, usually there is an option which reads something like: reserve irq for usb or something like that, you may have to choose <no> to make a ps2 port available.Good luck!