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About Pyroxy

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  1. I have an OEM Adaptec AIC-7855 SCSI card (AHA-2930) in a DFI K6BV3+2 MB / AMD K6-2-400 / 384MB RAM and the card is on an IRQ all by itself. I have a Plextor CDR, a Seagate Hawk 4.3GB, a 1GB Jaz and a Panasonic CR-508 CDROM on the card. They all work fine in NT4 and Win98 as well as in safe mode under Win2k. I can only see the drives hanging on this card when booted in safe mode, when booted normally the card appears fine, but no drives appear. I have used both the stock drivers in Win2k as well as the new drivers from Adaptec. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the card multiple times, as well as tried it in all PCI slots on my MB. What is the difference in how Win2k handles SCSI in safe mode and booted normal? Any insight or suggestions here? This is puzzling as heck, I would think I could see the drives when booted normally instead of when booted safe mode. This seems backwards. I think this is some sort of a Win2k bug as I obviously have the SCSI set up right or else there would be other problems. TIA ------------------ Pyroxy Is it time for another tea party? http://ns2.misproductions.com:8000/listen.pls Use Winamp or the latest Real Player [This message has been edited by Pyroxy (edited 04 May 2000).] [This message has been edited by Pyroxy (edited 04 May 2000).]