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Everything posted by pmistry

  1. pmistry

    Aureal 8830 5.1 sound card and i need some help

    Is Aureal the manufacturer or is there another party involved like Vortex or Diamond?
  2. pmistry

    Online merchants

    dragon.ca is good for games.
  3. pmistry

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    Man with Windows going to a 3D GUI, don't you think that will butcher the frame rates of games if the computer is using 3D acceleration on the desktop as well, since part of the desktop is still stored in memory. I mean screw computers sometimes, the old ways were the best, man how I miss MS-DOS 6.22!
  4. pmistry

    Now What's The Better Choice, W2K SP3 or WXP SP1?

    Here are some facts: Windows XP will be more thoroughly supported than Windows 2000, simply because Windows XP has that Home use labelled on it along with corporate use, so for games XP will be better. Windows XP has better gaming support than Windows 2000, alot of people say they are equal, they aren't. XP has more patches applied to it so that it can run some DOS games with sound and can run some 9x games that Windows 2000 can't out of the box, and I will use my infamous example of Need For Speed High Stakes. Windows 2000 will be dead before Windows XP and will be phased out in a couple of more years, probably alongside Windows Millennium. This is happening as we speak to Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98. ATI doesn't even deliver official drivers for 98 anymore because Microsoft has stopped accepting WHQL submissions for 98 and NT4. ATI says you can use the Windows ME drivers, but they are not officially supported. I don't like Windows XP's interface either, it looks stupid, the fix? Use classic mode. Face it though, future versions of Windows may not even have the classic interface, uh oh! If you hate all the things that come with XP, and its lack of "OPTIONAL COMPONENTS" like Windows Messenger, Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, MSN Explorer, simply blame Microsoft, or get on the Internet and spend 5 hours trying to uninstall the stuff you didn't want installed in the first place. The moral of this useless rant is simple, when it comes to Microsoft Windows OSes none of them is superior to the other, each one has a flaw, 2000 is games compatibility, XP is bloated, Millennium is odd, 98 crashes, NT4 has no USB, blah blah blah. If you ask me which Windows OS is the best, the best answer is its a tie, they all suck.
  5. pmistry

    The Best MP3-CD Burning Program?

    Nero will do the trick, but so will any other CD-R software, just burn the MP3s to a disc and then play them in your MP3 CD player. Also check out Acoustica's MP3 Burner program at www.acoustica.com
  6. Maybe this will help you out, http://atlas.hemmet.chalmers.se/livecenter/showpage.php?name=sb16 This page has downloadable SB Emulation drivers and gives instructions on creating a Boot Disk to play DOS Games with sound.
  7. pmistry

    HELP, concerning games with QUAKEIII engine

    Just don't upgrade a 9x installation to an NT one, it just causes pain, just like the previous GL Quake thread here on NT Compatible, install clean. Upgrading over 2000 is ok, but if you can avoid it and start clean it would be good to do so.
  8. pmistry

    NFS3 TCPIP network not working on Win2k SP2

    I could never get TCP/IP with NFS 3 under Windows 2000 either, it just probably doesn't pick up the network settings correctly.
  9. pmistry

    MSHearts on NT4

    I just sent it, hope it works.
  10. pmistry

    GLQuake under winXP

    Ouch if even DOS Quake won't run then I really don't know. The sound for DOS Quake probably might give XP a fit though. Try using WinQuake.
  11. pmistry

    CD BURNER HELP!!!!!!

    It is probably defective now, but check inside the PC and see if the IDE and power cables are all snugly fit, something may have jarred loose.
  12. pmistry

    GLQuake under winXP

    I am thinking you had some sort of conflict between the OpenGL drivers for NT and 9x since you stated that you upgraded your 9x install to XP. You usually don't want to do this since this is what happens. Quake should run fine under XP without any compatibility patches applied.
  13. pmistry

    What CD-RW do u recommend?

    LG, they are cheap and get the job done quite well. If you need information on CD-RW drives this is an excellent site to get such information http://www.cdrlabs.com/ I have an LG 32x/10x/40x and it is quiet, fast, compatible with tons of media and will read anything I throw at it, the 8 MB buffer is good too.
  14. pmistry

    MSHearts on NT4

    I've got MS Hearts in a ZIP file that worked fine on Win2000 for me, which should work for NT, if you would like I can email it to you, since you have selected to hide your email address, I will need you to post it here.
  15. pmistry

    GLQuake under winXP

    What version of Quake are you running? I have 1.08 and I believe it is the latest and last patch for Quake. If you can't find 1.08 try going to at least 1.06. GL Quake (unofficial) from Id is at 1.13 which is alot newer then the 0.95 you are running.
  16. pmistry

    For the old DOS gamers: OpenGL ports of CLASSICS!

    Evolved has really impressed me, the fogging looks great and for once Q2 isn't dark, the engine has adjustable intensity and lighting settings. For me I have to keep the brightness really high since the game is just too dark. I used to use a utility called Q2Gamma, but while makes the colors look brighter the game still looks WAY too dark in some areas. They have a ton of more improvements to implement, I was reading most of them at the PlanetQuake forums, they are quite eager with this project. Should be a good one.
  17. pmistry

    NFS: High Stakes won't work

    Quote: Strange, I could never get to work with SP2 but after I installed SP3 and the App Comp ToolKit 2.6 that came out post-SP3 (2.5 in SP3) and installed it using the instructions here I got it working. Only problem is that the game doesnt save my video settings, so every time I launch the game I have to adjust the graphic settings, but it works. Yeah anytime I got the game to work, I had the exact same problem.
  18. pmistry

    Best Motherboard for AMD Athlon if possible

    I guess Nforce + AMD make a good pairing. VIA + AMD = a decent system too, but VIA chipsets are prone for problems here and there. Intel + Intel = really stable system for almost everybody, its just that the Intel chipset lacks features like DDR333 which the SiS 648 and 645DX sets offer.
  19. pmistry

    For the old DOS gamers: OpenGL ports of CLASSICS!

    It is quite amazing what amateur mod guys can do these days.
  20. pmistry

    For the old DOS gamers: OpenGL ports of CLASSICS!

    Keep your eyes on this sucker: Quake 2 Evolved http://www.planetquake.com/blur/news.htm http://www.planetquake.com/blur/screenshots.htm Now that is impressive...
  21. pmistry

    How to slim down WinXP Pro?

    Quote: I think I would just buy a DVD player. That was good...
  22. pmistry

    NFS: High Stakes won't work

    Yeah High Stakes is the absolute worst game to get working under Windows 2000. If you are going to install with the method here on NTCompatible, it only works with SP2 or lower, I tried with SP3 and it wouldn't work. If you get the files are corrupt then their is no chance of it working. If you get a patch restart, try adding the -d3d1 parameter so NFS will work with your 3D card. Other than that, search the forums for High Stakes you will come across many frustrated users and some possible solutions.
  23. pmistry

    UT 2003 Demo

    Runs fairly well on my lowly 750 Athlon. The Radeon 8500 helps me here as I can play up to 1024 without too much of a fuss with some 2X or 4X Anio. Honestly I really didn't like it, the announcer's voice is quite annoying, and the game feels much different compared to the original Unreal Tournament, which I played ALOT when it came out but then got bored of it. The graphics are nice but something is just not right....still liking Q3. Maybe the final version will be better, I installed it under 98 SE, didn't want to mess around with my 2000 install, but had some crashes.
  24. pmistry


    Agreed Alec, I mean you got over 2000+ posts here, I am still working in the 500 range here, but I mean even 500 is alot of posts for one forum, you get that special feeling of being a veteran or something...
  25. pmistry


    Welcome to the forums.