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Everything posted by pmistry

  1. pmistry

    video card advice

    You could get a Radeon 8500 for cheap or a GeForce4 Ti4200, should be good for some future games but more importantly good for today's games, with such improvements in technology it doesn't matter what you buy today.
  2. pmistry

    How fast is your PC?

    Athlon 750, oh yeah!
  3. pmistry

    config.sys, autoexec.bat

    the set blaster variables stand for the following: a=I/O address, usually the old Soundblaster 16 set it to 220. i=irq, default usually at 5 or 7. I would use 5. d=dma, which you already know, usually set to 1. h=high dma, this is used for 16-bit audio transfer, the d variable is for low dma or 8-bit transfers,usually set to 5 or 7. Again I would use 5. p=port, this is for the Wavetable MIDI port for General MIDI music, usually set to 330. e=620 if you have a SB AWE32/AWE64 or newer cards, this value represents their choice of MIDI port. The P variable is for emulating older sound cards. t=type of Soundblaster card 1=SoundBlaster v1.0 (8-bit mono) or compatible 2=SoundBlaster v2.0 clone (8-bit stereo) or compatible 3=SoundBlaster Pro (8-bit stereo) or SB Pro compatible 4=SoundBlaster 16/AWE32 or SB16 compatible SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 E620 T4 This will do the trick most of the time.
  4. pmistry

    Fear of formatting...

    Ok today at university I met this one guy who was having major issues with his computer, random BSOD's, lockups, freezes, crackling sound, I mean the works. Check this: His PC is a Pentium II 450 MHz with 256 MB of RAM and has like a 40 GB hard disk, the funny thing is that this machine initially was running Windows 95B for year, he then later upgraded to Windows 98 ran that a year, then to Windows 98 SE for less than a year, which was then upped to Windows 2000 Professional, and now he has installed Windows XP Professional. He's never formatted once, he's gone through about 2 video card upgrades, a sound card changes. I mean this guy's registry has got to be so bloated that it isn't even funny anymore, plus we all now how Win9x to Winnt upgrades are like. I mean the amount of driver conflicts and software conflicts that would be present here would be just freaking awful. I told him to backup his data, he's got a burner, but he's afraid a format would make his computer run worse............?! Ok then........he's contemplating on buying a new PC, ok his PC is old but all he uses it for are MS Word, burn CDs, e-mail, ICQ, and online card games.
  5. First I would try upgrading to the latest SB Live drivers for Windows 2000, I found them to be REALLY good and really fix ALOT of problems with Windows 2000. Next try a different MP3 player for the time being like Sonique or Windows Media Player and see if it persists. Also inside the Winamp preferences make sure that sound output is DirectSound and not Wave. Also what kind of speaker setup do you have?
  6. pmistry

    config.sys, autoexec.bat

    While I no longer use Windows 98, when I did, the temp files did go into C:\Temp, only a few Microsoft programs would dump into C:\Windows\Temp, in any case I stuck with C:\Temp because of my DOS days. If you don't want to specify temp variables then simply don't do it. My understanding was that under Windows 9x a variable in the Autoexec.bat overrides the registry entry, however, some programs like MS Office insist on Windows\Temp, well so be it.
  7. pmistry

    config.sys, autoexec.bat

    I just posted what I used in my old config.sys and autoexec.bat files. I specified those temp variables so they wouldn't go into the Windows Temp folders. By doing it no temporary garbage will go into the Windows temp folder, it helps keep the Windows folder clean. The prompt command is useless but I kept it in just for the heck of it. As for the set path command I put a few more in there like my Utility folder with Pkzip and Pkunzip for DOS so if I booted into pure dos mode I would have easy access to them as well. Also for CD Rom drivers and sound card drivers I put them in my dosstart.bat file so I could load those separately if I were playing a dos game. I believe Creative sound card installation programs automatically modify the dosstart.bat to do this, so do not put this in your autoexec.bat.
  8. pmistry

    System Shock 2 won´t run, even with "-lgntforce"

