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Everything posted by Flatline

  1. Flatline

    soundblaster awe64 gold

    I'm using this sound card with win2000 and cubase vst 3.7 r2 . It seems the program can't see the direct sound driver of the sound card. I can use it only with the standard MME driver. I had similar problems with some other music programs using directsound (like tuareg). But when I get into dxdiag.exe everything seems to work. Anyone knows if the standard w2k drivers for that card have built-in directsound support?
  2. I have two partitions on my hd. In the first i'm using win98SE, in the second i use Win2k. I'm choosing between the two OS with the boot loader of win2k. If I should reinstall win98SE, I guess I should lose the dual boot, because the install process could do a sort of "sys C:" . Am I wrong? With the win2k emergency disks, I've been once able only to repair the win2k boot: I mean, the system was booting (before it was not) but without the dual boot... What I'm supposed to do?
  3. Flatline

    HELP!! New motherboard --> win2k BSOD

    Well, win98 just did redetect the whole thing without any kind of problem, so I thought I could do the same thing in win2k... Anyway, yes, I'm using an ata66 hd on this controller, while the previous mobo didn't support it, so the hd was running as an u33... I could try disabling it... I did made a backup of the important things, so in effect, reinstalling the system could be the right choice...
  4. Flatline

    HELP!! New motherboard --> win2k BSOD

    I just changed the old p2b-s I had with a vt6x4. When I try to start w2k, i get a BSOD just after it starts loading: it seems something like w2k can't find the hd controller.... How can I fix the things (apart from reinstalling the whole thing?)