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About marlyman

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  1. marlyman

    Boot Block Problem

    what drivers did u update??? what scsi card do u use???
  2. marlyman

    quake3 and smp

    right i know the command r_smp 1 , but the machine locks up 3 seconds into quake 3. works fine without smp but still id like to get it working. any ideas?? dual p3 500mgz gfroce annialtor 256 ddr pro 256 mb ram 5.16 detonators and 3.18.
  3. marlyman

    virtual desktops ofr win2k

    does anyone know of a freeware virtual desktop manager for win2k??
  4. marlyman


    my machine used to lock up with any graphic intensive games. it drove mte mad for months. i was using a tnt2 ultra. i discovered the problem months later. the fan on the card had begun to get clogged with dirt and was slowing down gradually. try oiling the fan ( be careful ) and see if thats ur problem.
  5. marlyman

    lcd display

    can anyone tell me where i can get a 6 inch flatscreen ( ie no big backing or ray tubes) lcd display? im building a mobile car mp3 player. ------------------
  6. marlyman

    gravis gamepad pro

    k lads im having a terrible time trying to get this working in win2k and its really beginning to bug me. i can only get 4 buttons working. the gravis site is fecked so i cant get the beta drivers. any help???
  7. send me a file, il look into it
  8. marlyman

    Couple of problems

    this may or may not help k (so i wont be the cause of the most spectular crash u may see). go into ur bios, go to the acpi function ( advanced configuratio and power interface ). all the rc's worked regardless of a few settings in acpi. fiddle around here a bit. it WILL cause crashes but thats where ull sort it out
  9. marlyman

    random lockups in win2k

    lads how can any of ye say for certain ( or even speculate ) what is and isnt the problem. there could be an absolute mine of stuff causing this pc to lock up. my advice is stop listening to other peoples advise and READ THE FUKIN MANUAL. by that i mean read all the doucumentation on ur bios can and cant do, resolve the with ur hardware requirements and bingo, the pc works again
  10. marlyman

    Xentor 32

    go to ur bios where it says pnp os, just change that to the opposite of what it is. turn off all video shadow cachind aswell problim fixed
  11. marlyman

    Soldiers of Fortune

    ok right now im fuming. i got soldiers of fortune, installed it ( and the patch ) and it crashes the whole pc, every time. ive used every tip i can find, includin using power user accounts. i have the detonator 5.XX drivers. the spec of the machine is below. help would be appreciated dual p3 500, 256 mb ecc ram, 100 Mhz guillemot tnt2 ultra, chaintech 6bdu board creative sblive