    Try getting a no cd-crack and install the game with a full install, also do not patch the game or patch it and get the no-cd crack for that patch.
  9. pmistry

    config.sys, autoexec.bat

    Here is how I kept mine CONFIG.SYS devicehigh=c:\windows\himem.sys dos=high, umb AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF PROMPT $P$G SET TEMP=C:\TEMP SET TMP=C:\TEMP SET PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND
  10. pmistry

    No One Lives Forever 2

    I hated the first one, but how does this sequel hold up? How does it compare to other games?
  11. pmistry

    Need For Speed 6: Hot Pursuit 2

    Nfs 5 works fine on XP so does High Stakes, for me anyway. But those 2 titles give alot of fits on 2000 even with compatibility patches and stuff, they are quite stubborn. Some people just can't get them to work no matter what they do.
  12. pmistry

    NeoRageX under Windows XP

    For those that don't know, NeoRageX is a Neo Geo emulator for Windows. However it wouldn't run on Windows XP, well it does now, simply visit this page http://www.neodump.cjb.net/ and download this http://members.ams.chello.nl/w.zwart/setup.exe It is a patched up NeoRageX with a full installer that will work under Windows XP.
  13. pmistry

    The Official UT 2003 thread

    I used to love the original Unreal Tournament and would play online and with bots for hours on end, I even spent a ton of time downloading maps from the web. However, I grew tired of it after awhile and started playing Quake 3. I love Quake 3 its smooth, has great weapon balance, and in my opinion requires more skill than UT. UT's weapon balance is terrible, Flak cannon, rocket launchers, and miniguns pretty much rule, everything else is weak. Now UT2003 is out, I played the demo and it didn't really grab me, it was fun for a bit, but the graphics are good, but the gameplay feels awkward and the weapons are somewhat unbalanced, I think I get this feeling because UT has alternate fire and Quake does not. In any case I will be giving UT 2003 a pass.
  14. pmistry

    Audigy 2

    Anyone looking forward to the new Audigy 2?
  15. pmistry

    Audigy 2

    Yeah you are probably right, basically an Audigy with features bolted on.
  16. pmistry

    Audigy 2

    What if you were using a Live Value card still? How would the Audigy 2 compare to it?
  17. pmistry

    MSHearts on NT4

    I'd be happy to. Post your email here please, so I can send it. Your NT Compatible profile will only send an email via their system.
  18. pmistry

    Windows NT 4.0 can not install

    If your hard disk is connected to the motherboard since you didn't state clearly that you are using a PCI IDE ATA66 controller, you might need the updated ATAPI.SYS file for Winnt4 so it can work with larger hard disks.
  19. pmistry

    Quake 2 Function Pointers Have Moved

    I've used pretty much every Microsoft OS and have played Quake 2 on them all, these are all clean installs. Under 9x or ME or 2000 Pro, I don't get this Quake 2 error. I can save a game fine and load a game fine too, if I try this in Windows XP I can save a game fine but when I try to load it, I get that function pointers have moved error. My Quake 2 CD is already v3.2 and it includes Q2 CTF as well.
  20. pmistry

    Quake 2 Function Pointers Have Moved

    Yeah it happens under the Reckoning as well for me, but Ground Zero and Quake 2 are affected as well, it must be a problem with v3.2 or something.
  21. pmistry

    Fear of formatting...

    I hear ya Brian. With all of our knowledge with PCs its amazing how some people do not know how to use them. There are some people I know who are taking introductory computer classes, a course intended for those new to computers, but they took it for the easy 100. I mean assignments are to format floppy disks, type in MS Word, things like that. They told me on the first day that some people were scared that there was a mouse in the classroom.
  22. pmistry

    Unreal Tournament 2003

    Things like this really piss me off too man.
  23. pmistry

    Fear of formatting...

    Quote: Is he afraid of losing data? I have a feeling there's something that I'm missing here.... He's afraid that a format could bring up bad sectors and stuff. Told him he's got a good quality drive, (western digital) and disk checking shows no problems, really he has nothing to worry about.
  24. pmistry

    1000th Post

    Geeez, I got 600+.........man we have no lives
  25. pmistry

    MS DOS Problem with Windows 2000

    Its easy to blame the problem on upgrading from Windows ME, while it does work, it isn't really supported by Microsoft. If you ever get the chance, clean install later on.