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Everything posted by kux

  1. kux

    Live Motion

    Anyone have a sulution on how to install "subject" under Win Millenium ?. It says it wont install under win95. No update seems to be avai.... at Adobe. Thx Kux ----------------- Hmmmmmmmm
  2. kux

    Diamond Monster Sound

    Well the file is more than 10 megs Ur server complained Let me know what u want done. :-) Kux ---------------- have phun
  3. kux

    Diamond Monster Sound

    Hi! This may sound wierd. But i have a driver that gives u all the features of MX300. i found a link here on this board LONG ago. Well ! i have a can mail it if u want it. Here\s some infoAU8830 Windows 2000 Driver README.TXT ======================================================================= This is the Vortex AU8830 Windows 2000 driver version 4.10.2500 CONTENTS I. Overview A. Windows 2000 system requirements B. New features II. Quick start III. Software Installation A. Driver installation B. Uninstalling the drivers Kux ----------------- Have Phun
  4. well! I was like HUH! when i read this. My provider told me that this controller u have doesnt support CD-Roms. That could be the prob :-) I dont know. If u r 100% sure that it does Plz let me know. Kux ---------------- Have phun
  5. kux

    Win 2k and Fastrak Raid card

    When i first installed this item. The manual said. U MUST install the card before attaching HD,s to it. Worked for me This is ofcourse only with a current install. U dont need this procedure under 98 :-). Just in case. Kux ------------------- Have phun
  6. kux

    Dual Monitor

    Does win 2000 really work with this topic ? Seems that way from other posts!. But i have it working in 98 ! and when i boot 2000, NO matter what i do it wont work ? Any ideas! Thx Kux the 2'nd card is S3-virge375
  7. kux

    Dual Monitor

    Thx u guys :-) Ill try what u said. I bow for wisdom! Kux --------- Have phun
  8. kux

    Dual Monitor

    1'st card is a tnt2-ultra-deluxe IF i change it in the bios! then wont 98 fu.. up ?. It just says! unable to start this item ! Could it be that 98 supports the card "virge" BUT not 2000 ?. Thx Kux
  9. kux

    Dual Monitor

    The manual of Win98 sec. edi. says! For dual U must use PCI. Is there a tricky way of getting it to run with, Agp/Pci ? 2. How about Win 2000 (havent tried) Thx ;-) Kux -------------- Have Phun http://www.shadowkasters.com
  10. kux

    Dual Monitor

    Thx. U guys So the manual is wrong ! i had a feeling about that :-) And no im not gonna change MY G-force for a Dualhead! ;-) Gr8 Help Thx again Kux -------- Have phun http://www.shadowkasters.com