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Claus Hansen Ries

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Everything posted by Claus Hansen Ries

  1. Claus Hansen Ries

    ICQ2000a beta - Memory Issue...

    im running the latest build, and it uses between 3 to 10 Mbytes on my k2-350 128 depending on how many "chat" windows i have running
  2. Claus Hansen Ries

    Scandisk countdown

    Now i didn't test this, but if you start a command prompt ( under program->assoccories ) and execute: chkntfs /? can you see a option /T: which is said to change the auto countdown value chkntfs /T returns current setting chkntfs /T:1 sets it to 1 second [This message has been edited by Claus Hansen Ries (edited 28 April 2000).]